Anaemia and polycythaemia Flashcards
Define what is meant by anaemia
Anaemia is a reduction in the amount of haemoglobin in a given volume of blood below what would be expected in comparison with a healthy subject of the same age and gender
By definition, the Hb is reduced
The RBC and the Hct/PCV are usually also reduced
Other than a reduction in the absolute amount of haemoglobin in the blood stream, what else could cause anaemia? Why would this anaemia only be transient in the individual?
An increase in the plasma volume can decrease the haemoglobin concentration
The excess fluid would be excreted in a healthy individual
What is anaemia usually due to
Anaemia is usually due to a reduction of the absolute amount of haemoglobin in the blood stream
Occasionally it results from an increase in the volume of plasma rather than a decrease in the amount of haemoglobin
In a healthy person, anaemia resulting from an increase in plasma volume cannot persist because the excess fluid in the circulation is excreted
For practical purposes, anaemia can therefore be regarded as a resulting from a decrease of the absolute amount of haemoglobin in the circulation
What is the difference between a mechanism and a cause
Cause- something underlying
Mechanism- how it happens
Broadly speaking, state four mechanisms of anaemia
Reduced production of red cells/haemoglobin in the bone marrow
Loss of blood from the body (haemorrhage)
Reduced survival of red cells in the circulation (haemolytic- to the extent that the bone marrow cannot keep up)
Pooling of red cells in a very large spleen
How can we distinguish the mechanism from the cause
We need to distinguish the mechanism of anaemia from the cause
The mechanism of the anaemia might be reduced synthesis of haemoglobin in the bone marrow
The cause of this could be either a condition causing reduced synthesis of haem or one causing reduced synthesis of globin
Can you name one cause of reduced synthesis of haem?
Iron deficiency
What do you call a condition in which there is an inherited defect leading to reduced synthesis of globin?
Thallaseamia- genetic mutation- defect in synthesis of globin chains
What can we do when nor the mechanism nor the cause of anaemia are immediately apparent
Sometimes neither the mechanism of the anaemia or the specific cause is immediately apparent
Classification on the basis of cell size can help to suggest specific causes
How can we classify anaemias based on RBC size
Microcytic (usually also hypochromic)
Normocytic (usually also normochromic)
Macrocytic (usually also normochromic)
Normochromic as no defect in haemoglobin synthesis
Describe the common causes of microcytic anaemia
Common causes of a microcytic anaemia
Defect in haem synthesis
Iron deficiency
Anaemia of chronic disease
Defect in globin synthesis (thalassaemia)
Defect in α chain synthesis (α thalassaemia)
Defect in β chain synthesis (β thalassaemia)
Can affect gamma chain synthesis in the foetus too
Describe anaemia of chronic disease
Anaemia in chronic infection or inflammation- T.B or rheumatoid arthritis
Starts as normocytic and normochromic- but then becomes microcytic and hypochromic
Fe trapped in macrophages as haemocidirin- not mobilised and so can’t be synthesised into Hb
Describe a common cause of macrocytic anaemia
Macrocytic anaemias usually result from abnormal haemopoiesis so that the red cell precursors continue to synthesize haemoglobin and other cellular proteins but fail to divide normally
As a result, the red cells end up larger than normal
Describe megaloblastic erythropoiesis
A macrocytic anaemia is one in which average cell size is increased
One cause of this is megaloblastic erythropoiesis
This refers specifically to a delay in maturation of the nucleus (defect in synthesis of DNA) while the cytoplasm continues to mature and the cell continues to grow
All megaloblastic erythropoiesis anaemias are macrocytic
But not all macrocytic anaemias are megaloblastic
Megaloblasts are different from normoblasts and their nucleus does not condense properly
What is a megaloblast
A megaloblast is an abnormal bone marrow erythroblast
It is larger than normal and shows nucleo-cytoplasmic dissociation
It is possible to suspect megaloblastic anaemia from the peripheral blood features but to be sure requires bone marrow examination
Peripheral blood features include anaemia, macrocytes, ovalocytes and tear drop cells
Hyper-segmented neutrophils
If these features are found with a VitB12 or folic acid deficiency- suspect mealoblastic anaemia and treat accordingly (no need for bone marrow exam to confirm)
How will megaloblasts show on the blood film
Not well condensed nucleus in smaller, mature cells
Mature cells will be pinker (due to Hb)
Dyserythropiesis- abnormal erythropoiesis- 3 lobed nucleus
Gold standard for diagnosing megaloblastic anaemia
Describe another cause of macrocytic anaemia
An alternative mechanism of macrocytosis is premature release of cells from the bone marrow
Young red cells are about 20% larger than mature red cells so if there is an increased proportion of young red cells (reticulocytes) in the circulation, the average cell size (MCV) will be increased
Normal level of reticulocytes is 2%
Polychromasia on blood film will indicate presence of reticulocytes
List some causes of macrocytic anaemia
Megaloblastic anaemia as a result of lack of vitamin B12 or folic acid
Use of drugs interfering with DNA synthesis (methotextrate targets folic acid and many other chemotherapeutic agents target DNA synthesis)
Liver disease and ethanol toxicity (doesn’t result in megaloblastic anaemia as DNA synthesis not affected)
Recent major blood loss with adequate iron stores (reticulocytes increased) (if you’ve lost blood, the bone marrow will start spitting out reticulocytes to compensate Haemolytic anaemia (reticulocytes increased)- red cells lyse- (reticulocytosis due to the loss of red cells)
State the mechanisms of normocytic normochromic anaemia
§ Recent blood loss – i.e. peptic ulcer, trauma, G.I bleed- no time for bone marrow to compensate
§ Failure of production of red cells – i.e. beginning of iron deficiency, renal failure, bone marrow failure or suppression, bone marrow infiltration- failure of haematopoietic stem cell action
§ Pooling of red blood cells in the spleen – i.e. hypersplenism from portal cirrhosis.
Splenic sequestration of sickle cells- trapped in spleen- causing splenomegaly and acute drop in Hb
Outline the causes of macrocytic anaemia
Peptic ulcer, oesophageal varices, trauma
Failure of production of red cells
Early stages of iron deficiency or anaemia of chronic disease (eventually MCV decreases and cell becomes microcytic AS STORES DECREASE)
Renal failure (reduced EPO)
Bone marrow failure (reduced number of stem cells) or suppression (drugs may interfere with bone marrow function- but don’t alter DNA synthesis)
Bone marrow infiltration (cancer spread to bone marrow- reactive fibrosis)
Hypersplenism, e.g. portal cirrhosis
Define what is meant by haemolytic anaemia
Haemolytic anaemia is anaemia resulting from shortened survival of red cells in the circulation (less than 120 days and bone marrow cannot cope)
Haemolysis can result from an intrinsic abnormality of the red cells
Haemolysis can result from extrinsic factors acting on normal red cells
Haemolytic anaemia can also be classified as inherited or acquired