Definitions Flashcards
Teleological approach
the study of functions or the “why” things work in a particular way, with an eye to the adaptive significance of a particular organismic process
emergent properties
Emergent properties are something that cannot be predicted to exist by knowing system’s parts and result from nonlinear interactions of system’s parts (e.g. intelligence, emotions, etc.). ; characteristics gained when an organism becomes part of a bigger system; the human body has emergent properties that cannot be predicted to exist by knowing system’s parts resulting from nonlinear interactions of system’s parts (e.g. intelligence, emotions, etc.)
Translational research
the application of integrated mechanisms and functions; the application of basic biomedical research to life issues (e.g. insights from drug suppression food intake in rodents was later translated in the treatment of diabetes) ; involves moving knowledge and discovery gained from the basic sciences to its application in clinical and community settings -or the application of basic biomedical research to life issues (e.g. insights from drug suppression food intake in rodents was later translated in the treatment of diabetes).
integrative physiology
a particular focus of physiology that is the study of integration of functions across multiple levels of organization; levels of organization vary from the molecular level to ecosystems and biosphere, from atoms to the way inhabitants of specific species cohabit ecosystems and the biosphere; it requires the development and use of a conceptual framework (the “getting of the big picture”). It is devoted to encompassing the broader aspects of physiology that involve the integration of mechanisms and regulatory functions at all biological levels
The ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic connections, especially in response to learning or experience or following injury; one of the most important consequences of body-environment interactions; One of the most important consequences of body-environment interactions. The ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic connections, especially in response to learning or experiences or following injury. The ability of neuronal pathways to grow/adapt/reorganize
the interaction of genes with their environment that brings their phenotype into being; genes are not the blueprints of heredity and evolution, they are templates to be used by systemsl How genetic material is activated or deactivated - that is, expressed - in different contexts and situations
the body’s ability to maintain relatively stable internal conditions, in spite of continuously changing external environments; not an unchanging state nor equilibrium, but a dynamic steady state; a relatively stable disequilibrium
transverse plane
Imaginary plane that divides the body into superior and inferior parts
Phenotypic polymorphism
Variation from alternate forms of distinct phenotypes. Can be influenced by genes and environment
Phenotypic polymorphism is a consequence of developmental plasticity, in which the trajectories of developing organisms diverge under the influence of cues. Environmental and genetic phenotype determination are the two main categories of polymorphic development. ; A consequence of developmental plasticity. The trajectories of developing organisms diverge under the influence of cues from genes and environment. Caused by gene ‘mutations’ or variants. ; genetic mutation - refers to the presence in the same population of two or more alternative forms of a distinct phenotype such as flower color. These can occur in any morphological, behavioral, or physiological trait, and in any coding or noncoding segment of DNA (nucleus, mitochondria, or chloroplast).
universality of cellular functioning
Cells vary in shape, size, and function but they have the same basic parts: nucleus, cytoplasm and membrane.
Smallest of the glial cells. They act as phagocytes, engulfing and breaking down dead and dying neurons. They protect the brain from invading microorganisms. They are primarily responsible for the inflammatory reaction in response to brain damage.
enzymatic degradation
the breakdown of chemicals by enzymes; one of the two mechanisms for deactivating released neurotransmitters; can happen before or after reuptake
an organelle in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur - powerhouse of the cell ; cell organelle that generates most of the chemical energy needed to power the cell’s biochemical reactions. Chemical energy produced by the mitochondria is stored in a small molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
afraid of water; lipid bilayer of cells are composed of hydrophobic tails and hydrophilic heads. Hydrophobic cell membranes prevent water molecules from entering or exiting cells. As seen in the blood brain barrier and cell membranes
the glial cells that make up the myelin sheath inside the brain; glial cells that myelinate axons of the central nervous system (CNS)
the drawing back into the terminal button of neurotransmitter molecules after their release into the synapse; the most common mechanism for deactivating a released neurotransmitter; The cell utilizes special transporter molecules to bring back the neurotransmitters from the synaptic cleft back into the cytoplasm.
