Deep Squats Flashcards
What is the purpose of this exercise?
To monitor the patient’s movements to determine if dysfunctional movements anterior, lateral or posterior.
Feet shoulder width apart and facing straight forward. Perform with shoes OFF. Patient should d squat as far down as possible and the student doctor will monitor from all angles.
Anterior: feet turn outward and flatten. Knees valgus or varus.
Lateral: excessive forward lean, low back arching, low back rounding, shoulder fall forward
Posterior: foot flattens, heel raises off ground, asymmetrical weight shift
Normal sequence of muscle contraction
Hamstrings, glutes, core
Facilitated muscles if feet turn outward
Soleus, lateral gastroc and TFL
Inhibited muscles if feet turn outward
Medial gastroc, medial hamstring, glutes
Facilitated muscles if feet flatten
Lateral gastroc, TFL
Inhibited muscles if feet flatten
Anterior and posterior tibialis
Facilitated muscles if knees valgus
Adductors and lateral gastroc
Inhibited muscles if knees valgus
Glutes and medial gastroc
Facilitated muscles if knees varus
Glutes and TFL
Inhibited muscles if knees varus
Adductors, medial hamstring
Forward lean facilitated muscles
Hip flexors
Forward lean inhibited muscles
Spinal erectors
Low back arching facilitated muscles
Lat Dorsi
Low back arching inhibited muscles
Core stabilizers
Low back rounding facilitated muscles
External oblique
Low back rounding inhibited muscles
Core muscles
Shoulders fall forward facilitated muscles.
Shoulders fall forward inhibited muscles
Foot flattens facilitation
Lateral gastroc
Foot flattens inhibition
Medial gastroc
Heel rises off ground facilitation
Heel rises off ground inhibition
Anterior tibialis
Asymmetrical weight shift facilitation.
Asymmetric weight shift inhibition
What is a beginner exercise?
Stretch pecs and lats, also squat without bar