Deck 1 Flashcards
What is Elizabeth Kubler Ross’s five stages of grieving?
- Denial
- Anger
- Bargaining
- Depression
- Acceptance
When assessing an older clients ADLs you are assessing parameters such as:
Mobility, dressing, elimination and mental status
Using a cane
- Cane is used on the good, “unaffected,” side to provide support to the opposite lower limb
- Advance cane simultaneously with the opposite “affected” lower limb
- The “unaffected” lower limb should assume the first full weight-bearing step on level surfaces
Using a walker
- Advance walker approximately 12 inches
- Advance the “affected” lower limb
crutches: 2-point gait (non-weight bearing)
- Begin in the tripod position, maintain weight on the “unaffected” [weight-bearing] extremity
- Advance both crutches and the affected extremity [crutches are placed forward 6 - 8 inches]
- Move the “unaffected” weight-bearing foot/leg forward [beyond the crutches]
- Advance both crutches, and then the affected extremity
- Continue sequence making steps of equal length
crutches: 4-point gait (weight bearing)
- Place right crutch forward a comfortable distance.
- Shift weight and move left foot forward. Never place foot ahead of crutch that was just moved.
- Move left crutch forward.
- Move right foot forward.
- Repeat steps above
crutches: walking up stairs
- Hold on to rail with on hand and crutches with the other hand
- step up with the strong (unaffected) leg
- Bring the “affected” leg and the crutches up
“Good go to heaven, up”
crutches: walking down stairs
crutches: walking down stairs
1. Place the “affected” leg and the crutches down on the step below; support weight by leaning on the crutches
2. Bring the “unaffected” leg down
“Bad go to hell, down”
Maladaptive grief
post-loss thoughts and behaviors that are problematic, dysfunctional, dominating or catastrophizing
Primary prevention
prevention of initial occurance of diseae/injury
Secondary prevention
Early detection and treatment of disease with the goal of limiting severity and adverse effects
Tertiary prevention
Reducing the limitations of disability and promotinf rehabilitation following health alterations
Advanced directives
Living will, power of attorney
Is Hope one of the five stages?
Hope is not one of the five stages, but can play a part in any of the five stages.
Hospice care
Focuses on providing bereavement support to the family following the client’s death.
What services does Hospice care provide?
- Hospice care focuses on enhancing the quality of life through the provision of palliative care
- Hospice care focuses on supporting the client and family through the dying process
- Hospice care focuses on providing bereavement support to the family following the client’s death
- Hospice care is provided in a variety of settings, including the home, hospice centers, hospitals, and long-term care settings
- Hospice care is a comprehensive care delivery system for clients who are terminally ill