presynaptic receptors; quality control, like policing receptors; can help activate homeostatic processes to maintain balance in the synapse; a type of metabotropic receptor located on the presynaptic membrane that bind to their neuron’s own neurotransmitters; Regulates internal processes, including the synthesis and release of the NT - send a negative feedback loop to modulate the presynaptic neuron’s release of NTs
radial glia
Progenitor glial cells that aid in neuronal development. They exit in the neuronal tube during neural migration and form network along which radial migration occurs
Neurons created in early cerebral development that help guide the migration of newly formed neurons from the ventricular zone to their final resting place in the cerebral cortex by allowing neurons to attach to the cells as they stretch radially with the neural wall in its development
migratory cells that climb the axon and then resume the structure of an astrocyte; glial cells that exist in the neural tube during the period of neural migration and that form a network along which radial migration occurs; some radial glial cells are stem cells
Synaptic vesicles
Small, rounded vessels that contain molecules of the NT which they release from the terminal button via exocytosis in response to an action potential
response to stimuli; one of the two important functional characteristics of neurons; neural conduction is the response to a stimulus by converting it into a nerve impulse
; The ability of a neuron to respond to stimuli by converting it into a nerve impulse (neural conduction)
Choroid plexi
specialized regions attached to the walls of the ventricles; their tissue is quite similar to kidney tissue, with capillaries and transporting epithelium–glial lining of the ventricles; the networks of capillaries that protrude into the ventricles from the pia mater and produce CSF; The highly vascular tissue that protrudes into the ventricles and produces cerebrospinal fluid. The production is a continuous process. This tissue is quite similar to kidney tissue, with capillaries and transporting epithelium
a mesencephalic structure that participates in the storage of memories of learned sensorimotor skills, and is involved with muscle tonus, posture, and coordination; The cerebellum sits dorsally to the pons, a highly neuron-dense part of the brain, with four times more neurons than the cortex, with a surface with multiple narrow folds (folia); involved with muscle tonus, equilibrium and posture, motor learning and coordination, coordination of many mental processes, skilled motor activity, and sleep-wake cycle; receives input from the vestibular system, sensory-perceptual zones. It is involved in multiple processes - but not initiating
Cerebrospinal fluid
salty, very similar constitution to blood plasma without red blood cells and very little protein; secreted by choroid plexi; flows from the ventricles into the subarachnoid space surrounding the entire brain and spinal cord; provides the CNS with both physical–padding and buoyancy–and chemical–regulated extracellular liquid environment–protection; the lateral ventricles generate most of the CSF
barrier that limits the passage of substances from the bloodstream to neurons and protects the brain from toxins and unwanted substances; composed of tight epithelial cells of the blood capillaries and a layer of glial cells; The blood-brain-barrier protects the CNS, selectively permitting only some substances to enter - protecting the neurons from unwanted toxins and blood substances. Helps regulate the composition of fluids in the brain, protecting neuronal transmission. It is composed of tight cells (epithelial) of the blood capillaries and a layer of glial cells (astrocytes). The BBB is more permeable in the area postrema, pineal gland, and posterior pituitary gland. Medications have to be lipid permeable to cross the barrier.
Reticular Formation
(involved in arousal, sleep, muscle tonus, stretch reflexes, and coordination of various involuntary processes such as breathing, blood pressure regulation, pain modulation), is also located the brain stem; A large network of neural tissue located in the central region of the brain stem, from the lower border of the medulla to the upper border of the midbrain. Is the core of the brain stem, receives sensory info by means of visual pathways and projects axons to the cerebral cortex, thalamus and spinal cord. Plays a role in sleep and arousal, attention, muscle tone, movement, and various vital reflexes. Also plays a role in pain, blood pressure, and stretch reflexes. Is the nuclear plant of the brain - sends arousal to all parts of the NS
Superior Colliculi
Structure of the tectum that is superior to the inferior colliculi. It is part of the visual system and in mammals it is primarily involved with visual reflexes and reactions to moving stimuli.
