Deck Two – Be In Shape Flashcards
How many alcoholic drinks do you need to have to experience a negative effect on your writing performance?
Studies show that__percent to__percent of all riders killed in motorcycle crashes had used alcohol. Not all of them had a blood alcohol level above legal limits
True or false: over-the-counter drugs, in addition to prescription and illegal drugs, having side effects that can increase the risk of motorcycle operation
True or false: alcohol needs to be digested before it enters the bloodstream and begins to affect the drinker
False. Unlike most food and beverages, alcohol does not need to be digested and enters the bloodstream quickly
The major effect of alcohol is to___ down and ______ bodily functions
SLOW down and IMPAIR
BAC stands for what?
What does it mean?
BAC refers to the amount of alcohol in relation to blood in the body
Alcohol can be eliminated in the body at the rate of almost___drink(S) per hour
What three factors play a major part in determining BAC?
- The _______ of alcohol you consume
- How _____ly you drink
- Your body____
True or false: alcohol may still accumulate in your body even if you are drinking at a rate of only one drink per hour
Total # drinks consumed - (minus) # hours since the last drink = # drinks left in body
7 drinks after 3 hours equals__drinks remaining in the person’s system
4 drinks after 2 hours equals__drinks remaining in the person’s system
4 drinks remaining
2 drinks remaining
In New York State, a driver with a BAC of__percent or above is legally intoxicated
.08 %
True or false: your insurance company CANNOT refuse to pay for medical costs caused by a traffic crash in which you were under the influence of alcohol or drugs
False. Your insurance company CAN/ MAY refuse to pay medical costs caused by a traffic crash in which you were driving and under the influence of alcohol or drugs
DWI (at least .08 BAC ) has a minimum consequence of__month license revocation for a first offense in a ten-year period
6 months
DWAI – Drug (driving while ability impaired by a drug) has a minimum consequence of__month license suspension for a first offense in a ten-year period
Refusing a chemical test to check for intoxication results in a minimum__– year revocation of license
The zero tolerance law for drivers under 21 states that you can get your license suspended for a BAC as low as__%
When your license is revoked or suspended due to an alcohol or drug – related conviction, the court must also give you a mandatory___
True or false: if you wait an hour for each drink before writing, your skills will not be affected and you cannot be arrested for drinking and riding