Deck 9 Flashcards
-ruled from 632-634
-Muhammed’s father-in-law (father of Arshen)
-was the caliph during the Ridda “apostasy” wars
-the first Caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate
-successes Abu-Bakr and rules from 634- 644
-expanded islamic empire to Syria, Palestine, Iraq, and egypt
-another father in law of Muhammed
-second Caliph
-hosted a feast in egypt with their amazing cuisine, but the next day hosted another dinner party serving boiled camels meat basically saying that they are not leaving Egypt
-successes umar and rules from 644- 655
-son-in-law of Muhammed
-part of the Umayyad family
-did not get along with his successor Ali
- successes Uthmann and reigns from 655-661
-final Caliph
-married to Fatima Muhammed’s daughter
-controversy between two sects of Islam during is reign
Shia and Sunni Islam
two sects of Islam who do not see the other as Muslims
shia belifs
focus on the lineage of Muhammad’s family through a series of Imam
believe that Ali and his descendants are part of a divine order
sunni belifs
focus on following the Prophet’s example
follow comandments in the Qur’an
believe Muhammad is the final prophet
believe in Allah’s will(Al-Qadr)
believe in the day of judgement
Aniconic Art
the absence of artistic representations (icons) of the natural and supernatural worlds,
St. Catherine’s Monastery on Mt. Sinai
Built between 548 and 565,
it is the oldest continuously inhabited Christian monastery in the world.
social belief in the importance of the destruction of icons and other images or monuments, most frequently for religious or political reasons.
-also called Fossors
-elaborate burial spaces
-The surface area of the walls allowed for loved ones to create elaborate funeral art for their deceased, art that would represent the ideals that were most dear to them.
Good Shepherd Image
mosaic in the haggi Sophia that represents God as a good shepherd who is caring and loving
Ravenna mosaics
-created as far back as the 5th and 6th centuries AD.
-they are a unique blend of western and eastern designs.
-they are the best surviving examples of the art in Europe.
Sinai icons
the largest collection of Byzantine icons in the world
held in St. Catharine’s monastery
often they depict theotokus or jesus
-ruled from 632-634
-Muhammed’s father-in-law (father of Arshen)
-was the caliph during the Ridda “apostasy” wars
-the first Caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate
-successes Abu-Bakr and rules from 634- 644
-expanded islamic empire to Syria, Palestine, Iraq, and egypt
-another father in law of Muhammed
-second Caliph
-hosted a feast in egypt with their amazing cuisine, but the next day hosted another dinner party serving boiled camels meat basically saying that they are not leaving Egypt
-successes umar and rules from 644- 655
-son-in-law of Muhammed
-part of the Umayyad family
-did not get along with his successor Ali
- successes Uthmann and reigns from 655-661
-final Caliph
-married to Fatima Muhammed’s daughter
-controversy between two sects of Islam during is reign
two sects of Islam who do not see the other as Muslims
shi and Sunni Islam
focus on the lineage of Muhammad’s family through a series of Imam
believe that Ali and his descendants are part of a divine order
focus on following the Prophet’s example
the absence of artistic representations (icons) of the natural and supernatural worlds,
aniconic art
Built between 548 and 565,
it is the oldest continuously inhabited Christian monastery in the world.
holds the largest collection of sinai icons
St. Catherine’s Monastery on Mt. Sinai
social belief in the importance of the destruction of icons and other images or monuments, most frequently for religious or political reasons.
-also called Fossors
-elaborate burial spaces
-The surface area of the walls allowed for loved ones to create elaborate funeral art for their deceased, art that would represent the ideals that were most dear to them.
mosaic in the haggi Sophia that represents God as a good shepherd who is caring and loving
good shepherd image
-created as far back as the 5th and 6th centuries AD.
-they are a unique blend of western and eastern designs.
-they are the best surviving examples of the art in Europe.
Ravenna mosaics
the largest collection of Byzantine icons in the world
held in St. Catharine’s monastery
often they depict theotokus or jesus
saini icons