Part of the diencephalon and is the center for many homeostatic processes; involved in autonomic processes; reciprocates tracts with multiple brain regions (e.g. reticular formation, cortical structures, etc.) ; involved in regulation of the autonomic nervous system, control of the anterior and posterior pituitary glands, and integration of species-typical behaviors. Center for many homeostatic processes. Reciprocates tracts with multiple brain regions. Bridge between CNS, ANS, the endoneurological/hormonal system, and their impact on the body.
dura matter
The outermost of the meninges, tough and flexible but unstretchable. The layer closest to the skull. Protects our brain from bacteria in the environment; outermost meninge protecting the CNS, this is also the thickest of the 3 membranes and it enfolds the arachnoid membrain and pia mater in addition to the rest of the CNS
Projection fibers
nerve fibers that connect the cortex with other parts of the brain and spinal cord, various functions.; Sets of axons that arise from cell bodies located in one region of the brain and synapses on neurons located within other regions - they project to these regions. Help with giving messages to the thalamus.
Foramen Magnum
The hole in the base of the skull through which the spinal cord passes through.
Enteric Nervous System
everything related to the gut; functions almost autonomously, but can be modified by the PNS and the SNS; controls motility and secretions of the gastrointestinal tract; has over 100 million neurons; contains many neurotransmitters, such as 5-HT, Substance P, VIP and CGRP; the vagus is a significant link to the ENS; Part of the ANS - functions almost autonomously, but can be modified by the parasympathetic and SNS. Controls motility and secretions of the GI tract. Has over 100 million neurons (more than the entire spinal cord). Contains many neurotransmitters, such as 5-HT, Substance P, VIP (vasoactive intestinal peptide), and CGRP (calcitonin gene-related peptide). Uses vagal nerve.
Dorsal root ganglion
Rounded swellings of the dorsal root. Contains the cell bodies that give rise to the axons that bring somatosensory info to the spinal cord.
Central canal
a hollow part (almost center) of the spinal cord that allows cerebrospinal fluid to go through the entire spinal cord; runs the length of the spinal cord
cranial nerves
12 pairs of cranial nerves, named after the order they leave the brain. Most of these nerves serve sensory and motor functions of the head and neck region. Vagus nerve is number 10 and it regulates the functions of organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavities - called a cranial nerve because it leaves the brain stem region to the rest of the body.
1. olfactory; 2. optic; 3,4,6:eye movements; 5. Trigerminal (jaw muscle); 7. Facial; 8. Auditory; 9. Glossopharyngeal (muscles of throat and larynx); 10. Vagus; 11-12: neck muscles and Tongue movements. ; a set of 12 nerve pairs 11 of which originate in the brain stem (olfactory originating in forebrain) which correspond to various sensory systems
a group of muscles innervated from a single spinal motor nerve or a particular ventral root; familiarity also allows dx of level of spinal cord injury
adrenal medulla
the core of each adrenal gland, which releases epinephrine and norepinephrine in response to stressors which potentiate and prolong sympathetic responses; stimulated by the sympathetic NS. Sits atop kidneys; Controls hormones that initiate the flight or fight response
A skin area supplied by a single pair of posterior (dorsal) roots. An area of skin in which sensory nerves derive from a single spinal nerve root. ; an area of skin ennervated by a single afferent spinal nerve
Cauda Equina
A bundle of spinal nerves which arise from the lower end of the spinal cord, occupying the inner structure of lumbar-sacral vertebrae - spans the end of the lumbar and the beginning of the sacral region
Ventral roots
The efferent motor root of a spinal nerve so named as it is located ventrally to the dorsal root and spine; The spinal root that contains outgoing (efferent) motor fibers. Carries motor information from the spinal cord to the rest of the body
the tenth cranial nerve, made up of a left and right vagus nerve. Longest nerve of the autonomic nervous system which interacts with the heart, lungs, and enteric system. Has both sensory and motor fibers.
the conversion of a sensory stimulus from one form to another. Transduction in the nervous system typically refers to stimulus-alerting events wherein a physical stimulus is converted into an action potential, which is transmitted along axons towards the central nervous system for integration
interoceptive system
1 of the 3 parts of the somatosensory system. The interoceptive system responds to and monitors body conditions such as temperature and blood pressure; Specialized receptors that send us information about certain conditions that are happening in our body’s viscera (responsive to body conditions like temperature and blood pressure).
Detects pain and itch (free nerve endings) in the exteroceptive system. Cross at the midline of the spinal cord. ; This is a sensory receptor for painful stimuli. They are sensory receptors that detect signals from damaged tissue or the threat of damage and indirectly also respond to chemicals released from the damaged tissue. Nociceptors are free (bare) nerve endings found in the skin, muscle, joints, bone and viscera.
sensory neurons that are sensitive to mechanical forces, touch - pressure -vibration; Detects touch, pressure, and vibration in the exteroceptive system. Stimulated by/responds to a mechanical force.
