Dec 2011 Flashcards
The Hadean atmosphere was rich in which element?
A. Hydrogen B. Helium C. Carbon dioxide D. Oxygen
The presence of which element in the soil record is indicative of a major extinction as a result of a meteor impact?
A. Iridium 77 B. Iron 60 C. Carbon dioxide D. Ozone
There is evidence of an “Airbust Event” occurring in 1908, but where did this event occur?
A. Arizona B. Egypt C. Off the coast of Mexico. D. Tunguska
The fossil record suggests that mass extinction events occur once every how many years? A. 2.6 Billion Years B. 260 Million Years C. 26 Million Years D. 26 Thousand Years
Prior to its journey to Jupiter, the Galileo Probe analysed the surface of Earth looking for life signs. Which of the following did it NOT detect?
A. Large bodies of liquid water. B. Large concentrations of oxygen gas. C. Non-natural radio emissions. D. The Great Wall of China
Bacterial colonies have been discovered around deep sea geothermals. What chemical is thought to be their source of energy?
A. Arsenic B. Sulphur C. Silicon D. Methane
Which of the following statements about the conditions on Mars is false?
A. The soil of Mars is rich in iron oxides – i.e. rust. B. Its atmosphere is composed mainly of carbon dioxide. C. There is an ozone layer, similar to Earth’s, protecting the surface from UV radiation. D. There are polar ice caps on the surface of the planet.
Extra-Solar planets have been discovered using which of the following techniques?
A. Measuring the Doppler Effect on distant stars. B. Studies of distant deliberately broadcast radio signals. C. Ground-based detection of gravitational wave radiation. D. Spacecraft that have travelled beyond the edge of the Solar System
The SETI programme searches for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence in the “Cosmic Water Hole”. Over what frequency range is this search undertaken?
A. 1.4 Hz to 1.7 Hz B. 1.4 kHz to 1.7 kHz C. 1.4 MHz to 1.7 MHz D. 1.4 GHz to 1.7 GHz
Terraforming is the name given to what process?
A. Planetesimals colliding together and growing to form large planets. B. Frictional heating where Earth’s tectonic plates meet. C. Modifying an entire planet to make it habitable. D. Forming space-based colonies using materials mined, engineered and then launched from the Moon.
Which is the brightest star in the constellation of Orion?
A. Betelgeuse B. Polaris C. Rigel D. Sirius
The sun outshines the full moon by about what factor?
A. A hundred B. A thousand C. A million D. Ten billion
A closed fist, held at arm’s length, will cover the Plough in the night sky. This angle is approximately what size?
A. One degree B. 10 degrees C. 18 degrees D. 45 degrees
Which of the following statements is not true? The northern vernal equinox and the southern autumnal equinox are
A. the same point on the celestial sphere. B. diametrically opposite points on the celestial sphere. C. situated on the celestial equator. D. 90 degrees from the celestial poles
Sirius is a double star and its two components have apparent magnitudes -1.6 and +8.4. The ratio of brightness of the two stars is, therefore, approximately what value?
A. 10 B. 63 C. 630 D. 10000
The equation of time arises from which of the following causes?
A. The eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit round the Sun. B. The obliquity of the ecliptic. C. A combination of the above causes. D. Neither of the above causes
Due to precession, how does the equinox move round the ecliptic?
A. Westward with a period of 26000 years. B. Eastward with a period of 26000 years. C. Westward with a period of 18.6 years. D. Eastward with a period of 18.6 years.
When does a partial eclipse of the moon occur?
A. When the moon is partially within the Earth’s umbra. B. When the moon is totally within the Earth’s umbra. C. When the moon is partially within the Earth’s penumbra. D. When the moon is totally within the Earth’s penumbra
Which of the following statements is correct?
A. The motion of an inferior planet at opposition is direct. B. The motion of an inferior planet at opposition is retrograde. C. The motion of a superior planet at opposition is direct. D. The motion of a superior planet at opposition is retrograde
Galileo was the first person to observe which of the following?
A. The phases of Venus. B. The rings of Saturn. C. The planet Uranus. D. Proper motion of the stars
Which of the following is NOT a terrestrial planet?
A. Pluto B. Mercury C. Mars D. Earth
When viewed with the naked eye, how would you describe Venus?
A. A dim orange coloured object. B. A bright white coloured object. C. Not visible with the naked eye. D. A dim white coloured object
The eccentricity of Mercury’s orbit is approximately what?
A. 0 B. 0.9 C. 0.5 D. 0.2
Which one of the following planets rotates on it axis in a clockwise direction when viewed from the North?
A. Venus B. Mars C. Mercury D. Earth
Roughly how old is our Solar System?
A. 5 million years B. 15 billion years C. 10 billion years D. 5 billion years
Which of the following best describes the crust of the Earth?
A. A region of plastic rock. B. A region of solid low density rock. C. A high density liquid. D. A region of solid high density rock
he diameter of the Moon is approximately how large?
A. 3500 km B. 35 km C. 35 million km D. 35000 km
What is the Caloris basin on Mercury?
A. A region of active plate tectonics. B. An area of jumbled terrain on the surface. C. A huge impact crater. D. A landing site for the Mariner spacecraft
Which of the following is NOT found on Venus?
