deck_15897316 Flashcards
Approach Speeds based on Category:
A: 90 kts
B: 91-120 kts
C: 121 - 140 kts
D: 141 - 165 kts
E: >165 kts
Spec Vis for each Category of aircraft:
A: 1
B: 1 1/2
C: 2
D: 2
Circling Minima prior to 2020
A: 1.3
B: 1.5
C: 1.7
D: 2.3
E: 4.5
Speed Limitations for a Hold
At or Below 6000ft:
6000ft and up to and including 14,000ft:
Above 14,000ft:
At or Below 6000ft: 200
6000ft and up to and including 14,000ft: 230
Above 14,000ft: 265
Standard Departure Criteria
Cross at least ____ft above the departure
Climb straight ahead to _____ ft above aerodrome elevation (AAE)
Maintain a climb gradient of at least_____
35ft above
400ft above
200 ft/NM climb gradient
What to do if no visibility is published for a runway?
- Depart if takeoff will allow for obstacle avoidance
- Take-off vis cannot be below 1/2SM
What to do if Aerodrome Operating Vis is less than the Aerodrome level of Service?
- Then vis is less than minimum taxi vis
- Except when the aircraft has commenced taxi for departure (Including de-icing)
Aerodorme operating visibility Heirachy - With an active tower
- Ground Vis (METAR)
- Tower Vis
- Pilot Vis
Aerodorme operating visibility Heirachy - Without an active tower
- Any reported RVR
- Pilot Vis
What is the difference between Gorund and Tower Vis?
- When ground vis is reported, Tower vis is advisory
- When gound vis is not reported or reported from AWOS, tower vis can replace ground vis
Take-off Visibilty Heirachry
- RVR - Unless fluctuating or less than ground
- Ground Vis :
- If no RVR is available
- RVR is fluctuating above and below the minimum
- RVR is less because of a local phenomena
* Local phenomena occurs if RVR is less than ground vis
When is a take-off authorized?
- When RVR is at or above the minimum take-off vis
- Reported ground vis is at or above the minmum take-off vis
- Pilot Vis is greater
What to do if cleared to follow a SID with no specific heading? (is drift correction applied)
Maintain the heading that corresponds to the extended runway centerline
*No drift correction is applied to SID’s
SID Clearance will include____ from ATC
- Name of te SID
- SID termination fix (sometimes)
- Transition Information
- Time or Location fro the aircraft to expect further information (Expect further clearance time)
Does a revision to a SID cancel it?
No, changes to an existing SID does not cancel it
With regard to noise abatement procedures, what would you do if the ATC vectors conflict with published noise abatement procedures?
Always follow ATC vectors
What is the minimum vis for Obstacle Departure Procedures (ODP’s)?
1/2 SM
What does it mean if a departure as not been assessed?
- There is no gaurentee of obsactle clearance
- PIC is responsible for determining climb gradient, clearance and routing for obstacle clearance
IFR Departure from Uncontrolled Aerodorome Procedure:
The pilot shall:
1. Obtain clearance if in controlled airspace
2. Report departure procedure and intentions on appropriate frequency
3. Ensure that no other aircraft or vehicle whill conflict with your aircraft upon departure
IFR Departure from Uncontrolled Aerodorome - Listening Watch
- Duing take-off
- After take-off from an uncontrolled for which an MF has been assigned until clear of the zone
- As soon as possible after exiting the MF establish contact with the appropriae ATC unit
What to do if departing IFR from an uncontrolled aerodrome in uncontrolled airspace?
- ATC clearance is not require as it is uncontrolled airspace
- Maintain a listening watch of appropriate frequencies
- Contact ATC for when needed
What are instrument approaches governed by?
What are IFR landings governed by?
What is a SID?
A Standard Instrument Departure
What is a STAR?
A Standard Arrival procedure
Does accepting a visual approach cancel a STAR?
Yes, automatically but it can be reinstated by ATC
What is an open STAR?
- Does not automatically line up wiht the final approach
- ATC will issue vectors from downwind to final
- Must maintain STAR procedure until ATC vectors you for a straigh-in
- Once cleared all speed and altitude restrictions still apply
Is a clearance required to descend when following a STAR?
Yes, ATC must clear you to descend
Do ATC altitudes supersede a STAR?
No, altitude restrictions must still be followed
Do ATC speed restrictions supersede a STAR?1.
Yes, ATC speed restricitons supersede any STAR restrictions
When is straight-in landing minima published?
- When normal rate of descent can be made from the FAF
- When the final apporach track intersects the extended runway centerlie within 30 Deg
What happens to straigh-in landing minima when the published requirements are not met?
- Only circling minma apply
- Pilot can still land straigh-in using a circling procedure
What happens what the High Intensity Aerodrome Lighting fails?
Advisory vis changes to 1 RVR 5,000 and DH ust increase to 50 ft
What is the approach ban?
It is a rule that prevents pilots from continuing an approach if certain visibilty requirements are not met
What are the conditions for the approach ban?
Cannot go passed the FAF if:
1. RVR A only is below 1200
2. RVR A and B are below 1200/600
3. RVR B only is below 1200
What are the exceptions to the approach ban?
- If you are passed the FAF or have intercepted the final approach course
- It is a training flight which intendes to conduct a missed approach
- RVR is fluctuating above and below minimums
- RVR is less than ground but ground is at least 1/4 SM
- PIC is conducting a precision apporach to CAT III minimums
What does ILS stand for?
Instrument Landing System
What frequency and range does ILS operate in?
VHF & 108.1 - 111.9MHz
ILS localizer width is between __ and __
3 degrees and 6 degrees
What is the full deflection of an ILS instruments and what does each dot represent?
Full deflection is 2.5 degrees
Each dot is 0.5 degrees
What is the reliable coverage of an ILS LOC?
18NM within 10 degrees of either side of the course centerlnie
10 NM within 35 degress of either side of the course centerline
Where is the ILS lOC positioned?
At the end of the runway
What are the two LOC Freq ID’s and what do they mean?
X: LOC exceeding 3 degrees of runway heading
I: LOC back courses with an alignment of 3 degrees of less
What frequency does the Glide path operate on and range?
UHF & 329.3 - 335 MHz
What is the beam width of the Glide Path?
1.4 degrees
Where is the Glide Path positioned?
At the touchdown zone
What do you do if you lose visual reference to the ground while circling?
- Iniate a climb towards the center of the aerodrome
- Fly as closely as possible to the missed approach procedure of the approach runway
*Not the landing runway