Definitions Flashcards
What is a disaster?
When you need help from outside your country to deal with an incident
What is a complex emergency?
A combination of any of:
- natural disaster
- conflict
- famine
- mass population movement
- social and political breakdown
What are the factors in typhoon creation?
Warm sea temp
Atmospheric instability
High humidity
Coriolis force
What is war?
The process of organised and purposeful use of violence of one human group against another
What is symmetric warfare?
When both sides are equal
What is asymmetric warfare?
When the sides are unequal
What is a protracted struggle?
Terrorist war
What is the manouverist approach?
Exploitation of uncertainty
What is technocentric warfare?
The use of remote weapons and drones
What is an example of a hollow organ?
Colon/stomach etc
What is shock?
Generalised state of hypoperfusion
What is international humanitarian law?
Rules which (in times of armed conflict)
Protect people who are no longer taking part in hostilities
Restrict the methods and means of warfare employed
What is a protected person?
A person who cannot be harmed under IHL - civilian or injured person
What is virtue ethics?
Morals you are born with that gives you the basis for ethical decisions
What is consequentialism?
Consequences of your actions (its right to do A because doing B would cause ____)
What is deontology?
The set of rules that we follow that never change
What is an emergency?
Anything that changes your normal course
What is classed as maternal death?
Death of women while pregnant or within 6 weeks of termination of pregnancy from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy
What is a process indicator?
Shows us the changes in the conditions that lead to an outcome
What is a humanitarian space?
Operational environment that allows humanitarians to provide assistance and services according to IHL
What is a refugee?
Person that has crossed an international border
What is a displaced person?
Someone that has moved within their own country
What is epidemiology?
The study of diseases in human populations in order to promote, protect and restore health
What is surveillance?
The ongoing systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of data in order to plan, implement and evaluate public health interventions
What is a city/town?
Large populated area
What is an urban area?
The physical expanse of cities, the area of continuous urban development
What is a metropolitan area?
A densely populated urban core and its less populated surrounding territories
What is an epidemic?
The occurrence in a defined region of cases of a disease in the human population in excess of normal expected numbers
What is a pandemic?
An epidemic occurring worldwide or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people
What is a quarantine?
Restrict the movement of well persons who may’ve been exposed to prevent the spread of disease to the healthy
What is isolation?
Separate ill people with a communicable disease from those that are healthy
What is R0?
Expected number of cases directly generated by one case in a population where all individuals are susceptible to infection
What is Rt?
Number of cases in the current state of population, which does not have to be the uninfected state
What is triage?
The sorting of casualties, assignment of treatment and evacuation priorities to the wounded at each echelon of medical care
What is a mass casualty incident?
When number of patients > resources available
What is a multiple casualty incident?
Resources available = number of patients
What is a major incident?
Situation needing greater than normal response from an emergency service
What is the wilderness?
Region uninhabited by humans
What is a cardiac tamponade?
Buildup of blood between heart and pericardial sac
What is Cardiogenic shock?
When the heart is not pumping properly
What is neurogenic shock?
Loss of sympathetic reflexes
What happens in septic shock?
Blood pooling in extremities
What are minimum standards?
Universal and quite general
What is a key action?
Outline suggested practical steps to reach the standards
What are key indicators?
Things that tell you if the standard is being reached
Context and time specific