Dec21 Flashcards
adj. Accountable
v. Account
n. Accounting
n. Accountant
n. A report of an event; money kept in the bank; statement of something used or received, usually a financial report
syn. story
His account of the incident varied from that of the other witnesses.
We need an accounting of all the money that was spent.
v. To make something less severe; to improve
syn. Lessen
This medicine alleviates allergy symptoms.
Regular meditation has been shown to alleviate stress.
adj. Very old; old-fashioned; no longer used
syn. Ancient
These archaic methods of forming must be brought up to date.
His speech was full of archaic expressions.
Bring about
ph.v. to cause something to happen
syn. Generate
The invention of the cell phone brought about an end to the popularity of traditional telephones.
The newly elected president of the club promise to bring about positive changes.
n. Enlightenment
adj. Enlightened
v. To give information or understanding to someone
syn. Instruct
Books often enlighten readers to different ways of thinking.
The speaker enlightened the audience on how to succeed in college.
adj. hastily
adj. Hasty
n. Hastiness
v. to cause to go faster; move forward more quickly
syn. Accelerate
After notifying the drivers family of the accident, the officer hastened to add that their son had not been hurt.
You should not make important decisions hastily.
n. Color
syn. Color
The hue of the sunset was beautiful.
The hue of the room gave it a warm feeling.
n. A sudden increase
n. Inflow
Each holiday season, the company experiences an influx of customers.
There was an influx of western influence in eastern Asia.
adv. Intricately
n. Intricacy
adj. Having many parts; finely detailed
syn. complex
The intricate design of the vase made it a valuable piece for her collection.
I cannot begin to understand all of the intricacies of modern automobile motors.
adv. Magnificently
adj. Magnificent
v. Magnify
n. Magnification
n. Of great size or importance
*to increase
syn. dimension
The magnitude of shockwaves determines the damage that occurs during an earthquake.
The invention of the telephone was a magnificent achievement for mankind.
adv. Obligingly
adj. Obliging
adj. Obligatory
n. Obligation
v. to have to do some thing
syn. Require
She felt obliged to choose him as her lab partner.
Payment of the student activity fee was obligatory.
adj. Overlooked
v. To ignore or neglect
syn. Disregard
Scientists must not overlook any aspect of experimental procedure.
The overlooked error raised his score on the test.
adv. Practically
adj. Practicable
n. Practicality
adj. Convenient or effective
syn. Functional
Her ambitious plan was not very practical.
Space travel to distant planets is not practicable at this time.
adv. Predominantly
n. Predominate
n. Predominance
adj. The most noticeable or powerful element
syn. Principal
The predominant export of the Middle East is petroleum.
Many cities in the southwest are predominantly Hispanic.
adv. Promptly
n. Promptness
v. to cause something to happen; do quickly; be on time
syn. induce
His emotional plea prompted the director to give him a second chance.
Promptness is a valued trait in the professional world.
n. Provocation
adj. Provocative
v. to cause or produce negative behavior or result
syn. Trigger
The installation of a speed cameras provoked an angry response from the public.
The manager did not deliberately provoke the argument among his workers.