deck_9647886 Flashcards
<p>Application versioning is a way to differentiate current and past application configurations. The two versioning methods are \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_</p>
<p>Lock and Roll / Skimming</p>
<p><em>Both methods list the highest version, and offers to roll the ruleset to a still-higher version by default. The act of using a version method begins a new release cycle.</em></p>
<p>When preparing for application versioning, it is best practice to leave all of the RuleSets unlocked.</p>
<ul> <li>True</li> <li>False</li></ul>
<ul> <li>False</li></ul>
<p><em>When preparing for application versioning, best practice is <u><strong>locking all but the highest ruleset versions</strong></u></em></p>
<p>\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ versioning method is best for incremental patch versions</p>
<p>Lock and Roll</p>
<p>Lock and Roll versioning method is best for \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ patch versions</p>
<p>Skimmingversioning method is best for \_\_\_\_ and \_\_\_\_ patch versions</p>
<p>Minor and Major</p>
<p>\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ versioning method is best for Minor and Major patch versions</p>
<p>When using \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, you create a new empty ruleset version, then update the configuration, only copying the necessary rules into the new ruleset version.</p>
<p>Lock and Roll</p>
<p><em>You specify the new version number and whether to update the application record and access groups to reflect the ruleset version. <u><strong>Major/Minor</strong></u> versions <u><strong>require</strong></u> application record and access group updates. <u><strong>Patches </strong></u>usually <u><strong>do not need</strong></u> the updates.</em></p>
<p>Based on the information given for each patch, if we had a 3rd patch where we Lock and Roll to 01-01-04 with Rule B updated, what are our resulting ruleset versions for A, B, and C?</p>
<p>Rule A: 01-01-02</p>
<p>Rule B: 01-01-04</p>
<p>Rule C: 01-01-03</p>
<p>\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is the process of saving the highest version of a rule into a new, higher ruleset version.</p>
<p><em>Skimming applies mainly to resolved rules and improves the performance of your application as the system filters out rules that are unavailable for rule resolution. Simplifies rule resolution and minimizes the rule data that you ship to a different version of your application.</em></p>
<p>The two types of skims are \_\_\_\_ and \_\_\_\_.</p>
<p>minor / major</p>
<p><em>During a minor skim, rules are stored in a higher minor version and during major they are stored in a higher major version.</em></p>
<p>The \_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_ determines if the rule is carried forward.</p>
<p>Rule Availability</p>
<p>Why are blocked rules carried forward during a skim?</p>
<p>Blocked Rules are always carried forward during a skim because a blocked rule can block rules in other rulesets. You should maintain blocking relationships.</p>
<p>In this example of changes to rules in an application, what kind of ruleset versioning is used on the last stage?</p>
<p>Original: 01-01-01</p>
<p>Rule A</p>
<p>Rule B</p>
<p>Rule C</p>
<p>First Revision: 01-01-02</p>
<p>Rule B Updated</p>
<p>\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: <strong>01-02-01</strong></p>
<p>Saved: Original (01-01-01) A & C / First Revision (01-01-02) Rule B</p>
<p>Minor Skim</p>
<p><i>This is a minor skim because we are taking all of the highest versioned rules (in this case all the rules from the Original application and the changes from the Revision on Rule B) and putting them all in the same, higher ruleset version. We are putting them in a higher minor version so this is a Minor Skim. If we created a 02-01-01 and put the rules in there then this would be a Major Skim.</i></p>
<p>Skimming only copies the rules in the major version that you select. For example, if you skim <strong>02-XX-XX</strong> into</p>
<p><strong>03-01-01</strong>, then the rules in version <strong>01-XX-XX</strong> are ignored.</p>
<ul> <li>True</li> <li>False</li></ul>
<p><em>Skimming <u><strong>only</strong></u> copies the rules in the <strong><u>Major</u></strong> version that you select.</em></p>
