Definitions Flashcards
Acid Rain
Rain, snow or fog created after sulphur dioxide and nitric oxides mix with water vapour. AP kills vegetation and lakes turn acid.
A scientist who studies the earth
Oil sand
An area that has bitumen covering individual particles of sand
Alternative Energy Sources
Energy from natural and renewable sources such as solar, wind, and biomass energy
Global Warming
The current rise in the average temperature of Earth’s air and oceans due to greenhouse gases being related into the atmosphere
Open pit mining
Holes are drilled into the ground and filled with explosives. Rocks are blasted and removed from the site. Does the most damage to the earth.
An oil like substance
Greenhouse Effect
When heat is trapped near the Earth’s surface by greenhouse gas
Rock that contains enough minerals to make mining profitable
Carbon Dioxide
An odourless and non-flammable gas
Water held underground
Productive land
Land that has produced crops within the previous 5 years
Carbon Fixation
When organic molecules are formed from inorganic carbon
Secondary Recovery
The extraction of crude oil from an oil field that cannot be extracted otherwise
Carbon Sink
Keeper of carbon, like plankton and forests, that exchange carbon with the atmosphere in cycle, helping to protect the planet from global warming.
Selective Cutting
Harvesting only mature trees of the desired size, type, and quality
Carbon Sources
Releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
Hydrological Cycle
How water renews itself on a continual basis
Shelter wood Logging
Clear cutting only parts of an old growth forest
Loggers remove all trees
Industrial minerals
Non-metal and non-fuel mineral resources
Extraction of ore involving heating and melting
Commercial Forests
Have trees that can be harvested for profit
In-stream use
Water used without removing it from the lake or river.
Ex: Transportation, Fisheries, Recreation
Strip mining
Used to extract minerals such as coal or oil sands that are located in horizontal layers near the surface
Coniferous Trees
Cone bearing trees with needle leaves
Deciduous Trees
Trees that lose their leaves every year
Non-Commercial Forests
Unlikely to be cut down for industrial use
Mixed Forests
A forest region with warmer temperatures, longer growing seasons and high precipitation. Types of Trees include Fir and Spruce, Coniferous, Deciduous and Hardwood.
Conventional Energy Sources
Commonly used and generally non-renewable sources such as natural gas, coal, hydro and nuclear energy.
Consumed Water
Water that is consumed by humans and livestock or “lost” into the atmosphere through evaporation and transpiration.
Drainage Basin
An area of land where water from rain or snow melt drains downhill into a body of water such as a river, lake, wetland or ocean.
Withdrawal Use
Actual removal of of water from the water body
Ex: Agriculture, mining, livestock
Non-Withdrawal Uses
Water that is not removed from it’s source when it’s used.
Ex: Hydro-electric generator
Swamps, Marshes, Bogs
An area of land that drains or “sheds” water into a specific water body
Our ability to maintain a high quality of life for all people (humans)
Hydro Electric Generating Station
Mechanical energy that is produced by moving water
Thermal Electric Generating Station
Mechanical energy that is produced by expanding steam by burning coal, oil and natural gas
Nuclear Electric Generating Station
Mechanical energy that is produced by expanding steam from nuclear fission
Ecological Footprint
A way of measuring the demand we place in the environment
Energy Efficient
Appliances, vehicles, etc. that use up less energy than non-efficient supplies.
Fair Earthshare
The amount of land people would get if evenly divided.
Fossil Fuels
Non-renewable and burned to produce energy.
Ex: Oil and natural gas
Metallic Mineral
When refined they form metals. Mined for their beauty and rareness. AKA precious metals. Often mined for their strength or other unique properties such as conducting electricity.
Ex: Iron, Copper, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Nickel
The beginning process of creating “ore concentrate” where waste rock is removed
A naturally occurring, pure, non-living substance found in the rocks of the earth.
Mineral Reserve
A portion of a mineral resource that is economically mineable
Underground Mining
Used to extract mineral ores located deep in the earth. Does the least damage to the environment.
Renewable Resource
A resource that replaces itself unless badly mismanaged
Ex: Trees grow to replace those cut down or lost to fire or disease; polluted air is cleaned by the environment
Non-Renewable Resource
Once they are removed form the earth, they will not be replaced in our life times.
- Can be stored for a considerable length of time after being extracted
- Most are not living organisms
Ex: Mineral resources (oil, gas, coal, copper)
Water materials from the smelting process - water, chemicals, rock particles) that are poisonous and must be disposed of