Defence Flashcards
Aim/Reasons of Def?
[GDPSLEEP forced]
a) To gain time and reduce en’s offensive capabilities by a process of attrition while own offensive capability is built up.
b) To deny a vital area of ground to the enemy.
c) To protect the flanks of a formation undertaking offensive operations.
d) At the start of, or during a campaign, conform to a general defensive policy.
e) To lure and trap the enemy force in order to destroy them
f) To enable offensive to be undertaken elsewhere.
g) To ensure territorial integrity and to prevent enemy ingress into own territory.
h) When a pause is necessary during an offensive operation to build up, reorganize and regroup before resuming an offensive.
i) When forced by enemy action
Principle of war applied in def.
a) Concentration of forces
b) Offensive action
c) Morale
d) Surprise
e) Security
f) Cooperation
Forms of defence
a) Positional defence
b) Mobile defence
Points to the born in mind while planning designing mobile def battle.
a) Surveillance
b) Containment
c) Destruction
Conduct of mobile defensive battles
a) Checking and containing
b) Deliberate counter-attack
Degree of preparedness
a) Deliberate Defense
b) Hasty Defense
Factors determining selection of forms of Defense
a) Mission
b) Ground
c) Enemy
d) Time
e) Nuclear Threat
f) Availability of Resources
g) Political Considerations
Doctrine of Defense
a) Use of protective elements to provide early warning and to delay, deceive and disorganize the enemy attack.
b) Troops deployed on the forward defended localities to repel the attacker.
c) Troops deployed in the depth to eject or destroy the enemy by offensive action or attrition.
d) Skillful use of terrain, fire power and offensive action
In defence, the defender takes every opportunity to wrest the initiative by:
[selecting, forcing, exploiting, counter-attacking]
a) Selecting the battle area
b) Forcing the enemy to react to his defence plan
c) Exploiting enemy weaknesses by offensive operations
d) Counter-attacking enemy successes.
Process of attrition.
a) Delay
b) Resist
c) Limit
d) Weaken
e) Destroy
Defence is active and aggressive by:
a) Domination of no man’s land
b) Active Patrolling
c) Raids to disrupt enemy build up
d) Tank Hunting
e) Counter Attacks
f) Stay Behind Party spoiling attacks
Basic Considerations of Def
a) Ground
b) Enemy
c) Depth
d) All round defence
e) Mutual Support
f) Air Defence
g) Reserves
h) Security
i) Aggressiveness
j) Frontages
k) Reliable Signal Communications
l) Electronic Warfare Plan
m) Domination of Ground between Opposing Forces
n) Co-ordinated Fire Plan
o) Co-ordinated Anti-Tank and Obstacle Plan
Visualize Offensive Actions application in defence.
a) Domination of no man’s land through offensive action
b) Offensive application of fire power
c) Employment of reserves
How is concentration reflected in the application of defence as a principle of war?
a) Organization of defensive fire in direct relation to the anticipated strength of enemy attacks
b) Employment of reserves in counter attack
How is surprise reflected in the application of deg?
a) Siting of weapons
b) Application of fire
c) Employment of reserves
d) Combined with deception where possible
Military success is likely to depend on morale as the availability of appropriate equipment and warfighting systems.
During Positional def the cdr relies on:
a) Commanding (dominating) grnd
b) Mutually supporting fire
c) Obstacles
Frontage to be occupied in defence will depend on:
[Msn NTR]
a) Mission
b) Terrain
c) Nature of Enemy Threat
d) Resources available
Mutual Support in Def: Fill in the blanks
a) Mutually supporting small arms fire is usually enfilade and mor effective than frontal fire
b) Depth is more important than mutual support
c) Gaps most be covered by at least surveillance and indirect fire
d) Mutual Support should always be related to the en’s approaches
Aims of def to be organized in depth.
a) Giving cdrs, at all levels, the time to discover en’s intentions
b) Absorbing the heavy weight of attack against a def posn and breaking it up by a process of apparition
c) Providing a cushion to defences covering the ground as vital
d) Enabling der localities sited in depth to act as firm bases, from which counter attack can be lunched
e) Denying the engrndobsn and recce of the whole def posn
Obj Q:
a) To limit the initial enemy penetration at the point of attack, readjustment of defences at various levels will be carried out.
b) For mobile def, emphasis is on the destruction of en, rather than retention of terrain.
c) Proper assessment of the ground is most important in the design of def battle.
