Deck 4 – Abilities Flashcards
What is the best way to deal with a tailgater?
Let them get in front of you
True or false: when passing someone, it is not necessary to use your turn signal, check your mirrors, or turn your head to look for traffic.
False. Before passing, put your signal on,use your mirrors and turn your head to look for traffic behind. After passing, signal again, incomplete mirror and head checks before you return to your original Lane
When you are being passed from behind or by a vehicle from the opposite direction, stay in the___portion of your lane
True or false: cars and motorcycles cannot share a lane safely, but lane sharing is permitted for two motorcycles
Do not ride next to cars or trucks in other lanes if you do not have to, because you might be in the ______ _______ of the vehicle in the next lane
Blind spot
what is the three – step process used to make appropriate judgments during traffic situations?
What does “SEE“ stand for?
What are you searching for in the “search“ step of SEE?
Potential hazards
Potential escape routes in or around intersections, shopping areas, construction zones
What are you evaluating in the “evaluate“ step of SEE?
How potential hazards can create problems (stationary objects like trees, telephone poles; traffic signals; other vehicles, people, animals)
What are you executing in the “ execute“ step of SEE?
Your decision/plan to create more space and minimize harm from any hazard
To create more space and minimize harm from any hazard you can
Communicate your presence with___and/or___
Adjust your___by accelerating, stopping or slowing
Adjust your___and/or___
Where is the greatest potential for conflict between you and other traffic?
At intersections
To increase your chances of being seen at intersections ride with your___on
To reduce your reaction time cover the___and the___when riding
Clutch and brakes
As you approach an intersection should you slightly reduce or increase your speed
When passing a parked car stay toward the___of your lane
When parking at the roadside, park at a___– degree angle to the curb.
Your___wheel should touch the curb
True or false: making eye contact with other drivers is a good sign they see you
False. Eye contact with another driver is NOT a reliable sign that they have seen you.
The best way to help others see your motorcycle is to keep the ______ on at all times
It is important to flash your brake light before:
You___down, especially if you do so more quickly than others might expect, in a situation where others may not expect it, such as in the middle of a block, or if someone is tailgating you