Debussy Nocturnes Nuages Flashcards
What are the two potential structures of this piece?
Rotational form
Ternary form
What is the tonal centre of this piece?
When was this piece composed?
How long are the sections?
Rotation 1: bar 1-10 R2: bar 11-28 R3: bar 29-56 R4: bar 57-93 R5: bar 94-102
R1 x motif?
First and fifth of chord played, not third
Clarinets and bassoons in octaves
Falling semitones and 3rds between each crotchet
Falling 4th in bar 3-4
R1 x motif accompaniment?
No accompaniment until bar 3 where there’s an oboe hemiola with the same notes as the clarinet
What’s the key signature and tonality of the x motif in R1?
No 3rds in chords so no major or minor
B octatonic
R1 y motif melody?
Played in cor anglais
Spans a tritone
In 4/4
R1 y motif accompaniment?
Chordal (G7) Only time flute plays before R4/B Tonic pedal in timpani Strings muted High pitched and quiet accompaniment
R2 x motif melody?
In violins
Across 3 octaves (thicker texture)
Same melody for first 2 bars, different in next 2
Bar 13 minor 3rds ascending melody
Bar 14 parallel motion dominant 9th descending
Bar 15 pentatonic (Eb/G minor)
Bar 17 sequential elements
R2 x motif accompaniment?
Bar 15 double bass pizz falling perfect 5th idea (first perfect 5th of piece)
Bar 20 double bass contrary motion
R2 x motif harmony?
Bar 15 Bb dominant 9th
Bar 17 G9 chord
Bar 19 Eb9 chord
What’s odd about the time signature of the melody bar 15-19 R2?
In 3/2
What scale is used in R2 y motif?
G acoustic
R2 y motif melody?
Cor anglais is exactly the same as R1
Melody repeats in bar 25-28
R2 y motif accompaniment?
Oscillating crotchets (like x motif) spanning 4th
Bar 22 last 4 beats violin 1 inversion of beats 1-4 in bar 13
Bar 23 diminished 5th horn ‘echo’
Bar 24 cello and double bass falling perfect 5th sur la touché
Bar 27 violin 1 intervals closer to R1 bar 3 than bar 1
R3 x motif melody?
Emphasis on major 2nds and perfect 4th
Bar 30 in 3/2
Bar 31 rhythmic idea from bar 15
Bar 32 - 38 chromatic and sequential in octaves of woodwind (ascending) in 3/2
Bar 39 - 42 woodwind take over string accompaniment
R3 x motif accompaniment?
Unison at first
Bar 33 - 38 string crochet motion similar to x in octaves and wholetone scale
Bar 37 - 38 string parts sequential (not exact)
Bar 39 - 41 string parts chordal in 6/4
R3 x motif harmony?
Starts with a B triad (simple triads used)
Bar 31 - 32 C major chord
Bar 33 - 36 wholetone scale in strings AND chromatic woodwind
Bar 37 - 38 woodwind octatonic scale used
R3 x motif extra?
Bar 31 horns emphasise E in C major chord
Bar 33 - 38 2 part counterpoint
Bar 39 - 41 upper strings very clearly 6/4
R3 y motif melody?
The same
Repeated twice
Bar 51 extended in 6/4
R3 y motif accompaniment?
Alternating dissonant and G chords (missing 3rds) on the beat in strings
Cellos play off the beat
Violin II, cello, viola I play pizz.
Double bass plays pedal
Bar 46 horn plays extended echo based off last two pitches of foghorn motif
Bar 47 G7 chord played in violin I
R4 x motif melody?
Oboe plays
Bar 62 wholetone parallel movement
Bar 64 flute and harp pentatonic melody (same intervals as x motif) repeated
Bar 71 violin, violas and cellos melody in octaves
Bar 75 flute and harp melody again
R4 x motif accompaniment?
Solo viola countermelody
Bar 61 and 63 string parallel dominant 7th (taken from bar 14)
Bar 64 string chordal accompaniment
Bar 66 wholetone melody from bar 62 AND double bass falling 5th from bar 15
Bar 70 double bass pizz from bar 15
Muted horns
Bar 77 - 78 harp harmonics
R4 x motif harmony?
Bar 62 wholetone scale
Bar 61 and 63 parallel dominant 7ths
Bar 64 D# pentatonic melody AND D# minor chord
Bar 77 faster harmonic rate
R4 y motif melody?
The same
Bar 88 extended in 6/4 (like bar 51 AND similar to R2)
R4 y motif accompaniment?
Bar 80 - 82 Woodwind chord G7 (like R1)
Bar 82 - 83 horn tritone echo AND string tremolo on C#7 chord
Bar 84 - 85 woodwind G7 chord reduced to diad (G and F)
Bar 86 - 87 violin harmonics AND horn and oboe tritone echo AND string tremolos
Bar 88 double bass plays sur la touché
R4 y motif harmony?
Bar 80 - 82 woodwind G7 (like R1) Bar 82 - 83 strings C#7 chord Bar 84 - 85 woodwind G7 diad (just G and F) Bar 86 - 87 strings E7 Bar 88 E7 chord continues as V7d/V7c Bar 92 - 93 E7 chord as V7b
R5 x motif melody?
Starts in bassoon
Bar 96 - 97 cello has melody
Bar 98 syncopated flute melody from B
R5 x motif accompaniment?
Double bass and cello tremolos (chromatic dissonance)
Timpani pedal
Bar 98 - 100 timpani B-D tremolo
Darker orchestration
R5 y motif melody?
Shorter (bar 99 - 100)
Horns play
R5 y motif accompaniment?
Bar 99 - 100 Strings play sur la touché, and switch between pizz and arco
Bar 98 - 100 timpani tremolo from B to D
Bar 101 - 102 strings pizz
R5 harmony?
Bar 96 chromatic dissonance (D/B against A#)
No harmonic resolution