Deck 10 Flashcards
(American Land Title Association) A type of title insurance policy issued by title insurance companies which expands the risks normally insured against under the standard type policy to include: unrecorded mechanic’s liens; unrecorded physical easements; facts a physical survey would show; water and mineral rights; and rights of parties in possession, such as tenants and buyers under unrecorded instruments.
The depositing of personal property by a debtor with a creditor as security for a debt or engagement.
A term used in appraising to designate the increased value of two or more contiguous lots when they are joined under single ownership and available for use as a larger single lot. Also called assemblage.
shared appreciation mortgage
A loan having a fixed rate of interest set below the market rate for the term of the loan which also provides for contingent interest to be paid to the lender on a certain percentage of appreciation in the value of the property against which the loan is secured upon transfer or sale of the property or the repayment of the loan.
One qualified by education, training and experience who is hired to estimate the value of real and personal property based on experience, judgment, facts, and use of formal appraisal processes.
land contract
A contract used in a sale of real property whereby the seller retains title to the property until all or a prescribed part of the purchase price has been paid. Also commonly called a conditional sales contract, installment sales contract or real property sales contract.
An increasingly popular method of guaranteeing an owner a minimum amount of cash on sale of owner’s present property to permit owner to purchase another. If the property is not sold within a specified time at the listed price, the broker agrees to arrange financing to personally purchase the property at an agreed upon discount.
abatement of nuisance
Extinction or termination of a nuisance.
security interest
A term designating the interest of the creditor in the property of the debtor in all types of credit transactions. It thus replaces such terms as the following chattel mortgage; pledge; trust receipt; chattel trust; equipment trust; conditional sale; inventory lien; etc., according to Uniform Commercial Code usage.
constructive fraud
A breach of duty, as by a person in a fiduciary capacity, without an actual fraudulent intent, which gains an advantage to the person at fault by misleading another to the other’s prejudice. Any act of omission declared by law to be fraudulent, without respect to actual fraud.
release clause
A stipulation that upon the payment of a specific sum of money to the holder of a trust deed or mortgage, the lien of the instrument as to a specifically described lot or area shall be removed from the blanket lien on the whole area involved.
The process whereby higher-priced properties become available to lower income buyers.
warranty deed
A deed used to convey real property which contains warranties of title and quiet possession, and the grantor thus agrees to defend the premises against the lawful claims of third persons. It is commonly used in many states but in others the grant deed has supplanted it due to the modern practice of securing title insurance policies which have reduced the importance of express and implied warranty in deeds.
The act of agreeing or consenting to the terms of an offer thereby establishing the “meeting of the minds” that is an essential element of a contract.
annual percentage rate
The relative cost of credit as determined in accordance with Regulation Z of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for implementing the Federal Truth in Lending Act.
Holdings in or the ability to convert assets to cash or its equivalent. The ease with which a person is able to pay maturing obligations.
California’s usury law limits the interest rate on non-exempt real estate loans to the greater of:
10% or the discount rate charged by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, plus 5% – Usury laws apply only to a loan of money or the forbearance of payment on a money loan. Thus, seller carryback notes are not covered by usury law
What’s the limit that a Broker can place into a trust account to offset banking fees?
REVIEW: A life estate is limited to the life of its owner or the life or lives of one or more designated persons. All of the following are correct statements except:
there may be only one estate existing in a life estate at the same time and under the same circumstances.
REVIEW: What is an agreement in which a borrower receives something of value in exchange for a promise to repay the lender at a later date?
Promissory note was wrong for some reason
REVIEW: There is a strict legal procedure of law for the attainment of a judgment. The legal procedure that is dependent on the rendering of a judgment is:
a Writ of Execution.
a Writ of Execution, is awarded after a judgment is obtained; therefore, it is dependent upon a judgment.
REVIEW: The most essential element to create an enforceable broker-principal relationship is a:
written employment contract.
A written employment contract is the most essential element. The relationship may be unenforceable without it.
Personal property can become real property when:
It is attached permanently to real estate
REVIEW: The amount of principal that has not yet been repaid is called:
The remaining balance
If a person who works for a non-profit organization wants to participate in an employer-sponsored investment plan that allows them to set aside tax-deferred income for retirement or emergency purposes, they would enroll in a:
403(b) plan
REVIEW: The largest number of home loans are made by:
savings banks
Currently savings and loan associations and savings banks are the largest single resource for residential mortgage credit. NOT COMMERCIAL BANKS
If a buyer of a property wishes to move into the newly purchased home before the close of escrow, the agent/broker should:
Obtain written consent from the owner
When a veteran is looked at and proven to be eligible for a VA loan, the document that is given to them from the Department of Veteran’s Affairs is called:
Certificate of Eligibility
A subdivider purchased 10 acres at $20,000 per acre. He paid $20,000 as a down payment. The balance was to be in the form of a straight note secured by a first trust deed. The said trust deed contained a release clause providing that, upon each payment of $20,000, one acre would be released free and clear. The subdivider subsequently paid $40,000 on the principal and received a release on two acres of land free and clear. By this transaction, the percentage of his equity in the encumbered property would do which of the following?
GOTTA ACTUALLY DO THE MATH: The equity is the difference between the market value of the encumbered acreage and the amount of the loan.|10 acres valued at $20,000 each – $18,000 loan = $2,000 equity per acre;|8 acres valued at $16,000 each – $14,000 loan = $2,000 equity per acre;|$2,000 equity = 1/9 = $18,000 loan;|$2,000 equity =1/7 = $14,000 loan;|His equity has increased from 1/9th to 1/7th of the encumbered property.
