Defenses Flashcards
Under the capcity defense of insanity, what is the M’Naughten Test?
- Defendant must have a mental disease or defect
- Defendent did not know his act was wrong, OR
- did not understand the nature of his act.
The oldest test.
Under the capcity defense of insanity, what is the Irresistible Impulse Test?
Defendant must have a mental disease or defect (usually added to the M’Naughten test): If the defendant either:
(a) was unable to control his actions, OR
(b) was unable to conform his conduct to the law.
Under the capcity defense of insanity, what is the Product Test?
Defendant must have a mental disease or defect.
Crime was the product of mental illness.
Under the capcity defense of insanity, what is the Model Penal Code (MPC) Test?
Defendant must have a mental disease or defect (combines the first two common law tests): If the defendant lacked the substantial capacity to either:
(a) appreciate the criminality of his conduct
(b) conform his conduct to the law
In VA, what is the test for the defense of insanity? What else is required for a defendant to raise the defense of insanity? Who has the burden of proof?
The Test: In Virginia, the defendant may choose to use either of the following tests:
(a) M’Naughten Test
(b) Irresistible Impulse Test
Notice to the State: The defendant must give the Commonwealth’s attorney written notice at least 60 days prior to trial that it is defendant’s intent to raise insanity defense.
The Burden of Proof: The defense has the burden of proving to the satisfaction of the jury that the defendant was insane.
What is the difference between insanity and incompetency?
For insanity, the issue is whether D was insane at the time of the crime. If yes, then D is not guilty.
For incompetency, the issue is whether D is insane at the time of trial. If yes, then the trial is adjorned until D is competent.
What is the rule regarding involunatry intoxication?
Can be a defense to any crime. Treated like a mental illness, so apply insanity tests. Intoxication must be completely involuntary.
What is the rule regarding voluntary intoxication under the common law?
Can be a defense to specific intent crimes, if the intoxication prevents the defendant from forming the specific intent.
Cannot be a defense to malice, general intent, or strict liability crimes.
What is the rule regarding the defense of voluntary intoxication under Virginia law?
- Is NOT a defense, even for specific intent crimes, unless it has produced permanent insanity.
May prevent premeditation. Defense to the crimes of 1st degree murder or capital murder if a person is so greatly intoxicated as to be unable to deliberate and premeditate.
- Exception-to-Exception: Mere intoxication from drugs or alcohol is not sufficient by itself to negate premeditation.
What is the common law rule for the defense of infancy?
1) If the age is less than 7: Prosecution not allowed.
2) If the age is less than 14: Rebuttable presumption against prosecution.
3) If the age is greater or equal to 14: Prosecution allowed.
In Virginia, what is the rule for the defense of infancy?
1) If the age is less than 7: Assumed incapable of forming intent to commit crime.
2) If the age is less than 14: Rebuttable Presumption of incapacity, but the presumption grows weaker as child grows older.
3) If the age is greater than or equal to 14: There is a presumption of capacity. They may be tried as an adult if charged with an offense which would be a felony if committed by an adult.
What is the rule regarding the use of nondeadly force in self-defense?
A defendant may use nondeadly force in self-defense if it is:
1) reasonably necessary
2) to protect against an imminent use
3) of unlawful force against himself.
What is the rule regarding the use of deadly force in self-defense?
A defendant may use deadly force in self-defense, if he is facing an imminent threat of death or serious injury.
In regards to the use of deadly force, what is the aggressor rule?
A defendant may not use deadly force if he is the intial aggressor (i.e., the person who started the fight).
But, an aggressor may “regain” his right to use deadly self-defense if –
(a) the aggressor withdraws from the fight and
* communicates* that withdrawal to the other person, OR
(b) the victim suddenly escalates a nondeadly fight into a deadly fight.
In regards to the use of deadly force, what is the retreat rule? What is the majority and minority rules?
In some states, a defendant is required to retreat before using deadly force in self-defense.
1) Majority Rule: Retreat is NOT required.
2) Minority Rule: Retreat is required, unless:
(a) D cannot retreat in complete safety, or
(b) D is in his home (the “castle exception”)
(c) D is making a lawful arrest, or
(d) D is in the process of being robbed.
In Virginia, what is the rule regarding the use of nondeadly force in self-defense?
Defendant may use physical force to defend himself if there is a reasonable appearance that the use of force is justified.
