deck_47571 Flashcards
Final Anagrams
4 aims of regulation
CRIPConfidence to financial systemReduce financial crimeInefficiency correctionProtection of customers of financial products
Final Anagrams
What are the 5 types of regulatory regime?
SS VUMSelf regStatutoryVoluntary cocUnregulatedMixed
Final Anagrams
Explain an Ivestment trust in 3 points (shares or units, closed ended or open, buy/sell from investor or manager)
S,CE,Inv, discount to NAV, company law
Final Anagrams
Explain an unit trust in 3 points (shares or units, closed ended or open, buy/sell from investor or manager)
U,oe,man, equal to NAV, trust law, bid/offer spread
Final Anagrams
Explain an OEIC in 3 points (shares or units, closed ended or open, buy/sell from investor or manager)
S, oe, man, company law, lower charges, 1 buy/sell price
Final Anagrams
What is the formula for the real WACC?
debt/(debt+eq)Gross cost of debt(1-t) + equity/(debt+equity)*cost of equityFractions reflected optimal capital structureGCoD=return on IL bonds+Corp Bond RPCoE=return on IL bonds+ERPt=assumed corporation tax rate
Final Anagrams
What are the assumptions underlying the discounted dividend model?
D, an annual dividend first paid at time 1i, constant effective annual required rate of returng, constant effective annual rate of divdiend growthi>gi, g both real or both nominaltaxes and expenses ignoredDividends are reinvested at rate iShare held in perpetuity
Final Anagrams
4 Factors effecting demand for assets
Final Anagrams
Why prefer a lower yield?
TIMETaxInvestments deal less frequently, so less costMatchingExpected returns higher, longer DMT
Final Anagrams
Problems with immunisation
Fixed liabilitiesSmall profitsFlat yield curveConstant rebalancingTaxes/dealing costs ignoredSuitable assets may not existIf timings of cashflows are unknown we can’t do it
Final Anagrams
Why might past data be useless?
BEACHESBalance of homogeneous groups changedExperience changesAbnormal fluctuationsChanges in how data was recordedHeterogeneity in group we’re applying assumptions toErrors in the dataStatistically random fluctuations
Final Anagrams
6 methods of financing a benefit scheme?
PAST JUGULARPAYGSmoother PAYGTerminalJust in timeReGULARLums sum in advance
Final Anagrams
How do you appraise a financing method?
DR FLOSSDurabilityRealismFlexibilityLiquidtyOpportunity costStabilitySecurity
Final Anagrams
Reasons to calculate liabilities
IP MAD DOGSInvestment strategyPremium settingMandA’sAccounts (published and internal)Discretionary beenfits Discontinuance benefitsOption termsGtee costsStatury valn
Final Anagrams
What are the sources of surplus?
CAMBODIAChanges in assumptions/legislationA reclaculationModified conribution rateBulk transfer of liabilitiesOptions taken upDiscretionary benefitsInterest on surplusActual not equal to expectedErrors
Final Anagrams
What 3 things must you have to be insurable
P/h has interest in the riskFinancial and quantifiable natureAmount paid by insurer relates to the financial loss incurred
Final Anagrams
What 6 other things would you like in an insurable risk
MUDPISMoral hazard avoidedUltimate limit to liabilityData to price the riskPooling of similar risksIndependant risk eventsSmall probability of occuring
Final Anagrams
What are the risk managemnt tools?
MURDAManagement and control systemsUnderwriting and claims controlReinsuranceDiversificationART
Final Anagrams
What management control systems are there?
Special DAMSData checksAccounting/auditMonitor liabilitiesSpecial care on Options/Gtees
Final Anagrams
3 types of underwriting
Final Anagrams
4 possible stages of underwriting?
Proposal formDr reportMedical examSpecilist tests
Final Anagrams
4 types of claims control
CLEOClaim formLoss adjustEstimatesOngoing checks
Final Anagrams
3 headings of reinsurance, split first into 2, second into 4 and the last explain
Proportional, NP, FinancialProportional:Quota shareSurplusNPRisk XLAgg XLCAT XL Stop lossFinancial - reinsurance to improve solvency position, regulatory arbing
Final Anagrams
Reasons to reinsure
SAD LIFESmoothingAvoid large lossesDiversifyLimit exposure to single risks/accumulationsIncrease NB capictiyFinancial assistance (NB, solv)Expertise e.g. data/pricing
Final Anagrams
Types of ART
DIPSISDisc coverIntegrated risk coverPost loss fundingSecuritisationInsurance derivSwaps