Deck 11 - Regenerating Places: Deprivation, QOL and NS divide Flashcards
What does deprivation mean?
The degree to which an individual or an area is deprived of services and amenities
What are the seven domains/indicies of deprivation?
Income, employment, crime, health, education, housing and the living environment.
What does it mean if the deprivation figure is closer to 1?
Most deprived
What does it mean if the deprivation figure is closer to 32,844?
Least deprived
What does deprivation look like Westgate?
OVERALL: 18,149
Income deprivation: 30,736
Employment deprivation: 31,432
Education, skills and training deprivation:12,786
Health and disability deprivation: 8,375
Crime deprivation: 9,971
Barriers to housing and services deprivation: 9,766
Living environment deprivation: 6,992
What does deprivation look like in Amble?
OVERALL: 11,561
Income deprivation: 10,564
Employment deprivation: 8,604
Education, skills and training deprivation: 6,024
Health and disability deprivation: 10,092
Crime deprivation: 10,744
Barriers to housing and services deprivation: 30,463
Living environment deprivation: 31,600
What does quality of life (QOL) mean?
The standard of health, comfort, and happiness experienced by an individual or group.
What are the economic measures of QOL?
Employment rates and average incomes.
What are the social measures of QOL?
life expectancy, physical health, mental health, access to public transport, travel to work time
What are the environmental measures of QOL?
Housing quality and access to green space
Who was the term North South divide created by?
Danny Dorling, Social Geography at University of Oxford
What does the idea of ‘North South divide’ mean?
Dorling argues that people are socially divided which differs the chances people get in life. These chances range from a persons chance of being ill and dying, to finding work, to the kind of work they do
Explain how employment type can be used as a means of defining a places economic activity
-In 2015, there were 32 million people in work in the UK, with 1.85 millionunemployed-There are three main types of worker: employees with contracts,workers and self-employed-18.4 million people had full time contracts, while there were 9 millionpart-time contracts-In general, the higher the number of full-time contracts in a place the greater its economic activity
What controversial aspects of employment remain in the current UK society?
-The gender gap has narrowed but still exists; on average men get paid 10 per cent more than men-Zero-hour contracts can lead to the exploitation of workers-Temporary and seasonal work usually has low pay, for example tourism and agriculture
What three impacts does Economic Activity have on a place?
Health,Life expectancy, Levels of education
Explain how economic activity can impact health
Clear link between economic activity, income and health as being economically deprived has a greater chance of having poorer health due to not being able to make decisions about the types of foods and drinks consumed as well as accessibility to exercise and private health care.
Explain how economic activity can impact life expectancy
- Longevity varies substantially between places, regions and withinsettlements- In the wealthy area of Harrow the life expectancy is 65 -year- males can expect to live six years more than those in Glasgow
Explain how economic activity can impact education
Impact what education is needed locally and nationally due to changing labour market demands (industries changing), more taxes paid in an area means more spending available for schools
Explain how pay inequalities have developed in the UK
Pay inequalities started historically where the South was provided more funding than the deindustrialised north. This still takes place where investment is greater spatially, it means more high earning positions are typically found there.
What is a sink estate?
A sink estate is a British council housing estate characterised by high levels of economic and social deprivation.
What is a commuter village?
Settlements where a large proportion of the residents commute daily to cities for work.
What is a declining rural settlement?
Rural areas where the quality of life and deprivation is seen to be worsening.
What is a gated community?
Individual buildings or groups of houses which are landscapes of surveillance, with CCTV and often 24/7 security guards. They are designed to deter access by unknown people and reduce crime.
Why are sink estates and declining rural settlements in the most need of regeneration?
Sink estates and declining rural settlements need regeneration as they are usually the areas with the highest deprivation levels, highest unemployment levels.