Debt Financing in Capital Structure Flashcards
There are two types of debts:
Private debt and ___ debt.
public debt
Public debt
Most corporate bonds in the United States pay coupons
1) annually
2) quarterly
3) semiannually
However, some companies issue zero-coupon bonds.
Public debt
Most corporate bonds have maturities of
1) 20 years or less
2) 25 years or less
2) 30 years or less
2) 30 years or less
Maturities of corporate bonds have a wide range. Some have been issued with a 999-year maturity.
Public debt
What are the four common types of corporate debt?
1) notes
2) debentures
3) mortgage bonds
4) asset-backed bonds.
Public debt
Which ones are secured debts, meaning that in case of bankruptcy, bondholders can claim specific assets which have been designated as collateral?
1) notes
2) debentures
3) mortgage bonds
4) asset-backed bonds.
3) mortgage bonds
4) asset-backed bonds.
Public debt
Which has shorter maturities between notes and debentures?
Public debt
Which has higher seniority secured debt or unsecured debt?
Secured debt has a higher seniority than unsecured debt. The bond having the highest seniority will always have the first claim.
Public debt
What are domestic bonds?
These bonds are - issued by a local body - available in a local market - priced in the local currency However, these bonds are bought by foreign investors.
Public debt
What are foreign bonds?
These bonds are
- issued by a foreign entity
- traded in a local market
- priced in the local currency
These bonds are intended for local investors. Foreign bonds in the U.S. are known as Yankee bonds.
In Japan, they are called Samurai bonds; in the United Kingdom, they are known as Bulldogs.
Public debt
What are Eurobonds?
These bonds are
- not priced in the country of origin’s currency
- traded anywhere, and the entity which issues them may be local or foreign.
Public debt
What are global bonds?
These bonds are simultaneously sold on one or more markets.
What is the advantage and disadvantage of private debt?
advantage: avoid the cost of registration
disadvantage: illiquidity
What are Sovereign debt ?
Sovereign debt is issued by the
-National Government.
In the US, sovereign debt is issued as bonds called “Treasury securities.”
What are the four types of Treasury securities?
- Treasury bills
- Treasury notes
- Treasury bonds
- Treasury inflation-protected securities TIPS
What has ZCB and maturity under 1 year? A)Treasury bills B)Treasury notes C)Treasury bonds D)Treasury inflation-protected securities TIPS
A)Treasury bills
What is the difference between treasury bonds and notes?
Both have semiannual coupon bonds, but notes have maturity from 1-10 years and bonds have maturity of 10 years or more
Are income from Treasury securities taxable?
Yes on the federal level but not on the local, state level.
Sovereign debt is issued by national government and municipal bonds are issued by?
state and local governments
Are income from municipal bonds taxable?
Income from municipal bonds is not taxable at the federal level. Some issues are also exempt from state and local taxes.
What are the two types of municipal bonds?
1) Revenue bonds.
2) General obligation bonds
What are Revenue bonds?
Revenue bonds. Revenue bonds are backed by the revenues that the projects will earn as a result of the debt issued.
What are General obligation bonds?
General obligation bonds. These bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of a local government. If local governments strengthen the commitment further by tying the promise to a particular revenue source, this commitment is over and above the usual commitment, and the bonds are called double-barreled.
Which is more secured, municipal bonds or sovereign debt?
sovereign debt. Since 1970, about 4% of municipal bonds have defaulted.
What is the biggest sector of the ABS market ?
The mortgage-backed security (MBS) sector. It has its cash flows backed by home mortgages
Sallie Mae is another government agency that issues asset-backed securities, but instead of being backed by home loans, these are backed by _____?
Student loans
A private ABS can be backed by another ABS.
This new ABS is known as collateralized debt obligation (CDO). The cash flows for a CDO are often divided into various tranches, each being assigned different priorities.
Tranches with lower priority will not receive any cash flows until higher priority tranches are fulfilled.
What are two main types of private debt?
Term loan
Private placement
Which is cheaper to issue: private debt or public debt?
Private debt is negotiated directly with a bank or a small group of investors. It is cheaper to issue because there is no registration cost.
Private debt
What are the two main types of private debt?
1) Term loan
2) Private Placement
Determine which of the following statements regarding asset-backed securities (ABS) is TRUE.
An ABS is a security that is made up of home mortgages.
The largest sector of the ABS market is the mortgage-backed security market.
Fannie Mae is explicitly backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.
Freddie Mac is the largest issuer of mortgage-backed securities in the U.S.
When banks re-securitize asset-backed and other fixed income securities, the new asset-backed security is known as asset securitization.
Statement B is true.
Statement A is false.
An ABS is a security that is made up of other financial securities. The “other financial securities” can be many things such as home mortgages and student loans. Thus, an ABS is not restricted to just home mortgages.
A mortgage-backed security (MBS) is an asset-backed security backed by home mortgages. Note that an MBS is a subset of an ABS.
Statement B is true.
By far, the largest sector of the ABS market is the mortgage-backed security market.
Statements C and D are false.
Ginnie Mae is the largest issuer of MBS in the U.S. and is explicitly backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government. The U.S. government provides an explicit guarantee to investors against default risk.
Other government-sponsored enterprises issuing MBS include Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Unlike Ginnie Mae, these enterprises are not explicitly backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government. However, most investors doubt that the government would allow any of its agencies to default and so believe these issues contain an implicit guarantee.
Statements E is false.
When banks re-securitize asset-backed and other fixed income securities, the new asset-backed security is known as collateralized debt obligation (CDO).
What is Ginnie Mae?
The Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA), or Ginnie Mae is explicitly backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government. The U.S. government provides an explicit guarantee to investors against default risk.
What is Fannie Mae?
The Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), commonly known as Fannie Mae.
Unlike Ginnie Mae, this enterprise is not explicitly backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.
What is Freddie Mac?
The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), known as Freddie Mac. Unlike Ginnie Mae, this enterprise is not explicitly backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.