Deck 4 Flashcards
a small hole in the wall or floor between two rooms, or the door that covers it
subtle art
a method that is a skilful and clever
The subtle art of not giving a f*ck.
like a bull in a china shop
if you are like a bull in a china shop, you keep knocking things over, dropping things, breaking things etc
close quarters
a situation of being very or uncomfortably close to someone or something
Living in close quarters with people.
play havoc with
to make a situation much more difficult or confusing
The acid rain plays havoc with marine life.
if someone in authority imposes a rule, punishment, tax etc, they force people to accept it
be up and about
be fit and active
to lower the anchor on a ship or boat to hold it in one place
move or cause to move at high speed, typically in an uncontrolled manner
A runaway car hurtled towards them.
exert oneself
to work very hard and use a lot of physical or mental energy
spaced out
not fully conscious of what is happening around you, especially because you are extremely tired or have taken drugs
like a red rag to a bull
very likely to make someone angry or upset
like a dog with a bone
extremely stubborn and determined
like two peas in a pod
exactly the same in appearance, behaviour etc
like water off a duck’s back
if criticism, warnings etc are like water off a duck’s back, they have no effect on the person you are saying them to