deck_9647874 Flashcards
<p>Which ECS layer contains the assets used on an enterprise-wide basis?</p>
<p>Organization Layer</p>
<p>What ECS layer would you put a customer account number property that is reused across an online retailer's business?</p>
<p>Organization Layer</p>
<p>The \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ layer also contains enterprise-wide data assets such as classes and rules for data stored in the system, and classes and rules for data access to data in external systems, via connectors. (for example, access to an external customer database is an integration point that may be added in this layer)</p>
<p>Which ECS layer contains assets used on a division-wide basis? This layer is the middle level of the three-level organizational hierarchy (Org-Div-Unit) and is available for use in every application.</p>
<p>Assets in the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ layer may apply to a line of business, region, or brand. (For example, a line of business wants to reuse a service level rule that defines the expected response time to a customer complaint in all of its applications.)</p>
<p>Which ECS layer is optional? (This layer can be used to manage the reuse of rules and other application assets)</p>
<p>Division Layer</p>
<p>Which ECS layer contains assets that can be extended in specific implementations?</p>
<p>Framework Layer</p>
<p>The \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ layer may be comprised of one or more generalized applications, such as a standard Pega application for a specific industry, or an extendable custom application</p>
<p>Which ECS layer defines an application customized for a specific division or line of business?</p>
<p>Implementation Layer</p>
<p>The \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ layer application may extend one or more framework layer applications.</p>
<p>For example, a clothing retailer consists of two brands of stores. One brand focuses on the upscale clothing market, while the other brand runs a value-oriented chain of stores. Each brand needs to manage item returns. The retailer can develop a generalized application that manages clothing returns in the framework layer. Each brand can then create its own \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ layer to customize the returns process. Each customized application contains brand-specific assets, such as styling and policies.</p>
<p>Try to make a question out of the picture</p>
<p>Try to make a question out of the picture</p>
<p>What is the purpose of the Enterprise Class Structure (ECS)?</p>
<ol> <li>ECS provides a structure supporting rule reuse</li> <li>ECS is used to alter the performance of the Pega Platform</li> <li>ECS documents industry or enterprise standards that applications must contain</li> <li>ECS references single-value properties and complex properties</li></ol>
<ol> <li>ECS provides a structure supporting rule reuse</li></ol>
<p><em>ECS has layers designed to hold rules specific to that layer. The placement of rules within ECS is a determining factor in how they are used.</em></p>
<p>You have a requirement to create an email correspondence that can be reused by other applciations. In which two layers of the ECS could you apply the email correspondence rule? (choose two)</p>
<ol> <li>Division</li> <li>Implementation</li> <li>Pega Platform</li> <li>Organization</li></ol>
<p>1. Division</p>
<p><em>Assets in the Division layer are available for use in applications</em></p>
<p>4. Organization</p>
<p><em>The Organization layer contains the assets used on an enterprise-wide basis. Assets contained in the Organization layer are available for use in applications</em></p>
<p>Which layer of the ECS contains generalized assets that are then extended by specific implementations?</p>
<p>1. Division</p>
<p>2. Framework</p>
<p>3. Implementation</p>
<p>4. Organization</p>
<p>2. Framework</p>
<p><em>The Framework layer contains assets used to create generalized, reusable applications. A framework application is then extended by specific implementations</em></p>
<p>The initial application created by the New Application Wizard contains a set of rulesetes for the application and organizational assets.</p>
<ul> <li>True</li> <li>False</li></ul>
<p><em>When the application is generated, two rulesets are created for the application and two are created for organizational rulesets.</em></p>
<p>You create the initial application rulesets using the New Application Wizard. Which application ruleset is used for rules related to integration?</p>
<ol> <li>GogoRoadApp</li> <li>MyTownApp</li> <li>HRApps</li> <li>MyTownAppInt</li></ol>
<p>4. MyTownAppInt</p>
<p><em>The rulesets ending in Int are used for rules related to integration</em></p>
<p>What kind of rule can we use when faced with the following example?</p>
<p>Company responses to customer complaints are within one business day. For customers with silver status the company responds in 5 hours and customers with gold get a response in 2 hours.</p>
<p>We can use a<strong><u>circumstanced rule</u></strong>here to handle this complexity.</p>
<p><em>Alternatively we can use SLA's to apply 3 different response intervals in a process with 3 different assignments and the SLA's applied to each of the assigments. This causes us to change 3 assignments instead of one if the prcoess changes.</em></p>