A. Pancake Domes B. Olympus Mons C. Coronae D. Mountain Building
What is the consequence of Mars having a weak gravitational field? A. It has a predominantly helium atmosphere. B. It has a thick carbon dioxide atmosphere. C. It has a thin carbon dioxide atmosphere. D. It has a thin water atmosphere
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Jovian planets when compared to the terrestrial planets?
A. The Jovian planets have a higher density. B. The Jovian planets are more massive. C. The Jovian planets have stronger magnetic fields. D. The Jovian planets have many more satellites
Rank the size of the Jovian planets in ascending order.
A. Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter B. Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn C. Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter D. Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter
Where are most asteroids located?
A. The Kuiper Belt. B. The Lagrange points of Jupiter. C. Between Mars and Jupiter. D. Near the Sun
Rank the types of meteorites in ascending order of the likelihood of finding them on Earth. A. Achondrites, chondrites, stony-iron, iron B. Chondrites, achondrites, iron, stony-iron C. Chondrites, stony-iron, achondrites, iron D. Iron, stony-iron, chondrites, achondrites
All of the Jovian planets absorb energy from the sunlight arriving at their surfaces. [Statement 1:] They all emit around twice as much energy as they receive from the Sun. This is because [Statement 2:] they are releasing gravitational potential energy. Which of the following is correct?
A. Statement is True, Reason is True; Reason is a correct explanation for Statement. B. Statement is True, Reason is True; Reason is NOT a correct explanation for Statement. C. Statement is True, Reason is False. D. Statement is False, Reason is True
In the planetary dynamo theory, which of the following is NOT a necessary condition?
A. Fluid, electrically conducting interior. B. Moderately rapid rotation. C. Convection in the interior. D. Metallic Hydrogen
Gravitational tidal forces cause two tidal bulges on a moon orbiting a planet. One bulge is towards the planet, and the other bulge is directly away from the planet. Why is this?
A. Gravity pulls as well as pushes. B. The gravitational force is a function of distance. C. Two tidal bulges are needed to balance the moon and ensure stability. D. Self-gravity of the moon pulls inward the sides perpendicular to the plane
All of the Jovian planets are observed to have rings. [Statement:] Almost all of the Jovian ring systems are observed to lie within their planets’ Roche Limits. This is because [Reason:] rings can only be formed within the Roche. Which of the following is correct?
A. Statement is True, Reason is True; Reason is a correct explanation for Statement. B. Statement is True, Reason is True; Reason is NOT a correct explanation for Statement. C. Statement is True, Reason is False. D. Statement is False, Reason is True
Fine structures in the rings of Saturn are caused by the effect of orbital resonance. What is the main consequence of the orbital resonance?
A. It creates a standing wave within the ring. B. It can vibrate some of the material within the ring. C. It causes some ring material to take on an elliptical orbit. D. It can amplify small movements of parts of the ring and eject materials from the ring
Which of the following is not a Galilean moon?
A. Callisto B. Europa C. Ganymede D. Triton
What is solar granulation?
A. The conversion of 4 hydrogen atoms into one helium atom with the release of energy. B. The pattern at the photosphere formed by the top of convection cells. C. The transport of energy by photons. D. Dark absorbing strands of material suspended above the solar surface
Which of the following statements is true?
A. A star with a surface temperature of 10,000K has a spectrum peaking in the ultraviolet. B. A star with a surface temperature of 10,000K has a spectrum peaking in the infrared. C. A star with a surface temperature of 10,000 K is cooler than the Sun. D. A star with a surface temperature of 10,000 K is called a Red Giant
What is the correct order for the layers of the solar atmosphere, going from inner to outer atmosphere?
A. Corona, chromosphere, photosphere, solar wind B. Photosphere, chromosphere, corona, solar wind C. Photosphere, corona, chromosphere, solar wind D. Chromosphere, photosphere, corona, solar wind
What is the rough chemical composition of the solar core (i.e the very centre of the Sun) at the present time?
A. 100 % helium throughout the whole core. B. 100 % hydrogen throughout the whole core. C. Approximately 50 % deuterium and 50 % hydrogen mixed. D. Approximately 100 % helium at the centre surrounded by a mixed helium/hydrogen shell
What is the mass of the Sun?
A. 93 million kg B. 150 million kg C. A hundred times the mass of the Earth. D. 2×10 to the power of 30 kg
How is the wave-like nature of light demonstrated?
A. Light exhibits the property of interference. B. Light exhibits the property of reflection. C. The continuous spectrum of light has a characteristic ‘blackbody’ shape. D. Light emitted by moving sources is Doppler shifted.
Which of the following is NOT one of Kirchhoff’s laws of spectrum formation?
A. A hot, dense object seen through a cooler one produces a continuous emission spectrum. B. A hot, dense object seen through a cooler one produces an absorption spectrum. C. A hot dense object produces a continuous emission spectrum. D. A tenuous gas produces an emission line spectrum
What is the ‘main sequence’?
A. It is a description of the primary stages of the Sun’s evolution. B. It is the process whereby a dying star sheds its outer layers. C. It is a region in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram occupied by stars undergoing hydrogen burning. D. It is the variation of sunspot numbers with time
What, roughly, is the wavelength at which the Sun’s radiation is most intense?
A. 11000 nm B. 550 nm C. 220 nm D. 55 nm
What is thought to be the cause of a solar flare?
A. A small nuclear event takes place just below the solar surface. B. A sunspot suddenly disappears. C. A sunspot suddenly appears. D. Energy stored in the coronal magnetic field is suddenly released.