Deck with prompts for QA Flashcards
QA tests
What spell (1)
This one makes fire, which has been a pretty sought-after skill since humans (and, presumably, wizards) first walked the earth.

What Spell (2)
As spells go, an unlocking charm is almost as dull as Point Me. But useful if you’re the forgetful type.

What spell (3)
This one actually makes water. Seriously, think about how many problems that could solve.

Define (1)
Wingardium Leviosa

Making stuff fly is undeniably cool, and you could also use this one to move random objects without having to put your back out (or really put in any physical effort at all, which sounds wonderful). It also works nicely as the reverse for our next spell…
Define (2)

Harry is almost embarrassingly reliant on the disarming spell when he fights basically anyone in the books, but we can’t really blame him for that — it does get the job done against Voldemort in the end, after all. On a day-to-day basis, Expelliarmus would also be a crucial tool for self-defence in the wizarding world.
Define (3)

Blasting solid objects apart sounds pretty dangerous, but just think how quickly you could clear a fallen tree from the road, or knock through a wall.

Expecto Patronum
Harry uses this spell approximately 26 million times in the books, which is why it’s in the upper realms of usefulness here, but we’d imagine the average witch/wizard wouldn’t need it anywhere near as much, if at all. Still, a handy one to know just in case you do ever come across a dementor that needs chasing off.
What is
A spell for erasing memories does sound a little on the evil side, but it’s also a crucial tool for wizards who need to stay hidden from pesky muggles.


Vera Verto[1] was the incantation of a transfiguration spell used to transform an animal into a water goblet. Animals susceptible to this spell were specifically aves, rodents, and felines.[3]

Vera Verto

If you have any dark, shadowy corners in your house, there’s always the chance you might have a boggart lurking about. In case you’ve forgotten your Defence Against the Dark Arts lessons, those are the pesky creatures that take on the form of the thing you fear the most. Riddikulus is the spell that banishes them, and it’s sure a pretty handy one to have in your arsenal. Just in case.