<p>Rule A is updated in the revision for<strong>01-03-01.</strong>The original rules for version <strong>01-01-01</strong> and all rule versions through <strong>01-03-01</strong> are saved in a new <strong>01-04-01</strong> version. This is an example of Skimming.</p>
<ul> <li>True</li> <li>False</li></ul>
<p><em>Skimming allows you to start at a major version and skim all minor and patch numbers into a new version. You can also start at a minor version and skim to higher versions.</em></p>
<p>What type of skimming is the below scenario?</p>
<p>We skim rules 06-05-01 through 06-09-25 into the 07-01-01 ruleset version.</p>
<p>Major Skim</p>
<p>What type of skimming is the below scenario?</p>
<p>We skim ruleset versions 06-05-01 through 06-09-25 into the 06-10-01 ruleset version</p>
<p>Minor Skim</p>
<p>The Lock and Roll versioning method \_\_\_\_\_\_ and \_\_\_\_\_\_. (choose 2)</p>
<ol> <li>Ensures older versions of application Rulesets are preserved and unchanged</li> <li>Minimizes the rule data that is carried to a higher version of your application</li> <li>Is used for small changes or patches</li> <li>Filters out rules that are unavailable for rule resolution</li></ol>
<p>1. Ensures older versions of application Rulesets are preserved and unchanged</p>
<p><em>The Lock and Roll versioning method ensures initial versions of the application Rulesets are preserved and unchanged</em></p>
<p>3. Is used for small changes or patches</p>
<p><em>Typically, the lock and roll versioning method is used for small changes or patches <u><strong>which do not require application record or access group updates</strong></u></em><u><strong></strong></u></p>
<p><em>Lock and Roll <strong>does not filter out rules that are unavailable for rule resolution</strong>, this is the skimming method when we are taking all of the rules in a range and moving them to a higher RS version. It also <strong>doesn't minimize the data that is carried to a higher ruleset version</strong>, again this is when we are skimming and taking the highest rule in each scenario, leaving the remainder, and saving to a higher ruleset version.</em></p>
<p>Why is application versioning important?</p>
<ol> <li>Application versioning preserves prior application versions.</li> <li>Application versioning provides the ability to version data classes without impacting existing data classes.</li> <li>Application versioning provides the ability to clone rules.</li> <li>Application versioning provides a means to organize applications by priority.</li></ol>
<p>1. Application versioning preserves prior application versions.</p>
<p><i>You can edit application functionality in a new version of the application without changing the initial version.</i></p>
<p>Which description is most accurate for skimming and lock and roll versioning options?</p>
<ol> <li>Skimming carries blocked rules forward. Lock and roll does not carry blocked rules forward</li> <li>Skimming saves checked out rules. Lock and roll does not save checked out rules</li> <li>Pega provides a skimming wizard but not a lock and roll wizard</li> <li>Skimming is most efficient for major and minor updates. Lock and roll is most useful for patches.</li></ol>
<p>4. Skimming is most efficient for major and minor updates. Lock and roll is most useful for patches</p>
<p><em>Skimming is the process of saving the highest version of a rule into a new, higher ruleset version. In lock and roll, you must select the appropriate rules to copy into a new empty ruleset. Lock and roll is labor intensive when used for major updates.</em></p>
<p><em>Blocked rules are carried forwards in both methods. Both methods have wizards associated with them. Checked-out rules are NEVER saved during versioning. Best practice is rules should be checked in prior to versioning.</em></p>
<p>In \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ application versioning method, you must select the appropriate rules to copy into a new empty ruleset.</p>
<p>Lock and Roll</p>
<p><em>Key words here are that lock and roll is <u><strong>selecting</strong></u> the appropriate rules to copy into a <u><strong>new empty ruleset</strong></u>.</em></p>
<p>Does Ruleset Validation affect rule resolution at run time? Why?</p>
<p>No RSV does not affect rule resolution at run time since it is only applied at design time.</p>
<p><em>RSV is performed every time that a rule is saved to heck that referenced rules are available on the target system when the ruleset is promoted.</em></p>