Definitions Flashcards
An act or omission done deliberately to:
A) commit the act
B) Get a specific result
Cameron v R:
Recklessness is established if the defendant recognised that there was a real possibility that their actions would bring about the proscribed result or that the proscribed conditions existed, and having regard to teh risk, those actions were unreasonable.
Damage by Fire
The damage must be causally linked to a fire. This includes scorching, charring, melting, blistering of paint or significant smoke damage.
Fire is a combustion reaction between a fuel and oxygen triggered by heat.
Real and personal property
S2(1) Crimes Act 1961
Without claim of right
Without belief to a proprietory or possessory right to property at the time the act is committted. The belief can be incorrect.
S2(1) Crimes Act 1961
Immovable property
Real and personal property that is fixed in place and is unable to be moved without considerable effort.
A contrivance equipped with wheels tracks or revolving runners on which is moves or is moved.
S2(A) LTA 1998
Any vessel that is used for navigation
Any machine that can derive support in the atmostphere.
No interest
A person neither owns nor leases nor has control of
Not defined by statute - see R v Morley
Obtain any benefit
Any benefit, pecuniary advantage, privilege, property, service or valuable consideration
Grievous bodily harm
Really serious harm - DPP v SMITH
Any person
A person recognised by judicial notice or circumstantial evidence
Breaking of the skin evidenced by the flow of blood. Can be internal or external. - R v WATERS
Mutilating, crippling or disabling a part of the body to deny the victim use of that limb or sense.
Deform or deface as to alter appearance.
Actual bodily harm.
S2(1) Crimes Act 1961
Cause effect on the mind or nervous system of a person which really seriously interferes with that person’s mental or physical ability
Without a belief that there was expressed or implied consent.
Moving the property or causing it to be moved.
To obtain by coercion or intimidation
Offensive weapon
Any article made, altered or intended by the person having it with them for use for causing bodily injury.
S202A Crimes Act 1961