Deck 7 Flashcards
how are leashold improvements amortized?
over lesser of lease life remaining or the life of improvements
what fund does property tax revenue fall into?
the general fund
how are donations received that are designated as quasi endowments reported as?
recorded as donation without donor restrictions( its up to the board)
what fund uses noncapital and capital financing activities in its cash flows?
proprietary fund financials only(enterprise +internal service)
what is the diff between defined benefit and defined contribution plans?
both reqiure statement of chaneges in net assets avail for benefits
only benefit plans require statement of accumulate plan benefits
cash flow is optional for both
what is the cash flow formula for “cash payments for purchases?
COGS for the year in question
-decreases in inventory(subtract bc cash went up(direct method ))
- increases in AP(subtract because cash went up(direct method))
=cash payments for purchases
how are ARO’s treated in JE format?
asset retirement cost
asset retirement obligation
depreciate cost over life
accrete obligation over the rate
add both depreciation and accretion to get the year 1 expense
how are rennovations and upgrades classified under NFP npn-gov accounting?
capitalized just like commercial.
how are patents capitalized and amortized?
over lessor of legal or economic life(remember to amortize with the date remaining ie 6/12 months)
what makes up consolidated net income?
100% of parent net income less any equity earnings in sub \+ % of sub income less any goodwill impairment =consolidated net income
how are escrow payments received reported in the escrow account?
addd it to the credit side as they make escrow liability go up
how are leashold improvements amortized?
over the expected benefit time frame(when it was put in to the end of the lease)
how are conditional donations recognized?
as a refundable advance until the condition is met. Revenue is never recorded for conditional promises.
why does placing an order not signify revenue recognition?
because control of the goods have not been passed to customer. the goods must be delivered.
how is APIC immediately following acquisition calculated?
invest in sub (sharesfair value)
Common stock(sharespar)
under the aging method, how is the year end alowance balance calculated?
multiply estimated uncollectable % by each amount
existing balance bb determines expense for year
SEC filer vs Non-SEC subsequent eval period
NO SEC–date avail to be issued
SEC–up to issue date
how is the expected credit loss model used?
expected credit loss = amortized cost-present value of expected cash flows. If fair value is more than amortized cost, no loss recognition on income statement. if it makes a gain, b/c fair value is more than amortized cost, gain goes to OCI.
if the ownership does not transfer at the end of the lease or ther is no written purchase option, how is the lease amortized?
pv of lease divided by life of lease
if there is O or W, use asset life divided by eul
if the board stipulates an imposed restriction how is it reported?
without donor restrictions
if stock dividends or splits change common stock outstanding how are they treated?
apply to beggining of period as if they are outstanding all yeat
how are available for use funds calculated?
less encumberence
less expenditures
=remaining appropriations available
what is the only fund that will show a positive amount?
general fund
what governmental funds get cash flows req.?
proprietary only: enterprise and internal service. NO Governmental funds or Fiduciary funds
what fund must present cash flows in net fund format?
fiduciary funds
what should be disclosed in regard to deferred taxes?
types and amounts of temorary differences, nature and amount of loss and tax credit carryforwards. permenent differences do not have to be disclosed.
how is compensation expense recorded if the options are exercised in the same year they are granted
compensation expense for full amount in this case, otherwise spread it over the years from grant to vest date.
what is the primary purpose of a cash flow statement?
to provide info about cash receipts and cash disbursements during a period. cash flows are historical, so it wont help us determine future cash flows or operating obligations to be met
when is a refundable advance recorded for NFP accounting?
when the condition is conditional and not guaranteed. example. only 50% chance. record as a refundable advance, once it is met, reclass to without donor restrictions.
if a foreign currency transaction is not settled as of year end, how is it accounted for?
record gain or loss from year end to when it is settled. DO not go back to original date