deck_16326295 Flashcards
What is the maximum operating altitude?
41,000 ft
What is the maximum TOL pressure altitude?
8,400 ft
CABIN ALTITUDE WARNING immediate action items
- Don oxygen masks and set regulators to 100%
- Establish crew communications
What is the minimum and maximum takeoff operating temperature limits?
-54 degrees C to +54 degrees C
What is the flight maneuvering loads? Flaps up/Flaps down
Flaps up = +2.5 g to -1.0 g
Flaps down = +2.0 g to 0.0 g
What is the maximum Mach Trim Inoperative Maximum Speed?
280 kts/0.82 M
What is the maximum airspeed (Vmo/Mmo/Gear speeds, etc.)
Maximum operating speed must not be exceeded in any regime of flight as listed on the placards or the overspeed warning (clacker). If the clacker or gear/flap placard speeds are exceeded, a logbook entry is required.
What is the maximum runway slope?
+/- 2%
What is the minimum recommended plowed or usable runway width?
100 ft.
What type of field condition report requires that you not attempt to takeoff or land?
NIL or MU value of 20 or less
What type of field condition report requires that you will not attempt a taxi or takeoff?
If the rudder pedal nose wheel steering is inoperative or thrust reverse inoperative (one), what is the minimum width of the runway?
45 m at minimum (147.6 ft)
What is the minimum width of a runway when you have a jammed or restricted flight controls, trailing edge flap asymmetry, leading edge flap/slat asymmetry, or loss of A/B hydraulics?
45 m at minimum (147.6 ft)
What is the maximum steady state crosswind for takeoff/landing on a dry runway?
35 kts (25 kts on narrow runway)
What is the maximum gust tailwind for takeoff or landing?
10 kts (exception for SJO/ITO)
What is the maximum steady state crosswind for takeoff or landing on a 5-Good runway?
25 kts
What is a narrow runway for crosswind considerations?
less than 45 m (147.6 ft)
What are low visibility steady crossing takeoff/landing winds?
<4000 RVR or 3/4 mi - 35 kts (25 kts for narrow runway) takeoff or 15 kts on landing
<1600 RVR or 1/4 mi - 20 kts takeoff, 15 kts landing
< 500 RVR - 10 kts takeoff
When is the sideslip (no crab) landings recommended?
For crosswind components up to 15 kts
What is the maximum bank angle with aircraft that have ventral strakes for landing?
8.8 degrees bank. Do not use sideslip only with crosswind techniques that exceed 15 kts
What are the MAX ground wind operating envelopes?
> 45 kts crosswind, limit thrust to a setting normally used for taxi.
> 58 kts crosswind, limit engine thrust to idle except when setting takeoff thrust on the runway
What is the maximum headwind component for an HGS AIII mode?
25 kts
When do you use gusts in your takeoff/landing calculations?
Usually use steady state in the takeoff/landing crosswind/headwind component calculations. Use gusts for tailwind computations.
When winds are variable, what do you use for calculations?
Use the most restrictive direction for variable winds (tailwind)
What types of winds does the PWB system use?
Magnetic (must convert from reports to magnetic)
What is the maximum wind velocity for takeoff and landing?
50 kts steady wind and 70 kts peak gust
What is the minimum flight deck crew?
What must be done before departing with passengers (check)?
Overwing exit handle cover must be verified and all girt bars must be installed for taxi, takeoff, and landing
If you are conducting a flight without passengers, how many girt bars must be installed?
One forward door escape slide retention bar must be installed during taxi, takeoff, and landing.
May you dispatch with all lavatories inoperative?
Not for revenue flights
May you access the Onboard Maintenance Function (PMF) or MCDU Maintenance pages?
Not unless allowed by MX Control or MEL.
When may you use PWB intersection takeoff data?
It is only valid for that runway and intersection and not for another intersection or full length
What is the maximum taxi weight?
-700 = 155,000 lbs
-800 = 174,700 lbs
-Max = 181,700 lbs
What is the maximum takeoff weight?