Pre-conditions for the conduct of mobile def:
a) Forces must have comparable or superior mobility and hitting power to that of the enemy.
b) Sufficient depth in terrain must be available to conduct mobile def.
c) Favorable air situation should exist to be able to conduct ground ops during day light hrs.
a) While some degree of penetrations into the defences by the en is inevitable, deep penetration cannot be permitted.
b) Def posn must be as deep as it is wide.
Organized or Sited
a) Organized for all round Def: Bulk of weapons are deployed to cover the most likely lines of enemy approach.
b) Sited for all round defence: Weapons are so located that an attack from any direction will meet equal volume of fier.
Active/passive measures to meet en air threat.
a) Camouflage and concealment
b) Dispersion
c) Control of movement
d) Dummy positions preparation
Methods of achieving security in defence.
a) Skillful use of false front to conceal defensive layout
b) Reliable intelligence through signal intelligence and photographic reconnaissance.
c) Special measures to ensure security against infiltration, guenllas, heli-borne and air-borne troops.
Conditions for adopting mobile defense.
[good FAN]
a) Frontages are very large
b) Air Situation permits mobility on the ground
c) Nuclear threat exists
d) Forces have Good Ground mobility and preponderance of armour
Obj. Ques.
Proper assessment of the ground is most important in the design of the defensive battle
Depth and adequate mobile reserves must be catered for, to offset the disadvantages of extended defense.
Gaps between defended localities: covered by small arms fire Gaps between defended sectors/area:
a) Covered by artillery fire
b) Constantly patrolled
c) Troops earmarked to block enemy ingress
Attacker is most vulnerable when:
a) Assembling for an attack
b) Advancing towards the objective
c) Crossing obstacles
d) Assaulting defensive positions
Coordination of fire plan and obstacle plan is essential to separate enemy armour from its infantry.
Passive measures to meet enemy air threat:
a) Camouflage and concealment
b) Control of movement
c) Dispersion
d) Preparation of dummy positions
Protective elements in def:
a) Reorganized Armed Policy Force Post
b) Covering Troops
c) Screens
d) Patrols
The composition of covering troops depend upon:
a) Task
b) Troops available
c) Amount of delay to the imposed
d) Ground on which they are to operate
e) Strength and composition of the enemy, covering tps should be at least as mobile as opposing forces.
At the divisional level, covering troops will be based on armour and will require the following:
a) Anti-tank weapons, including guided missiles, if available to destroy the enemy tanks at long ranger.
b) Infantry preferably mechanized for the following reasons:
i) To occupy covering and delaying positions
ii) To hold defiles and crossing ares.
c) Engineers for demolition and route denial.
d) Artillery to provide fire support and cause the enemy to deploy early.
The actual distance of covering troops from the defensive position depends upon:
a) Location of the enemy
b) Road communications
c) Condition of Ground
d) Composition of covering troops
The selected covering and delaying positions should:
a) Afford good fields of observation and fire
b) Be based on obstacles and favor the defence by small groups and cause the enemy to pause or deploy
c) Provide covered routes of with drawl
Delaying positions of one occupied by detachments of covering troops to:
a) Maintain contact with the enemy
b) Harass his advance
c) Impose further delay where necessary
The amount of delay imposed by covering troops will depend on:
a) Natural strength of the position
b) Obstacles
c) Fire power available to the covering troops
Reasons for deployment of protective elements ahead of main defensive position:
a) Gains time for its preparation
b) Furnish information about the enemy
c) Delay, deceive and disrupt the enemy force
d) Counter en’s ground reconnaissance effort
Substantial delay and casualties can be imposed on the enemy delaying and covering positions by following:
a) Use of Ground
b) Artillery
c) Ambushes
d) Route Denial and Demolitions
e) Deception
Desirable Composition of BoPs.
a) 1x pl inf, 2x pl APF or vice versa
b) Provide: RL/RCLs, GPMG/MMG
c) Anty SP/Foo provided
d) Obst: Mines, wires, anti-tank ditches
e) BOP Outposts in bn Dg A under command of Bn Cdr.
