Define the following term/acronyms Flashcards
Latitude measured north and south
Longitude is measured east and west
Set is the direction the ship is being pushed off
Drift is the velocity/speed that the ship is being pushed off
GMT/Coordinated Universal Time (UTC):
Greenwich Mean Time(GMT) aka “Zulu” time. It is the solar time measured in Greenwich, England.
Time Zones:
There are 25 time zones, covering 24 hours. Each has a letter designator. The only letter to not have a zone designator is “J”.
Variation is the difference in the ships gyro heading and its magnetic heading.
Deviation is the difference in the known local variation.
f. IALA(A/B)
International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authority
is a standardized buoyage system utilized in world.
Cardinal System
Top marks placed on top of buoys indicating where ships should pass
Discuss the different methods of attaining a ship’s position:
a. GPS (GPS 1 and 2)
b. Visual bearings
c. Radar Ranges
d. Celestial Navigation
e. Bathometric soundings.
Describe the purpose of range/channel markings:
Two markers at the end of a channel, that when aligned indicate that the ship is on course
Is the distance the vessel moves in the direction of the original course
Pivot Point:
The point on the centerline between the bow and the center of gravity
The rate at which the ship gains speed
Deceleration is the rate at which the ship slows
Turning Circle:
The final diameter of a complete 360 degree turn made by the ship
True Bearing:
360 degree circle where 000 is true north, 090 is due east, 180 is true south, and 270 is due west.
b. Relative Bearing
360 degree circle where the bow of the ship is 000 and the stern is 180.