-700 = 154,500 lbs
-800 = 174,200 lbs
-Max = 181,200 lbs
What is the maximum landing weight?
-700 = 129,200 lbs
-800 = 146,300 lbs
-Max = 151,500 lbs
What is the maximum zero fuel weight?
-700 = 121,700 lbs
-800 = 138,300 lbs
-Max = 145,000 lbs
If a cargo load has been exceeded, do you need to make a logbook entry?
Contact Dispatch and Maintenance - they will instruct is a logbook entry is required.
What is the approximate maximum total of the cargo bins?
-700 = approximately 4,300 lbs (fwd), 7,000 lbs (aft)
-800/Max = approximately 7,500 lbs (fwd), 10,500 lbs (aft)
If an aircraft has a drag reduction kit, what is the minimum landing weight?
93,000 lbs. If landing at a weight of below 93,000 lbs, use this weight to calculate a Vref (may not use a Vref number lower than 93,000 lbs) – PWB will automatically adjust for a minimum of 93,000 lbs
What is the maximum safety system relief differential pressure?
9.10 psi
What is the maximum cabin differential pressure for takeoff and landing?
0.125 psi
What position must the PACK switch be for takeoff, approach, or landing?
May not be in HIGH position (this does not include when directed by a fire protection non-normal checklist
What is the maximum operating differential pressures
range from 7.45 to 8.35 psid
What is the maximum external air pressures?
60 psi
Can a pack and preconditioned air be used at the same time?
No, pack and preconditioned air sources can not be used at the same time to heat or cool the aircraft
What types of operations are allowed with an unpressurized aircraft?
Non-revenue flights
When may you use the Engines Bleeds On procedures?
When operational conditions permit
When may you power two engine packs from an engine bleed source?
The MAX may power two packs by one engine bleed source in flight only.
When must engine ignition be on?
For takeoff, landing, operation in heavy rain, and during anti-ice operation.
When must engine anti-ice be on?
During all ground/flight operations in icing conditions (exist or anticipated) except during climb or cruise below -40 degrees C SAT. Must turn on during the descent even when below -40 degrees SAT
Can you hold with flaps extended?
Only when there are no icing conditions - holding in icing conditions with flaps extended is prohibited
When may you not operate the wing anti-ice?
On the ground with temperatures above 10 degrees C (OAT)
Can you use wing anti-ice as a ground de-ice/anti-ice method?
Do not use as a substitute for ground de-ice/anti-ice or inspection procedures
What is the maximum speed with window heat inoperative?
Maximum speed is 250 kts below 10,000 ft.
When must problems heat be on?
All phases of flight
When may you operate the weather radar?
Do not operate during fueling, near fuel spills, or people
When must you turn off the wing anti-ice?
Before the takeoff roll (must be in OFF position)
After you de-ice, how long must you wait to turn on an APU or engine bleed?
1 minute
For the max, when may you activate the engine anti-ice system?
You may not activate until in actual or anticipated icing conditions (may result in severe engine inlet damage or failure
When may you use the autopilot?
Anytime except takeoff, landing, or below 400 ft AGL on takeoff. You must disengage by 50 ft below DA/DDA but no less than 50 ft AGL
May you use aileron trim with the autopilot engaged?
When may you use the autothrottle?
Must be disengaged by 50 ft below DA/DDA but no less than 50 ft AGL. Must be disengaged in severe turbulence. Must be disengaged when the autopilot is disengaged during cruise, descent, or approach phases. Momentary use is allowed with in CWS pitch mode.
What is the maximum generator output for the NG? Max? in a single generator scenario.
On the ground - 215 amps per engine-driven generator (NG). On the ground or air - 215 amps per engine-driven generator (MAX)
What can be used to reduce an engine-driven generator below the max amperage?
The CAB/UTIL and IFE/PASS SEAT switches must be turned off in flight with one generator and no APU available to minimize below 215 amps.
What is a generator maximum load amps?
260 amps