Covering Troops
A force generally composed of all arms working ahead of defensive position to observe, harass and delay the enemy’s advance so that he is prevent from interfacing with defensive preparations. They provide early warning of the approach and strength of the enemy and cause attrition commensurate with their composition and task.
Screens are detachments generally composed of all arms, occupying an area of ground so as to interfere with the en’s preparation for attack and to deny close observation of own defenses. Screens are established irrespective of whether covering troops are operating or not, provided resources are available and the ground is suitable.
Factors favoring Positional Defences:
a) Need to retain specific areas
b) Favorable air situation cannot be assured
c) Lack of adequate mobile reserve
d) Good defensive terrain
e) Defending forces back mobility or are semi-mobile
f) Sufficient time is available for preparation and organization of defence
g) Lack of depth in the defensive area
h) Restriction imposed on the mobility of the defending forces by terrain conditions
Tasks of screens:
a) Deny temporarily to the enemy close observation and reconnaissance of the defensive position and the main obstacle
b) Make him deploy earlier than necessary by foranghim to attack the screen
c) Report the direction and strength of the enemy’s attack
d) Possibly assist the with drawl of the covering troops
e) Hamper the enemy regarding the location of the defensive position if possible by false fronting
Composition of screen depend on:
a) Degree of resistance to be offered.
b) Nature of the enemy threat
c) Availability of troops
d) Degree of support from defensive position
e) Ground and the distance it is in front of defensive posn.
Location of screens should be:
a) If possible, based on natural obstacle
b) Only so far in front of the defensive position as is necessary to prevent close observation and reconnaissance of forward defended localities and the main obstacle by the enemy.
Planning considerations of Def.
a) Vital Ground
b) Enemy threat and approaches
c) Deception, concealment and camouflage
d) Assessment of own tasks
e) Good observation posts for artillery and mortars and suitable areas for deploying surveillance devices
f) Use of obstacles
g) Logistic cover
h) Availability of time and resources
i) Reserve
Ground the capture of which by the attacker will render the defender incapable of fighting a successful defensive battle in that defended zone or sector is turned as Vital Ground.
The divisional commander is normally the lowest commander who will lay down what is vital
Ingredient of Vital Ground
a) It should be a dominating feature
b) It should be a communication center
c) It should contain communication bottle necks
d) If deliberate CA can be launched only through a particular area on from a pass to regain vital ground, such areas may also be considered as vital ground
Physical considerations for the selection and planning of vital ground.
a) Relative dominance
b) Relationship to the enemy’s axis of attack
c) Influence over own maintenance axes or vital resources
d) Places or areas of strategic importance
Technical consideration for subsequent planning of vital ground.
a. Physical occupation of vital ground
b. Provision of adequate depth to it on likely enemy approaches
c. Counter-attack planning to re capture it on counter a direct threat to it
Artificial obstacles along with natural obstacles should be used to:
a) Protect the defended areas and localities
b) Surprise the enemy and thus throw his plan out of gear
c) Canalize the enemy attack in to killing ground
Overall deception plan will aim deceiving the attacker of
a) Location, strength and depth of the main defences
b) Location and strength of the counter attack force
c) Existence and location of minefields and other obstacles
Str and layout of def is hidden by:
a) Domination of ground between the opposing forces
b) Use of temporary and alternative positions by all arms, particularly artillery
c) EEP
d) Location, concealment and camouflage of headquarters and observation posts.
e) Track discipline
f) Concealed cooking arrangements
g) Control of traffic and movement within defended sector
Reverse slope position should be occupied only if
a) weight of enemy fire and ground config make it difficult to occupy forward slope
b) defender can retain observation of forward slope from observation posts end defences as the flats
c) make occupation of the forward slope untenable to the enemy: fire from defences on the flanks
After receiving division cdr’s outline plan, points to be considered by brigade and battalion commanders
a) Deception, concealment and camouflage
b) Employment of supporting arms and buildup of fire plan including deployment of MMGs
c) Preparation of the defences
d) Use of development of natural and artificial obstacles
e) Siting of minefields
When is defence fully coordinated?