<p><em>Complex exceptions that depend on combinations of factors become difficult to maintain and update.</em></p>
<p>What type of rule can be used to handle the specific conditions of the bank listed below?</p>
<p>Bank of America offers the following promotions that reduce or wave fees for customers meeting the criteria:</p>
<ul> <li>A new customer recieves 100 cummission-free trades for the first 3 months after opening an investment account</li> <li>A customer recieves a rebate on commissions as long as the daily balance in their investment account exceeds certain thresholds (varys on account type and country)</li> <li>A customer who refers a friend to the bank recieves 10 commission free trades per month for 6 months</li></ul>
<p>In this scenario we would handle it with a circumstanced rule.</p>
<p><em>In Pega applications, you model complex exceptions through circumstancing. With circumstancing you create a variant of a rule, such as a decision or a service level, tailored to the specific circumstance.</em></p>
<p><em>Circumstancing allows you to customize the behavior of your application to address each exception condition you identify using a collection of targeted rules, rather than one complex and difficult to maintain rule.</em></p>
<p>True or False: Circumstancing allows you to customize the behavior of your application to address condition exceptions using a single complex rule.</p>
<p><em>Circumstancing allows you to customize the behavior of your application to address each exception. You create a variant of a rule tailored to a specific circumstance.</em></p>
<p>What is the base rule in the following situation? Why?</p>
<p>Consider a company with different response time obligations for elite and non-elite customers. The response time for non-elite customers is the expected behavior.</p>
<p>The base rule in this situation is the non-elite response time because this is the expected behavior.</p>
<p><em>First you create the base rule that covers the majority or expected outcome, then you identify and exceptions to the expected behavior for circumstanced rules.</em></p>
<p>True or False. You can circumstance a rule according to one or<strong><u>more</u></strong>conditions?</p>
<p><em>A condition can be one variable, multiple variables or the processing date.</em></p>
<p>\_\_\_\_\_\_ rule variant is effective whenever the value of a single property satisfies the circumstancing condition.</p>
<p>Single Value</p>
<p>\_\_\_\_\_\_ rule variant is effective whenever the combination of property values satisfies the circumstancing condition.</p>
<p>Multiple Value</p>
<p>Multiple value circumstances are based on a \_\_\_\_\_\_ and \_\_\_\_\_\_.</p>
<p>Circumstance Template and Circumstance Definition</p>
<p>The \_\_\_\_\_\_ defines the combination of conditions in which a property uses a variant of a rule.</p>
<p>Circumstance Definition</p>
<p>\_\_\_\_\_\_ rule variant is effective after a certain date or during a range of dates.</p>
<p>As-of Date</p>
<p>\_\_\_\_\_\_ rule variant is effective whenever the value of a date property satisfies the circumstancing definition.</p>
<p>Date property</p>
<p><em>This condition can either be a single date or a range of dates. The As-of date rule variant is slightly different because it is applying after a specified date or date range. Unlike the <u><strong>date property, which allows you to specify a comparison date such as a birth date</strong></u>, the <u><strong>As-of date property uses the system date/time as the date comparison.</strong></u></em></p>
<p>You have two options for overriding a circumstanced rule: \_\_\_\_\_\_ rule or \_\_\_\_\_\_ a rule.</p>
<p>flag a base rule or withdraw a rule</p>
<p>True or False? Circumstanced rules have the same name as a base rule.</p>
<p>How do you flag a rule as a new<strong> base version</strong> in order to get rid of any circumstancing on that rule?</p>
<p>Copy the rule to a higher RS version and mark it as a base rule by checking the box.</p>
<p><em>This tells the rule resolution algorithm to ignore all previous occurrences of the rule in the same major but different minor/patch version.</em></p>
<p>How would you get rid of circumstancing on a rule by withdrawing it?</p>
<p>When a circumstanced rule is withdrawn all previous occurrences of this rule in the same major but lower minor/patch versions having the same circumstance type are withdrawn</p>
<p><em>Rule resolution then selects the base version of the rule despite meeting the circumstanced condition.</em></p>
<p>What rule is selected in rule resolution when a borrower has HighRisk accoring to our ruleset and the contained rules? (see picture)</p>
<p>The flagged rule is the correct rule resolution for this scenario. The flagged base rule is a higher priority then the rule with the values of HighRisk. In this case the lower ruleset version (01-01-01) with the two circumstanced rules is obsolete.</p>
<p>Which rule would be selected by the rule resolution algorithm in this scenario? (Borrower with a low risk of default)</p>
<p>In this scenario the correct rule resolution for a borrower with a low risk of default in this example is the rule in the MyCoLoan ruleset version 01-01-01.</p>
<p>The higher version of MortLoan in the MyCoLoan ruleset is<strong>Withdrawn.</strong>A withdrawn rule hides a prior circumstanced version and reverts to the base rule.</p>