Deck 6 Flashcards
ironclad (adj)
Covered or protected with iron.
Impossible to contradict, weaken, or change
- (v) Harm the good reputation of
Cause (an idea or account) to seem false or unreliable - (n) Loss or lack of reputation or respect
A person or thing that is a source of disgrace
- (also bandy-legged) (Of a person’s legs) curved outwards so that the knees are wide apart (chân vòng kiềng)
(Of a person) having bandy legs - (v) Pass on or discuss (an idea or rumour) in a casual or uninformed way
- (n) A loose sleeveless cloak or shawl, worn especially by women
A covering of a specified sort - (n) An important role or responsibility that passes from one person to another
- (v) Cloak or envelop
- (v) (Of a bird of prey on the ground or on a perch) spread the wings and tail so as to cover captured prey
- (n) A long strip of cloth bearing a slogan or design
Used in reference to support for a belief or principle - (adj) Excellent; outstanding
- (under the banner of) As part of a specified group
Claiming to support a specified cause or principle
irredeemable (adj)
- Not able to be saved, improved, or corrected
2. (Of paper currency) for which the issuing authority does not undertake to pay coin
folly (n)
- Lack of good sense; foolishness
A foolish act, idea, or practice - A costly ornamental building with no practical purpose
irenic / eirenic (adj)
Aiming or aimed at peace
inoculate (v)
- Treat with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease; vaccinate
Introduce (an infective agent) into an organism
Introduce (cells or organisms) into a culture medium
rehabilitate (v)
Restore (someone) to health or normal life by training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or illness
Restore (someone) to former privileges or reputation after a period of disfavour
Return (something, especially a building or environmental feature) to its former condition
desiccate (v)
- (usually as adjective desiccated) Remove the moisture from (something), typically in order to preserve it
- (as adjective desiccated) Lacking interest, passion, or energy
disservice (n)
A harmful action
telling (adj)
Having a striking or revealing effect; significant
untrammelled/untrammeled (adj)
Not deprived of freedom of action or expression; not restricted or hampered
- (v) Show shyness, embarrassment, or shame by becoming red in the face
Feel embarrassed or ashamed - (v) (often as adjective blushing) Be or become pink or pale red
- (n) A reddening of the face as a sign of shyness, embarrassment, or shame
A pink or pale red tinge - (at first blush) At the first glimpse or impression
- (spare (or save) someone’s blushes) Refrain from causing someone embarrassment