death and the afterlife Flashcards
disembodied existence
existing without a physical body
living on after death in a glorified physical form in a new realm (e.g. Heaven)
Beatific vision
a face to face a counter with God
a place where people go, temporarily, after death to be cleansed of sin before
the are fit to live with God
Election (in a theological sense)
predestination, chosen by God for heaven or hell
Limited election
the view the God chooses only a small number of people for heaven
Unlimited election
the idea that all people are called to salvation but only a few will be
the view that all people will be saved
a story told to highlight a moral message
Particular judgement
judgement for each person at the point of death
used in Christianity to refer to the second coming of Christ
living on after death in a glorified physical form.
questions on the afterlife?
.Will the resurrection of the dead take place immediately after we die or at the end of
.Was Jesus’ resurrection unique to him?
.Will we require some kind of body after death?
.Where will our physical bodies go, how will they get there and how will they live?
central Christian ideas about afterlife
.They believe that life after death will be a miracle given by the grace of God, not just
a natural process (souls don’t naturally resurrection)
.They believe that resurrection will involve a bodily life of some form, not just a
disembodied existence. We will be spiritual and glorified and cannot be corrupted or
.They believe that the resurrected person will be the same as the one who died. Will
continue on as individuals; instead of merging with God or each other,
Aquinas on the afterlife
He held a more platonic view on the afterlife than Aristotle did. He thought there was a possibility of the soul surviving the death of the body and being capable of the beatific vision.