a) Layout of anti-tank resources including tanks, anti-tank weapons, ATGMs and all minefields has been coordinated
b) Artillery, mortar, medium machine gun and light machine gun fire in the whole of defended sector has been coordinated
c) AD plan has been coordinated and all designated targets defended
d) Counter attacks and other contingency plan have been rehearsed and all troops and commanders know the plan for such counter-attacks/contingencies
In all stages of defense, the basic aim should be
[CD Wear]
a) To constantly engage, delay and harass the enemy
b) Disrupt his preparations for attack
c) Wear him down by unremitting attrition till he is finally destroyed.
Stages of Defense
a) Preparatory stage
b) Resistance stage
c) Counter attack stage
Preparatory stage
a) Movement and deployment of defences including deployment of covering troops and screens
b) Interference with en’s preparation for attack
c) Development of defences
d) Collection of Intelligence
e) Security of own forces
The time required for the preparation of defences will depend on:
a) Terrain and weather
b) Availability of troops for preparation of defences with their commitments
c) Availability of stores including carriage, carriage, sorting and laying out in appropriate dumps
d) Limitations imposed by the enemy
The initial aim of defense to break up the attack before it reaches the defensive position is achieved by:
a) Defensive Fire
b) Spoiling Attacks
Resistance stage
a) Defensive Fire
b) Spoiling Attacks
c) Breaking up the attack
d) Local counter attack
e) Counter Penetration
Limit of penetration should be planned on the fol basis:
a) Should be on the enemy side of vital ground and encompass areas essential for counter attack plans
b) Suitability of ground for limiting penetration, in relation of enemy capabilities and own resources
c) Defensive minefield should normally by based on it
Composition of reserves earmarked for counter penetration will depend upon:
a) Gaps to be covered
b) Extent of support from flanking defended areas
c) Nature of ground
d) Available Resources
Aim of deliberate counter attack
a) Recapture vital ground or GTI
b) Destroy or throw out the enemy that have penetrated, thereby fully restoring the situation
Reasons for occupation of extended defense
a) Paucity of troops
b) Nature of areas and its implications
Defensive measures to prevent infiltration
[PEDS Maint]
a) Passive measures such as concealment and security
b) Early warning
c) Denial of infiltration routes
d) Search
e) Maintenance of reserves
Tasks that inf Bn can be called upon to provide
a) Covering Troops
b) Screens
c) Hold a defended area as a part of bde def section
d) Earmarked for deliberate counter attack
Def localities are required to deny:
a) Vital Ground
b) GTI
c) Enemy axis of advance
d) Enemy axis of maintenance
Factors deciding whether a defense should be organized or sited for all round defense:
a) Resources available
b) Direction of enemy threat
c) Terrain
d) Task allotted
e) Tactics of the enemy
Battle procedure at Bn level
[IRIRCIIA Occupation]
a) Issue of warning order
b) Recce with ‘R’ Group
c) Issue of preliminary orders to sub-unit cdrs
d) Recce by sub-unit cdrs and detailed recce by bn cdr
e) Coordination by the Bn Cdr
f) Issue of final orders by bdecdr
g) Issue of final orders by bn cdr
h) Arrival of troops in def area
i) Occupation of the def area and final readjustment
Allocation of additional anti-tank resources to bn will depend on
a) Suitability of ground for anti-tank action
b) Degree of tank threat
c) Existence of any natural or artificial obstacle
General policy for camouflage and concealment at bn level
a) Track Discipline
b) Siting of Field Defences
c) Disposal of Earth
d) Work during day and night
e) Local resources
Location of Bn HQ
a) So sited that bn cdr can control and influence the battle
b) Should not mask the field of fire of defended localities
c) Should have easy access to coy def localities
Coy cdr should consider fol for the employment of sub units in defence
a) Ground allotted to the platoons should be clearly defined
b) Platoon defended localities should be mutually supporting within the company as well as with the platoons of flanking campanien
c) Fire of all his LMGs and antitank weapons should be coordinated
d) Selected of defensive fine (SOS) tasks
e) Construction and concealment of the protective minefields and wire
Point to the considered during recce: Coy SpWps in def
a) Field of fine
b) Local Protection
c) Enfilade Fire
d) Mutual Support
e) Alt Posn
f) Camouflage
g) Cover the gaps
Primary task of MMG’s/Bn Wpn
a) Cover by fire the frontages of their own bn def areas
b) Protect exposed flanks
Supplementary tasks of MMGs/Bn SpWpn
[CASS] [Cover Counter Counter Covering
a) Cover gaps between Bn Def Area
b) Assist in counter penetration
c) Support a counter attack
d) Support covering troops and screen
Bn Cdr has to consider one up two down level. Considerations pl cdr should take to organize degense
a) PL def locality must remain concealed from the enemy
b) Obstacle around the platoon defended locality should be covered by fire
c) Sections should be able to support each other
d) Tanks, if any, recoilless guns and MMGs located in defended locality must be well protected
e) Section defended posts should be within sight and voice control of platoon headquarters
f) In order to minimize casualties, platoon must not be too congested
g) Platoon must be capable of all sound defence.
