Dec10 Flashcards
n. something that makes life easier or more enjoyable
syn. Convenience
She missed all the amenities of home when she went camping.
One expects many amenities at five star hotel.
adj. Dispersed
v. To cause to move in many different directions
syn. Circulate
The Highwinds and rain dispersed the crowd.
After the hurricane, dispersed belongings cluttered the street.
adj. Elemental
n. Element*
n. A part of the whole
* environment
syn. Component
Her presence added an element of humor to the group.
Hard work and perseverance are the basic elements of success.
adj. Simple in structure, easy to do
syn. Primary
The solution to the problem was actually quite elementary.
You must take elementary physics before you can enroll in the advanced course.
adj. eliminated
n. Elimination
v. To remove, free oneself of something
syn. Delete
Mistakes must be eliminated before you hand in a term paper.
The elimination of the runner from the race was decided by the judge.
n. Emergence
v. To come into view, or existence
syn. Appear
It took an hour for the newborn chick to emerge from its egg.
The sun emerged from the thick rain, clouds, giving hope that the game would be played.
adv. emphatically
adj. emphatic
n. emphasis
v. to show that something is especially important or exceptional
syn. Highlight
The professor emphasized certain aspects of the historical period.
When asked if they would like to leave class early, the students answered with an emphatic “yes.“
adj. Encircled
v. to make a circle around
syn. Surround
Players encircled their coach after winning the big game.
The encircled celebrity actually became afraid of her friends.
adv. Erratically
adj. No regular pattern in thinking or movement; changeable with reason.
syn. Inconsistent
Artist’s painting have an erratic quality, some being excellent, and others mediocre.
The unstable chemicals reacted to the erratically.
adj. Exaggerated
n. Exaggeration
v. To make something more than what it is
syn. Overstate
The federal government exaggerated the success of its programs.
To say that his business is successful would be a slight exaggeration.
adv. Integrally
n. Integrallity
adj. to be essential or basic part of something
syn. vital
Knowledge of spelling is an integral part of writing in any language.
A film’s music is integral to drawing the viewers into the story.
n. Justification
adj. Justifiably
v. To show to be right or reasonable; to support
syn. defend
The young boy could not justify his rude behavior.
There was no justification for the criminal’s attack.
n. mortification
v. to embarrass
syn. Humiliate
He was mortified upon forgetting his lines during the play.
She mortified her son by showing Alex his baby pictures.
adj. Persistently overconfident or controlling
syn. oppressive
The old woman’s overbearing demeanor did not make her approachable.
The teacher tried his best not to be overbearing when speaking to his students.
v. To speed up the occurrence or development of something
syn. hasten
Romeo and Juliet’s relationship precipitated a violent conflict.
Trade with other cultures was the main precipitant for the advent of the renaissance.
n. Prevalence
adj. existing widely or commonly
syn. Commonplace
Comfortable trade winds are prevalent in the Caribbean island.
There is the prevalence of disease, the poor sanitation conditions exist.
n. Release
v. To allow to come out; to give freedom
syn. free
A new movie was just released.
The release of the Supreme Court’s decision was expected today.