Decision Making and Creativity - Chapter 7 Flashcards
Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic
A natural tendency for ppl to be influenced by an initial anchor point such that they do not sufficiently move away from that point as new info is provided.
Availability Heuristic
A natural tendency to assign higher probabilities to objects or events that are easier to recall from memory, even though ease of recall is also affected by non probability factors.
Bounded Rationality
The view that some ppl are bounded in their decision-making capabilities, including access to limited info, info processing, and tendency to satisficing rather than maximizing when making choices.
Divergent Thinking
Reframing a problem in a unique way and generating different approaches to the issue.
Prospect Theory Effect
A natural tendency to feel more dissatisfaction from losing a particular amount than satisfaction from gaining an equal amount.
Representative Heuristic
A natural tendency to evaluate probabilities of events or objects by the degree to which they resemble other events or objects rather than on objective probability info.
Scenario Planning
A systematic process of thinking about alternative futures and what the organization should do to anticipate and react to those enviros.