Deck 2 Flashcards
Right hand index and thumb touching palm out. Start with hand at shoulder and move forward.
Both hands P in front of body palms up. Start with hands at waist and then move up and forward.
Left hand L in front of body palm up. Right hand sitting on left. Start with right hand O and open to 5.
Right hand W palm at right angle to body. Start with index finger touching mouth then move forwards.
Left hand just hanging down arm. Right arm A. Place right base of right fist just above elbow and move up a few times.
Right hand D. Start at left shoulder and draw a line across body to right shoulder and then draw line down body to right waist.
Right hand palm in. Start with thumb and index together at chin then move out.
Right hand E palm out hand at ear height. Shake hand left and right.
Right hand in C shape palm at right angle to body. Start with hand at top of forehead move down to chin then go left of face to right.
Right hand B. Start with finger tips touching right of forehead palm down then twist wrist so palm is facing out.
Right hand palm out. Little finger extended. Touch index finger to right forehead.
Right hand K. Touch to left shoulder.
Left hand is raised a bit but still is being held more or less at the side of the body. Right hand starts in shape of L just below shoulder and draws along the arm until it becomes K at wrist.
Right hand T. Start with knuckles touching under left shoulder and twist wrist so that thumb is in that place.
Right hand D. Start at top of nose and draw along nose, almost shooting off.
Right hand 5 palm in at chin + F to inside elbow (touch little finger to elbow)
Right hand L palm in. Touch chest.
Right hand S palm in. Draw fist from left to right of bosy.
Right hand W. Start with palm at right angle to body and move aronud until tips of fingers touch chest.
Right hand D palm at right angle to body. Start with index finger a bit up and then draw it down to the centre.
Both hands B palms up. Start with hands at waist height and bring up and down not at the same time.
Both hands L palms facing in. Bring one then the other to the front, slapping off each other.
Left hand L across body palm down. Right hand L start by hovering above then go below and back up and then collapse on to back of left hand.
Both hands i. Interlock little fingers (left above right) and drop.
Left hand L palm up. Right hand H. Draw a circle in palm of left hand with right index and middle.
Both hands V palms in. Touch V to shoulders.
Left hand L palm up in front of body. Right hand N sitting on Left palm (right hand at right angle to body) and move extended fingers front and back.
Before 1
Left hand palm down in front of body. Right hand jump from behind to in front.
Left hand L palm in. Right hand A palm in; swipe down in front of left hand.
Left hand L palm up in front of body. Right hand M; tap off left a few times.
Right hand V; draw from forehead down to chin.
Both hands L palms up; draw from chest height to waist height.
Left hand L in front of body palm up. Right hand F at right angle to body; drop right hand on to left a few times.
Left hand L palm up in front of body. Right hand L at right angle to body; draw once from front to back.
Left hand L palm up in front of body. Right hand T; drop onto left palm.
Right hand T; rough left shoulder
left hand L palm in. Right hand A palm in; draw down in front of left hand.
Right hand D; draw index finger up neck and at chin flick put.
Both hands Y palms in; roll one over the other going forward.
Right hand A; draw from right chin to ear.
To meet
Both hands A palms facing each other; start at sides of body and bring together.
To need
Both hands U palms facing in; raise hands up then swipe down so that palms are now out.
To pay
Left hand L palm up; right hand T palm up resting on left; open right hand out up as moving forward and up.
To stop
Left hand L pal up; right hand L palm facing left; chop right hand down onto left.
To think
Right hand T; raise to right forehead.
To try
Left hand I palm facing in; right hand fingers clasped around tip of left pinky; twist right hand.
To understand
Right hand U; tap right forehead.
To use
Left hand L palm up; right hand U palm down finger on left palm; rub right hand.
To vote
Left hand L palm in; right hand V palm in; slide V from top to bottom behind Left hand OR left hand L palm in; right hand index and thumb touching; “write” X on palm of hand.
To wait
Both hands W; bring up and drop in front of body so they are palms up.
Both hands fists palms down; start in line then move (out of sync) in circles going forward.
Both hands B; palms facing each other; finger tips touching but wrists apart; move hands forward.
Left hand L palm up; right hand L right angle; right hand move forward and back on left.
To break
Both hands in fists palms down; start in line with one another (beside each other) then break
To buy
Left hand L (palm at an angle between flat and 90*); right hand T; swipe right hand down the lenfht of left palm.
To eat
Right hand E; raise to mouth a few times.
To forget
Right hand O; start at right of head then open hand to 5 as hand raise up,
To have
Left hand L palm up; right hand O; bring right hand so O is placed in left palm.
To help
Both hands H; right wrist placed on top of left wrist; raise arms up.
To keep
Right hand fist; bring elbow out to the right of body then squeexe it back in.
To know
Right hand L; pat right of head a few times.
To leave
Both hands L at 90* left above right; swipe from right of body to just past the left
To want
Both hands W palms facing in; raise hands up then swipe down so that palms are now out.
To wish
Right hand W; stroke from right ear to chink
Both hands 5 palms down start at head height; drop hands down like its bits spider
Both hands W palms down; start with right hand at head height and left at chest; roll forward
Both hands 2; facing each other; tap index finger off thumb while hands moving in and ot towards and away from each other.
Both hands L at head height; start with hands facing each other tips touching; wave fingers up and down at knuckles but don’t move hands.
Both hands 4 palm facing inwards rub off chest
Left hand D palm out; right hand S; S beat on D.
Right hand S palm to left; beat off chest
Right hand D palm in; start with fist over nose and inex finger over left eye; swipe down nose.
Left hand L palm up in frnot of body; right hand E palm down; right hand hover over left then drop down.
Left hand L palm up in front of body; right hand T; start with right hand in left palm then open to 5
Both hands A palms facing each other; rub up and down at knuckles
Both hands F palms facing in; start with hands crossed at wrists then bring apart so palms facing out
Both hands C palms in; right hand higher up chest than left; rap finger tips on chest
Right hand A
Both hands H palms facing out; rotate so that palms are facing in OR both hands H at side of head; then move forward
I / me
Right hand D palm facing to right; finger tip touching chest
Right hand B palm facing down; slide from right to left of chin
Right hand M palm facing in; right hand bounce along in waves
Right hand N palm i; swivvel under chin
To read
Left hand L palm up in front of body; right hand v; move V along L
To wake up
Both hands clenched at either side of face palms facing in; then palms still facing each other but now index finger and thumb are open.
To walk
Left hand at half mast; Right hand L; tap L on arm just above albow
Left hand L palm facing down; right hand W; slide W under L a few times
Left hand L palm facing down; right hand W; slide W under L a few times + both hands E palms facign in; move right hand down past left.
To debate
Both hand D palms facing in finger tips opposite each other; move hands simultaneously from side to side
To depend
Both hands D; left hand palm down in front of body; right hand resting on back of left hand; push right index finger forward on left.
Left hand S palm down in front of body; right hand W tap on back of left hand + both hands N rotated backwards around one another.
Right hand W palm down; arc down
Draw clock around face
Cold (resfriado)
Like ribbing nose with tissue
To get up
Left hand palm up; right hand palm down U tap palm.
Both hands side by side palms facing down. Draw right hand back + both hands U almost facing each other right above left; tap right off left.
right hand F; swipe from left ear to chin
both hands index and thumb in shape of O interlocked + both hands thumb and middle finger touching and roll one hand over the other
Left arm up; right hand D; draw right index from wrist to elbow
To get on
left hand L palm down; right hand U; tap right U on left
Left arm down; right hand W; draw right hand from outside to inside of just above left arm above elbow.
Both hands F palms facing between down and out; move hands together from right to left.