Deciding what is normal when interpreting a blood count Flashcards
Clinically, why is it important to know what is normal
Before interpreting any clinical sign or any laboratory test we need to know what is normal
Laboratories try to help by providing normal ranges or reference ranges
Compare the difference between a reference range and a normal range
Reference range- derived from a healthy population- more strict
Normal range- lab decides this based on research on lots of different reference ranges- looser
What percentage of the healthy population will have test results falling within a ‘normal range’?
95% will be within normal range
2.5% below, 2.5% above
When deciding what is normal what sample size is best
A larger sample
What factors can affect what is meant by ‘normal’
Age Gender Ethnic origin Physiological status (pregnancy) Altitude (effect on Hb concentration) Nutritional status Cigarette smoking (white cell count and possibly Hb too), alcohol intake (can make RBCs larger
May want to exclude smokers and alcoholics when trying to determine the normal or reference range.
What is important to remember about some factors when trying to establish a normal range
When looking at nutritional status- it is important to exclude the malnourished from the normal range.
However in Africa or India, how do you decide what is ‘normal’ i.e who is malnourished and who isn’t
Describe the effects of altitude on Hb concentration and the impact of this on the reference range
At high altitudes, the partial pressure of O2 decreases such that you enter a mild hypoxia. This stimulates the kidneys to synthesise EPO and thus increase Hb conc
Some cities in the world are located at high altidues- and so we would need to use a healthy population from these samples to determine the reference range for Hb conc in these regions.
Ultimately, what is the difference between a reference range and a normal range
Reference Range = derived from a carefully defined reference population e.g. children 5-10 years
Normal Range = much vaguer – it should represent the people that live in the local area and come to the hospital
Normal ranges are generally harder to define
Outline how a reference range is determined
Samples are collected from healthy volunteers with defined characteristics (e.g height of men >65 who are non-smokers)
They are analysed using the instrument and techniques that will be used for patient samples- to keep variables to a minimum (different equipment can measure the size of platelets differently for example).
The data are analysed by an appropriate statistical technique
What is an appropriate statistical technique
Data with a normal (Gaussian) distribution can be analysed by determining the mean and standard deviation and taking mean ± 2SD as the 95% range (1.96 more accurate)
Between the 2 SDs on either side, you will have 95% of the data
Data with a different distribution must be analysed by an alternative method - or converted to logarithmic scale to make it normal
· Hb shows a GAUSSIAN/NORMAL distribution.
· WBCs show a NON-NORMAL distribution.
What is important to remember about results in the reference or normal range
Not all results outside the reference range are abnormal
Not all results within the normal range are normal (an individual could have a Hb conc of 120- which is in normal range- but may normally be 150 for him- making this result abnormal for this patient
What you really want to know is “Is this result normal for this individual?”
Need to look at history and previous results to determine what is normal for each individual.
i.e. a man with a GI bleed with a normal Hb count is not normal for the situation.
Describe a key caveat to reference and normal ranges
A result within the 95% range determined from apparently healthy people may still be bad for your health
Serum lipids in the upper end of this range are common in Western populations (as most are obese/overweight)- therefore being in the upper range of this range will be associated with an increased risk of death
A health-related range may be more meaningful than a 95% range - with a cut-off point between healthy and unhealthy
Compare ideal tests to non-ideal tests
o Ideal and Non-Ideal Tests:
§ Clearly distinct results from a test is ideal but not often viable (different ranges for sick and well)
§ Too much overlap means you can’t determine sick from well.
Best you may achieve in clinical practice is a small overlap between the sick and well ranges
When analysing a full blood count, what should you look at first
platelet count
See if these are normal before looking at other variables to give you more information.
What is meant by WBC and RBC
WBC – white blood cell count in a given volume of blood (× 109/l)
RBC – red blood cell count in a given volume of blood (× 1012/l)
What is meant by Hb and HCT
Hb – haemoglobin concentration (g/l)
Hct – haematocrit (l/l)
PCV – packed cell volume (% or l/l) (an older name for the Hct)
What is meant by MCV. MCH, MCHC and platelet count
MCV – mean cell volume (fl)
MCH – mean cell haemoglobin (pg)
MCHC – mean cell haemoglobin concentration (g/l)
Platelet count – the number of platelets in a given volume of blood (× 109/l)
What is meant by RDW
Red cell distribution- to look at ansiocytosis
Describe how we measure RBC, WBC and platelet count
Initially counted visually, using a microscope and a diluted sample of blood (not feasible when analysing 300-400 per day)
Now counted in large automated instruments, by enumerating electronic impulses generated when cells flow between a light source and a sensor or when cells flow through an electrical field
Cells in a thin stream so that each one is counted when they interrupt a light beam or an electric field.
Describe how we measure Hb
Initially measured in a spectrometer, by converting haemoglobin to a stable form and measuring light absorption at a specific wave length (cyanmethaemoglobin)
Now measured by an automated instrument but the principle is the same- converted to a stable form and wavelength measured
Cyanide is dangerous- why it’s no longer used
The spectrum of light absorbance of haemoglobin (as cyanmethaemoglobin) in a spectrophotometer and measure the y-axis at the peak
Describe how we measure PCV or Hct
Initially measured by centrifuging a blood sample (hence PCV)
Measuring height of red column (below buffy coat- white cells are lighter)
Centrifugation is too labour-intensive- so we know have automated measures.