night blindness; roughened hair, scaly skin, cloudiness of cornea, xerophthalmia (cattle); retarded growth, ruffled plumage, staggering gait (chicken); keratinization of skin & cornea (horse); ataxia and anorexia (dog)
Retinol deficiency (Vitamin A)
rickets in young animals; osteomalacia in older animals; swollen knees and hock, arching of the back (cattle); enlarged joints, broken bones, stiffness of joints and paralysis (pigs); bone became weak, beak soft and rubbery, eggshell quality deteriorate (chicken); yeast and fresh green cereals contains rachitogenic
muscle degeneration (myopathy) in farm animals; nutritional myopathy (muscular dystrophy); white muscle disease; heart muscle can be affected; stiff lamb disease; mulberry heart disease;nutritional encephalomalacia (crazy chick disease); muscle rigidity (tying up)
sweet clover disease in cattle; anaemia & delayed clotting
chicks developed polyneuritis characterised by head retraction, nerve degeneration and paralysis; cerebrocortical necrosis in cattle characterised as circling movements, head pressing, blindness, muscular tremors
curled toe paralysis in chicks; skin eruptions in pig
poor growth, anorexia, enteritis, dermatitis in pigs; bone disorders, feathering abnormalities, inflammation in the mouth and esophagus in fowls
convulsions; reduce food intake and anaemia in pigs
slow growth, diarrhea, loss of hair, scaliness of the skin and goose stepping gait in pig; retarded and dermatitis in chicks
Pantothenic acid
anaemia, poor bone development
folic acid
foot lesions, alopecia, dry scaly skin in pigs; reduced growth, dermatitis, leg bone abnormalities, fatty liver and kidney syndrome
slow growth, fatty infiltration of the liver; perosis or slipped tendon in chicks
effect on growth, feathering is poor, kidney damage in poultry;
oedema, emaciation, diarrhea; failure in collagen formation
Ascorbic acid