Of the following, which would not be a blanket encumbrance in a subdivision?
Subdivision lots improvement assessment bond
An assessment bond is taken on each individual lot.
blanket encumbrance
A blanket encumbrance is a lien or encumbrance that affects more than one lot in a subdivision.
If land is acquired by accretion, who is the beneficiary of such acquisition?
the land owner
REVIEW: In a buyer’s closing statement, the purchase price is:
buyer’s debit.
In a buyer’s closing statement: Credit the buyer with everything he has coming. Debit the buyer with everything he owes.
REVIEW: In California, the uniform zoning symbol for an agricultural property would be:
None of these (it’s NOT “A”)
California as a state does not have a uniform zoning symbol. Most local governments do utilize zoning symbols, and agriculture would be typically zoned as “A” in a locality.
REVIEW: Which of the following parties benefits the most from the recordation of a Request for Notice of Default?
Beneficiary of the second trust deed.
A request for a Notice of Default is for the beneficiary of the second trust deed. This way if the first trust deed is in default, the holder of the second trust deed must be notified so that he may protect himself.
The beams that run horizontal and parallel to each other that support the floor and ceiling loads are called:
REVIEW: All of the following are classified as subdivisions and subject to regulation by the Real Estate Commissioner except:
a twenty-one unit apartment house.
Land divided into five or more parcels and condominiums, co-ops, stock co-ops, and community apartment projects of five or more are all subdivisions. An apartment house would not come under subdivision law unless each individual apartment was offered for sale in which case it would become a community apartment project.
The main functions of a title company are to:
Examine and insure titles to real estate
REVIEW: This is a type of ownership where an individual owns the airspace of his unit, but the buildings and common areas are owned jointly with the others in the development:
In a condominium, the individual(s) owns the airspace of his/her unit, but the buildings and common areas are owned jointly with the others in the development.
What are major dates for California property taxes?
California’s fiscal year runs from July 1st to June 30th. Property taxes are generally collected in two equal installments. The first installment for July 1st through December 31st is due on November 1st and becomes late after December 10th. The second installment for January 1st through June 30th is due on February 1st and becomes late after April 10th.
REVIEW: If evidence of active infestation is found, a structural pest control report is required to be provided:
Pest control reports are only required of U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and some Federal Housing Administration (FHA) transactions, such as where active infestation is observed.
REVIEW: The expression “company dollar” refers to:
money left over after a salesperson’s share of a commission has been paid.
REVIEW: Agency relationships may NOT be solely created by:
voluntary offer by the agent.
REVIEW: Interlineation
modifying printed wording in a form by inserting additional language between the printed lines. This is improper conduct when it is performed after the principal has signed the agreement.
REVIEW: megalopolis
A metropolitan area where the cities within it have grown together
REVIEW: During the escrow process, if an unresolved dispute should arise between the seller and the buyer preventing the close of escrow, the escrow holder may legally:
file an interpleader action in court.
An interpleader action is a legal proceeding whereby an innocent third party (stakeholder - such as an escrow agent or broker) can deposit with the court the property or money that he or she holds, and which is subject to adverse claims such as when the buyer and seller are in dispute over the purchase contract.
REVIEW: The authority given by law for a creditor to obtain a charge or a debt from a debtor is, in the broadest sense of the term, a:
The authority given by law or by court action is a judgment. An attachment, when allowed, is received prior to the judgment. When a judgment is recorded, it becomes a lien.
Zoning regulations establish the permitted uses of land as well as:
building heights, setbacks, and density.
Nathan agreed to list his property for sale with Broker Chan. In the listing agreement, Nathan specified Broker Chan is not authorized to accept a deposit towards the purchase price from the buyer. What happens if Broker Chan produces a buyer?
If he accepts a deposit, he holds it as an agent of the buyer until the offer is accepted by the seller.
The relationship between a vendor and vendee under a land sales contract is most similar to the relationship between a(n):
seller and buyer.
In a land sales contract, the seller acts as lender and retains title to the property until paid in full. The relationship most similar to this would be that of the borrower and lender (i.e., mortgagor and mortgagee).
Insulation values are rated as “R”. What does this represent?
Resistance to heat flow.
REVIEW: A violation of a condition in a homeowners’ association’s (HOA’s) conditions, covenants and restrictions (CC&Rs) is:
more severe than the violation of a covenant.
Which of the following is false regarding the cost method of appraisal?
It produces the lowest value results.
Of the three appraisal approaches to determine a property’s value, the cost approach will generally produce the highest value and the income approach will generally produce the lowest. The reason for this is that while the cost approach shows the actual expense to replace the property, the income approach demonstrates the value based on the income it generates which is always less. Note that the alternative answer selections may be useful to remember for other questions.
A property owner lost their job. The owner’s loan payments were made for them since they
had a(n):
Under a California Housing Financing Agency (CalHFA) loan, the CalHFA will make loan payments for a borrower during a period of unemployment.
Successful marketing materials are generally held to include the following four critical elements:
attention, interest, desire, and action.
To make a formal declaration that a statement is true without giving an oath is a(n):
A seller enters into an exclusive right-to-sell listing with an agent but does not receive a copy of the signed agreement. The seller, believing this relieves them of any obligations, personally sells the property while the listing is in effect. What is the outcome?
The listing is valid and enforceable, but the broker is liable to be disciplined.
In a §1031 real estate exchange, “boot” does not refers to:
like-kind consideration – Boot refers to any consideration in a §1031 exchange of an unlike kind. Once again, the answer choices offer the reader important information regarding the subject of this and related questions.