Deck 3 Flashcards
Both hands index and thumb touching each other (like a triangle); then draw hands down and out.
Right hand D (hooked); place at right side of nose and twist
Santa Clause
Place right wrist to chin with fingers hanging below; wiggle fingers
Both hands index and middle fingers touching in front of body; draw hands down and out
To recycle
Both hands R palms down; start with right above left then tumble over each other
Ear infection
Right hand grab ear + right hand I shake
Right hand R palm in; tap R to left shoulder
Both hands open 4; left hand palm to right and right hand palm to left (in a line) OR both hands Q draw away from each other
Right hand Y palm down; move forward like a plane flying
Right hand D; draw a clock on the side of your head
both hands B palms out; draw down in squiggles
Right hand T palm out; knock
Both hands palms out only thumb extended; press forward then drop and press forward again (like a poster)
Both hands T palms facing in; move hands forward
Will (verb)
Both hands W palms up; drop down OR right hand W palm up; start at waist and raise up to in hand in front of face palm in
Left hand T palm in; Right hand T palm in-ish; drop right hand on to left
Right hand P palm in; tap inside of left arm above elbow
Right hand T; tap left shoulder (second knuckles of right hand should touch shoulder)
both hands 5 (open) palms in; start with tips of fingers touching cheeks and draw down in clasping motion
Both hands closed 5 palms facing each other; move forward OR both hands fists palms facing each other; move forward
Both hands open 5 palms in; hands start just about shoulders and shake
Right hand I palm out; shake
Both hands palms facing in with all fingers extended and thumb touching other fingers; move back and forth out of sync
Both hands C palms in; start with tips of fingers touching chest and move about
Both hands with fingertips touching; draw hands backwards and apart
Left hand L palm up; right hand L palm out; slide right hand back and forth
Right hand F palm in; shake in front of face
To leak
Right hand at head height palm down; flick index finger and thumb off each other
Right hand B palm in; tap tips of fingers off chin
To be fed up
Right hand 5 palm in; touch tips of fingers off chin
Left hand L palm out; right hand G palm up; twist wrist so that right hand is now facing down OR left hand L palm down; right hand palm down; start with right hand G and raise up so it becomes 5 by the time it taps bottom of left palm.
Right hand Q palm down; swipe down palm facing out
Left hand L palm up; right hand palm down A; hover over left hand
To remember
Right hand R palm out; start with hand hooked and hand above right eyebrow; then draw R down into fist
Left hand L palm up; right hand F palm out; slide back
Left hand L palm up; right hand P palm out; swivel around OR right hand P palm down; open out to 5
Labour Party
Left hand palm up; right hand D; tap right hand on left.
Left hand L palm in; right hand D palm in; start with right hand behind left right wrist about parallel with left fingers; then draw right hand down and up in a U.
Green Party
Green + Party (both hands 5 crooked in palms facing each other; finger tips touch)
Left hand L palm down; right hand O palm down; start with right hand on back of hand / wrist and left up and away
Left hand L palm down; right hand O palm up; twist elbow so right arm raises and drops onto back of left hand so palm is now down.
Right hand A; move A from left to right of chin
Right hand U; move A from left to right of chin
Right hand C; move A from left to right of chin
Right hand G palm at 90; raise up
Both hands 5 palms down; pat air infront of waist
Both hands 5 palms in; right hand over left; draw hands up
To live
Right hand L palm in; start at chest at raise up to neck
Left hand L palm down; right hand L slap back of wrist.
Both hands palms up thumbs touching fingers; move hands back and forth out of sync.
Right hand U palm in; start at left of chest and move to right in up and down motion.
Both hands D palms in; roll one in front of the others OR Left hand A hand at 90 degrees; right hand D palm in; roll right wrist forward in a circle
To mock
Both hands 5 palms down; drop hands down a few times
Left hand 5 palm sort of in; right hand L; place right hnad between left right and index and move up and down
Both hands B facing each other; move hands back and forth out of sync
To win
Right hands 5 open; tap left shoulder
Not much
Both hands U palm down; right hand over left hand; draw apart + Both hands M palm down; right hand over left hand; draw apart
Home + Left hand L palm down; right hand left palm down; start with right hand just under left then drop
Right hand D; start at right jaw thenq flick out
Both hands G; start with thumbs and index fingers touching; then extend out, dow a semi circle; and join together except this time it’s the little fingers touching
Left hand L palm at 90 degrees; right hand S; slam right hand into left
RH N on right side of chin; slide to the left side and by then it’s a W
To apologise
Left hand L palm up; right hand A palm down; rub right hand on left.
Left hand fist palm to right; right hand L palm down; drop right hand on left. OR Left hand L palm in; right hand F palm in; start with right hand in front of left and bring forward so it becomes L
Right hand T palm to left; start at top of nose and draw down; THEN left hand L palm down; right hand becomes R and swipes under left hand
Left hand L palm down; right hand V palm out; tap right hand on left wrist.
Left hand U palm sort of out to right; right hand I; tap right hand on left
Both hands A; right hand over left; shake them around
Both hands loose 5; loosely interlocked
To ask
Right hand K palm in; start in front of mouth and move forward
Both hands loose 5; move up and down chest out of sync
Left hand L palm in; right hand F palm to left; draw in.
Right hand A palm to left; start by body and move forward
Left hand L palm up (at 90 degrees to arm) and facing to right; right hand A palm facing left; tap right hand off left starting on fingers and moving down to base of hand
Both hand A; start with second and third knuckles touching then move in circular motion not in sync
Left hand L; right hand A; move right hand up and down left palm then swipe off onto fingers
Right hand A palm down; start by hips and raise to shoulder
To arrive
Left hand L palm up; right hand L; start with right hand palm up raise it to chin height then twist wrist and so right hand finger tips arrive on palm of left hand
Both hands L; start with palms touching each other like a prayer in middle of body; then jolt a bit forward and to the left
Left hand L hand up palm in; right hand A hand up palm out; start with right thumb behind left hand at base of hand then draw up
To agree
Both hands palms down in front of body A; start below chest and drop down to waist
Both hands A; start with right wrist over left wrist; as hands unclasp A becomes a loose L
Left hand palm up 5; right hand D; start with right hand hand up facing left then drop finger tip onto left palm
Both hands palms down A; start at chest and move forward and back not in sync
Right hand A; start with palm in thumb touching chin; then swipe so that palm is facing down
Right hand A palm up hand parallel with waiste; twist wrist so hand moves around in a circle
To apply
Left hand L palm at an angle facing in to body; right hand T palm down; move right hand along left like writing; then raise right hand so palm is facing out and switch T into 5
To argue
Both hands index and middle raise but crooked; both hands facing each other; move them up and down out of sync
Both hands D facing in; start with one index finger facing out and the other up; move them up and down out of sync
Right hand N palm down start infront of lips; left hand U arm up palm in; swipe right hand
Left hand D palm in hand up; right hand D palm in hand across; right hand behind left; move index finger up left
Right hand U palm up arm across body; move right hand more to the left and swivvel
Film / Movie
Right hand C around eye; move forward
Right hand A palm in; start with thumb at inside of right eye and swipe down and away to right jaw
To prefer
Right hand R palm to left; tap off chin
Both hands O move one over another
Right hand D palm to left; start with tip of finger in front of nose and move straight forward
Left hand L arm up palm in; right hand R palm in/down; start with right hand at top of left hand and move down
Right hand G palm down; brush off right of under chest
Right hand D top bottom right of nose