Definitions 1-30 Flashcards
What is Acceptance Criteria?
A set of conditions that is required to be met before deliverables are accepted. - what is to be accepted prior to delivery?
What is Accuracy?
Within the quality management systems, accuracy is an assessment of correctness, - How correct are you?
What is an Activity List?
A documented tabulations of schedule activities that shows the activity description, activity identifier, and a sufficiently detailed scope of work description so project team members understand what work is to be performed. - A list of activities in time order with other details.
What is AC? (Actual Cost)
The realized cost incurred for the work performed on an activity during a specific time period. - What did you really spend?
What is Adaptive Approach?
A development approach in which the requirements are subject to a high level of uncertainty and volatility and are likely to change throughout the project. - How are you adapting?
What is Affinity Diagram?
A diagram that shows large numbers of ideas classified into groups for review and analysis. - Example: Grouping post it notes topic.
What is Affinity Grouping?
The process of classifying items into similar categories or collections on the basis of their likeness. - The process of grouping post it notes by topic.
What is Agile?
A term used to describe a mindset of values and principles as set forth in the Agile Manifesto. - Involves breaking the project into phases and emphasizes continuous collaboration and improvement.
What is Alternatives Analysis?
A method used to evaluate identified options in order to select the options or approaches to use to perform the work of the project. - What other options do you have?
What is Ambiguity?
A state of being unclear, having difficulty in identifying the cause of events, or having multiple options from what to choose. - Not being certain.
What is Analogous Estimating?
A method for estimating the duration or cost of an activity or a project using historical data from a similar activity or project. - The method of referring to past experience.
What is an Artifact?
A template, document, output, or project deliverable. - An item from a project or task.
What is an Assumption?
A factor in the planning process that is considered to be true, real, or certain, without proof or demonstration. - Something considered to be true without evidence/proof.
What is an Assumption and Constraint Analysis?
An assessment that ensures assumptions and constraints are integrated into the project plans and documents, and that there is consistency among them. - A type of assessment which is included in the project plans which talks about assumptions and contraints.
What is an Assumption Log?
A project document used to record all assumptions and constraints throughout the project. - A document which records all assumptions.
What is an Authority?
The right to apply project resources, expend funds, make decisions, or give approvals. - Someone who has the right to make executive decisions about a project such as financial decisions.
What is a Backlog?
An ordered list of work to be done. - A to do list.
What is a Backlog Refinement?
Progressive elaboration of the content in the backlog and (re)prioritization of it to identify the work that can be accomplished in an upcoming iteration. - (Re)prioritization of the to do list.
What is Baseline?
The approved version of a work product, used as a basis for comparison to actual results. - What you compare all other results to.
What is Basis of Estimates?
Supporting documentation outlining the details used in establishing project estimates such as assumptions, constraints, level of details, ranges, and confidence levels. - Documentation with details about project estimates.
What is Benchmarking?
The comparison of actual or planned products, processes, and practices to those of comparable organizations to identify best practices, generate ideas for improvement, and provide a basis for measuring performance. - A line drawn in the sand to compare to.
What is Benefits Management Plan?
The documented explanation defining the process for creating, maximizing, and sustaining the benefits provided by a project or program. - An explanation which defines the process of the benefits provided by a project.
What are Bid Documents?
All documents used to solicit information, quotations, or proposals form prospective sellers. - Documents from sellers.
What is a Bidder Conferenec?
The meetings with prospective sellers prior to the preparation of a bid or proposal to ensure all prospective vendors have a clear and common understanding of the procurement. Also known as contractor conferences, vendor conferences, or pre-bid conferences. - A prep meeting with prospective sellers.
What is a Blocker?
An obstacle that prevents the team from achieving its objectives. - A.K.A. Impediment
What is a Budget?
The approved estimate for the project or any work breakdown structure (WBS) component or any schedule activity. - Approved estimate of a project.
What is BAC? (Budget at Completion)
The sum of all budgets established for the work to be performed - Financially - the total of al budgets
What is a Burn Chart?
A graphical representation of the work remaining in the timebox or the work completed toward the release of a product or project deliverable. - Work pending/Work completed to the release of a product/project deliverable.
What is a Business Case?
A value proposition for a proposed project that may include financial and nonfinancial benefits. - The value of a proposed project.
What is a Business Model Canvas?
A one-page, visual summary that describes the value proposition, infrastructure, customers, and finances. - 1 pager that talks about the value, customers, finances etc. in summary form.