Deck 5 Flashcards
have a good head on one’s shoulders
be sensible and down to earth
shows intelligence or skill at a very young age, or behaves in an adult way – sometimes used to show disapproval (when they don’t have modesty)
able to think and understand things quickly
slow on the uptake
not quick to understand something new
mind like a sieve
to forget things easily
sieve = cedník
nail down
to reach a final and definite agreement or decision about something
when you demand that something should happen and refuse to let anyone say no
race track
a circular course around which runners, cars etc race, which often has a specially prepared surface
having the ability to stay calm and not become upset, even in difficult situations
I prided myself on being unflappable even in the most chaotic circumstances.
if you rationalize behaviour that is wrong, you invent an explanation for it so that it does not seem as bad
awash in
if someone or some place is awash in something that is not a liquid, there is a large amount of it
The country is awash in money.
to stop making progress or developing
if something invariably happens or is invariably true, it always happens or is true
demanding a lot of effort, careful work, or skill
The exacting standards laid down by the organic food industry.
skate around
to avoid mentioning a problem or subject, or not give it enough attention
sail through
to succeed very easily in a test, examination etc
rein in
to start to control a situation more strictly
on the ball
able to think or act quickly and intelligently
move the goalposts
to change the rules, limits etc for something while someone is trying to do something, making it more difficult for them - used to show disapproval
approximately; near a particular time, place, number etc, but not exactly
The land is dry in places thereabouts.
(near that place)
to always give an actor the same type of character to play
the sole person, thing etc is the only one
attractive, exciting, and related to wealth and success
feel part of the scenery
feel that you are in the background and unimportant
efficiency saving
improve the quality of doing something, without wasting time, money, or energy
operating theatre
a room in a hospital where operations are done
the act of giving someone else control of a place or business
make an organization/system more efficient and effective by employing faster or simpler working methods
The company streamlined its operations.
the amount of work, goods, or people that are dealt with in a particular period of time
information or instructions that you get before you have to do something
be taken aback
to be very surprised about something