Tertiary sensory neuron
Tertiary neurons have cell bodies in the thalamus and project to the primary somatosensory cortex in the parietal lobe and connect ipsi-laterally with cortical neurons in this region. Regarding posture, the tertiary neuron is located in the cerebellum; part of the pathway for sensations and perception of stimuli to the cortex. Located in the thalamus, they are coordinated with particular somato-sensory systems
ciliary muscles
Controls shape of the lens in the eye, controlled by the contraction of these muscles. Allows the eye to focus images of near or distant objects on the retina. Are automatically activated
A hairlike appendage of a cell involved in movement or in transducing sensory information, found on the receptors in the auditory and vestibular system.
pecialized cells that are responsible for acquiring information about the chemical environment and responding accordingly (according to the lecture, this pertains to both chemical compounds and liquids)
Semicircular canals
Three, tiny fluid filled tubes in the ear - oriented in three planes in space. The receptors in the semicircular canals are responsible for dynamic equilibrium, by responding to angular and rotatory head movements; semicircular portions of the inner ear which provide sensory information about rotational movement, one for each type of movement pitch, roll, yaw
Cortical structure forming a lid over the insular cortex, covering it from external view. Can be divided into 3 portions, frontal, parietal, and temporal, and function depends on location of each segment.
Primary motor neuron
Upper motor neurons from the primary motor cortex with input from other structures (e.g. supplementary motor cortex, parietal or temporal lobes, limbic system areas, etc.) control movement via several descending motor tracts.; Motor neurons that manifest during the first day of development. In comparison to secondary motor neurons, primary motor neurons have cell bodies that are larger in diameter and are positioned more dorsally and medially.
motor unit
A motor unit is all the muscle fibers stimulated by one motor neuron. Each motor unit has a neuron with one axon branching into several axon terminals which form the neuromuscular junctions. ; one motor neuron can stimulate several muscle cells, creating a motor unit; each motor unit has a neuron with one axon branching into several axon terminals which form neuromuscular junctions
Neuromuscular junction
the synapse between a neuron and a muscle cell; the nerve impulse activating these fibers releases ACh which activates receptors on the motor end plate; The synapse between a neuron and a muscle cell. The nerve impulse activating these fibers releases ACh which activates receptors on the motor end plate on the muscle fiber - causing a contraction
muscle tone
Muscle tone is the result of a systematic stimulation of the muscle by the Nervous System, via the various motor units scattered through the muscle; A state of partial but continuous muscle contraction - protects muscles from atrophy
Primary motor cortex
- the primary area of the motor system that coordinates with all other aspects of that system to initiate and conduct movement ; Located in the precentral gyrus, and organized somatotopically (motor homunculus). Controls movements of particular organs, while receiving sensory information from these organs. Receives information from secondary motor cortex
adrenal cortex
The outer region and also the largest part of the adrenal gland. It produces steroid hormones such as cortisol, aldosterone, and hormones that can be changed into testosterone
Posterior pituitary gland
stores and releases hormones that are fabricated by the hypothalamus (oxytocin and ADH); composed of neuronal tissue; An endocrine gland that contains hormone-secreting terminal buttons of axons whose cell bodies lie within the hypothalamus. Controlled by the hypothalamus. Secretes oxytocin and vasopressin.
parathyroid glands
found on the posterior surface of the thyroid gland; produces parathyroid hormones, which is involved in pulling calcium from bones/teeth back into blood. ; Parathyroid glands are found on the posterior surface of the thyroid gland (2 glands on each of the thyroid lobe). They produce parathyroid hormone, which increases the level of calcium in the blood.
Luteinizing Hormone
produced by gonadotropic cells in the anterior pituitary gland, in people with ovaries a rise in LH levels triggers ovulation and in people with testes it stimulates production of testosterone. ; A hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland. In males, LH activates secretion of testosterone. In females, LH triggers ovulation and secretion of progesterone
releasing factor
secreted by hypothalamus to control release of hormones from anterior pituitary gland via the portal circulation; hormone secreted by the hypothalamus that stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to release another hormone