(a) “Reasonable Appearance”: Determined from the subjective viewpoint of the defendant at the time he acted.
(b) Note: There is no duty to retreat, and the force used must be reasonable under the circumstances.
In Virginia, what is the rule regarding the use of deadly force in self-defense?
Person claiming self-defense must be without fault and show an imminent danger of death or great bodily injury.
If used in self-defense to a threat, there must be a present danger of death or great bodily injury – words alone are insufficient, and the fear of life and safety must be reasonable.
In Virginia, must an individual retreat before using deadly force in self-defense? Are there any exceptions?
Retreat is NOT required before using deadly force when confronted with an aggressor.
1) Exception: Where defendant has been at fault or provoked the aggressor, he must retreat as far as safely possible before using deadly force.
2) Own Premises: On one’s own premises, there is no duty to retreat, but use of force must be reasonably calculated to repel the intruder (deadly force allowed).
In Virginia, what is the rule regarding the right of the aggressor to use force in self-defense?
The right of the aggressor to use force in self-defense may be regained after total abandonment of the original attack.
What happens if the defendant is mistaken about the need to use self-defense?
(1) Reasonable mistake: then can still claim self-defense
(2) Unreasonable mistake:
* Common Law Rule: NO self-defense
* Minority/MPC Rule: Imperfect self-defense. An intentional killing, based on an unreasonable belief in the need to use self-defense will be voluntary manslaughter, not murder.
What is the rule regarding the use of force to prevent a crime?
1) Nondeadly force may be used if necessary to prevent a crime.
2) Deadly force may only be used to prevent a felony risking human life.
What is the majority rule regarding the defense of others?
A defendant may use force and deadly force to protect
others if he reasonably believes that the person he is assisting has a legal right to use force.
What is the Virginia (and Minority) rule regarding the defense of others?
Defendant **“steps into the shoes” **of the person he defends (therefore no defense if person defending had no
legal right to use force in self-defense).
What is the rule regarding the use of nondeadly force in defense of a dwelling?
A person is justified in using nondeadly force when she reasonably believes it is necessary to prevent or terminate another’s unlawful entry.
What is the rule regarding the use of deadly force in defense of a dwelling?
Generally justified in two situations:
(a) Tumultuous entry plus D reasonably believes use of force necessary to prevent a personal attack on self or another in dwelling.
(b) D reasonably believes force necessary to prevent entry by person who intends to commit a felony in the dwelling.
In Virginia, what is the rule regarding the use of force in defense of a dwelling?
Nondeadly force may be used to prevent entry but deadly force may only be used when fearing great bodily injury or harm.
What is the rule regarding the use of nondeadly force in defense of property?
May be used to defend property in one’s possession from unlawful interference – need to use nondeadly force must reasonably appear imminent (may not use if request to desist would suffice) and cannot use force to regain possession unless in immediate pursuit of taker.
What is the rule regarding the use of deadly force in defense of property?
Defense of property alone can never justify use of deadly force.
In Virginia, what is the rule regarding the use of deadly force in defense of property?
Deadly force may NOT be used merely to defend property.
What is the rule regarding resisting arrest?
If the defendant knows or reasonably should know that the
person performing the arrest is a police officer –
1) Majority Rule: If the arrest is improper then the defendant may use nondeadly force to resist the arresting officer.
What is the rule regarding the necessity defence (or “choice of evils”)? Are there any exceptions to the rule?
The Rule: It is a defense to criminal conduct if the defendant reasonably believes that the conduct was necessary to prevent a greater harm.
The Exception: Necessity cannot be a defense to homicide.
What is the rule regarding the defense of duress? Are there any exceptions to the rule?
1) The Rule: It is a defense if the defendant was forced to
commit a crime under a threat of death or serious physical injury.
2) The Exception: Duress cannot be a defense to homicide.
What is the rule regarding the defense of entrapment?What is the rule in Virginia?
If the government unfairly tempted the defendant to commit the crime, he may claim entrapment. This very narrow defense works only if –
(a) The criminal design originated with the government, and
(b) The D was not predisposed to commit the crime.
Virginia: The government may use prior crimes to show predisposition. However, the Supreme Court of VA has held that the prior crime must be:
(a) close in time,
(b) a similar crime, and
(c) Probative value must outweigh the prejudice.