Deck 16 Flashcards
fulmination (n)
- An expression of vehement protest.
2. A violent explosion or a flash like lightning.
opprobrium (n)
Harsh criticism or censure.
Public disgrace arising from shameful conduct.
impervious (adj)
- Not allowing fluid to pass through.
2. Unable to be affected by.
impetus (n)
The force or energy with which a body moves.
Something that makes a process or activity happen or happen more quickly.
imbibe (v)
Drink (alcohol)
Absorb or assimilate (ideas or knowledge)
Place (seeds) in water in order for them to absorb it.
antipathy (n)
A deep-seated feeling of aversion.
unfathomable (adj)
- Incapable of being fully explored or understood.
2. (of water or a natural feature) impossible to measure the extent of.
- (n) A government authority or licence conferring a right or title for a set period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention.
- (adj) Easily recognizable; obvious.
- (adj) (medicine) (of a vessel, duct, or aperture) open and unobstructed; failing to close.
(of a parasitic infection) showing detectable parasites in the tissues or faeces. - (adj) Made and marketed under a patent; proprietary.
- (v) Obtain a patent for (an invention)
manumit (v)
Release from slavery; set free.
causality (n)
- The relationship between cause and effect.
2. The principle that everything has a cause.
happenstance (n)
- One of two metal bands joined by a chain, for fastening a person’s hands or ankles.
- Confine (a person or part of the body) with manacles.
- (n) A chain or manacle used to restrain a prisoner, typically placed around the ankles.
A restraint or check on someone’s freedom to act. - (v) Restrain with chains or manacles, typically around the ankles.
Confine or restrict (someone)
slapdash (adj&adv)
- (adj) Done too hurriedly and carelessly.
2, (adv) Hurriedly and carelessly.
artless (adj)
Without guile or deception.
Without effort or pretentiousness; natural and simple.
Without skill or finesse.