deck_2350498 Flashcards
A 14 line poem of rhymed iambic pentameter. The 2 major sonnet forms are the English or Shakespeare and Italian or Petraconian
2 syllable unit (or foot) w/the accent on the second syllable, as in “re sult”. When series of iambs are repeated, we describe the meter as “iambic”
In metered poetry, a unit (usually) one accented syllable and 1 or 2 unaccented syllables
The rhythmical pattern of accented syllables in poetry
In poetry, 5 rhythmical feet
Rhyme scheme
The pattern of rhyme in poetry- usually marked w/ letters example: ABAB
Dramatic Foil/Foil
A character who highlights the traits of another character through contrast
Speaking dramatically to (usually) an inanimate quality; often a capital “O” appears in front of the inanimate quality
The larger (acts) and smaller (scenes) divisions of a play
Blank Verse
Poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter. Most of Shakespeare play’s are written in this form
A literary work, especially a play with a happy ending
A story written to be preformed by actors
A literary work, especially a play, that results in a catastrophe for the main character. In most cases, an important person is brought down by a major flow in his or her own character. This flow is known as a characters tragic flaw
A long speech spoken on stage by a single character. it differs form a monologue in the soliloquy is meant to be the character’s internal thoughts spoken out loud as if the audience were hearing the character think out loud
A deliberate exaggeration or overstatement. They are often used for comic effect
The repetition of sounds at the ends of words; the ‘getter’ and ‘better’
End Rhyme
Rhyme that occurs at the end of poetic lines
Stage Directions
In drama, the notes that describe how a work to be preformed or stage