Echelons of Defense
a) Protective detachments including Recce Elements, Covering Troops and Screens
b) Main Position
c) Rear Areas/Reserves
Fields of Fire: 300-500 m for optimum use of automatic weapons. At leas 100 m F of F must be kept to have minimum killing ground
In ideal circumstance, frontage of a coy should be 800-1000 m
Relief of troops are normally carried out at night
Circumstances favoring a day light relief:
a) When enemy has no direct observation and existence of local air superiority
b) When the nature of ground is difficult for infantry and supporting weapons to move in darkness, depth defended localities can be relieved by day
Basic considerations for the relief of troops in defense
a) Warning order should be timely disseminated
b) Plans must be detailed, simple and well coordinated between all echelons of the relieving and relieved unit
c) Should normally be planned for night or during periods of poor visibility
d) Normal activities must continue throughout
Details required for coordination between relieving bn cdr and outgoing bn cdr
a) Change of Command
b) Recce
c) Movement control
d) Exchange of Equipment
e) Sequence of Relief
f) Security
Relief Procedure
a) Move to Bn RV
b) Move to sub-unit RV
c) Relief of localities
d) Supporting Arms
e) Protection during Relief
Interference with enemies Preparation for attack in mountains
a) Raids
b) Ambushes
c) Artillery concentrations and Air Attacks
d) Spoiling Attacks
Aspects prculian to high altitude mountains
a) Selection of Ground
b) Frontages
c) All Tound defense and depth
d) Minefields and obstacles
e) Resenves
f) NBC Threat
g) Aggressive Sprit
h) Coordinated Fire Plan
The main tasks of armour in anti-tank role:
a) Destroy hostile tanks which are buying off
b) Prevent penetration by enemy armour in to divisional defended Section
c) Restore Anti-tank defensive layouts after counter attack has been successful
After appreciation, bn cdr will indicate fol to his ‘O’ group. Points to included in Bn cdr’s order for def.
a) General layout of brigade defended sector
b) General layout of battalion defended area
c) Layout of company defended localities, inter – bn and coy boundaries and junction points
d) Approximate location of protective minefields and other obstacles
e) Vital Ground or GTI within bn def Area
f) Camouflage and concealment policy
g) Priorities of supporting arms and recoilless guns in defended localities and their tasks
h) Likely defensive fire tasks
Considerable Degree of Movement M Positional Defense
[Alt, Sec, Cont, CP, CA] [MUSU]
a) Movement to alternative or secondary position
b) Units to contingency defended areas
c) Sub-units to counter-penetration position
d) Units for Counter Attacks
Successful conduct of defense depends on
a) Degree of coordination
b) Detailed Preparation
c) Indomitable spirit to fight and destroy the enemy
The strength and layout of defences can be hidden by:
a) Good Track Discipline
b) Rigid control of traffic and movement in defended sector
c) Location, concealment and camouflage of headquarters and observation posts
d) Domination of ground between opposing by all arms, particularly infantry
e) Concealed cooking arrangements
f) Careful consideration of the problem of radio silence and radio deception, the latter as part of the overall deception plan