Definition of Culture: Models Flashcards
Culture defined by Hofstede
“The collective programming of the mind that distinguished the members of one human group from another.”
Culture defined by Clyde Kluckhohn
“The collection of beliefs, values, behaviours, customers, and attitudes that distinguish the people of one society from another.”
Culture defined by the researchers of the GLOBE Project
“The shared motives, values, beliefs, identities, and interpretations or meanings of significant events that result from common experiences of members of collectives that are transmitted across generations.”
Culture defined by Fons Trompenaars
“The way in which a group of people solves problems and reconciles dilemmas.”
Culture defined by Ann Swidler (Sociologist)
A problem solving approach:
Culture is viewed as a “toolkit” of symbols, stories, rituals, and worldviews that help the people of a culture survive and succeed.”
Culture defined by Clifford Geertz (Cultural Anthropologist)
“The means by which people communicate, perpetuate, and develop their knowledge about attitudes towards.”