Deck 2: Role of the Media 1 Flashcards
What are the 5 key roles of the media?
Entertain Inform Education Promote Make Profit
What audience needs are fulfilled by media for ENTERTAINMENT?
Audiences get a sense of shared values, interests and community. Entertainment fulfils a PSYCHOLOGICAL need.
Are the PURPOSE of a piece of media and it’s ROLE in society the same thing?
Often a piece of media is made for a particular purpose, but it’s role can be very different due to how it is used by the audience.
e.g. The Mona Lisa was painted for payment/profit (purpose) but audiences now use it for entertainment.
What is ‘active’ consumption of a piece of media?
When the audience interact with a text and as a result question it (look for ways to verify it’s authenticity or credibility).
Which role of the media do newspapers and magazines generally fulfil?
Educate Inform Entertain Make Profit Promote
What is ‘passive’ consumption of a media text?
When audiences blindly accept what is put before them as credible/trustworthy and do not question it.
The role of EDUCATION in a piece of media aims to give the audience………(?)
- Intellectual, moral or social instruction
- Training in a particular subject
(e.g. Public Service announcements such as Covid ads, Educational tv such as Sesame street)
To fulfil the role of INFORM in media studies, a media text should…
- To provide facts
- To provide information
- Should take a neutral stand-point
(e. g. newspapers, TV/Radio news)
Which kinds of media text are often used to PROMOTE and MAKE PROFIT?
- advertisements/commercials
- advertising campaigns (either a series, or for a specific intense period)
- magazine articles
- radio
- infomercials
What is a PSA
A public service announcement
*often documentaries are included in this bracket
(can you think of an example you have studied?)
Name 5 CODES you could discuss, which may be used in a media text to fulfil the 5 key roles of the media?
Any of the following: Use of camera Acting Setting Mise-en-scene Editing Lighting Sound Special Effects Typography Colour Visual Composition Text and Graphics Narrative
What types of influences do we find in Role of the Media?
- Intentional
- Unintentional
- Social and Cultural
Which 2 roles of the media involve particular companies or organisations aiming to benefit?
- Promote
- Make profit
What is the term used for the creation of products using a recognisable theme/character to PROMOTE/PROFIT?
e.g. Harry Potter Lego, meercat plushes from
What are the CONVENTIONS of media texts used to EDUCATE?
- Use of presenters/experts (someone trustworthy)
- Use of demonstrations (practical)
- Humour/Fun (e.g. sesame street, horrible histories)
- Song (generate memorability)
What are the CONVENTIONS of media texts used to INFORM?
- Headlines
- Hosts (e.g. anchor person, news reader)
- Reporters/Correspondents
- Polls and other graphic information
- tickertape (band of text running along screen e.g. breaking news)
What are the CONVENTIONS of media texts used to PROMOTE/MAKE PROFIT?
- product placement (showing the product itself)
- celebrity endorsement
- soundtrack (memorable tracks)
- timing (advertising alongside programmes/articles which are related)
- merchandising
What are the CONVENTIONS of media texts used to ENTERTAIN?
- Humour (parody, satire, surreal, physical, sarcasm)
- Aesthetics (pleasing visuals e.g. Wes Andersons use of colour)
- Celebrities
- Cameos (non-speaking, ‘surprise’ appearances by well-known actors/celebs)
- Action
- Music
- Deliberate Controversy (shock tactics)
- Characterisation e.g. cute characters in kids media
In a series of ads continuity is key. What elements may require consistency to maintain an effective campaign?
- Typography
- Branding (logo)
- Mood/Message (e.g. positive, fear, responsibility, fun)
- Colour
- Style/Aesthetics
- Placement
- Timing
- Target audience appeal
Are the roles of the media always separate?
They are often used in combination, or there is an overlap between the roles within a given media text (e.g. ads for cleaning products often inform and promote simultaneously)
Can you think of a piece of media you have studied which both educates and promotes at the same time?