Dealing with disease + Immunity Flashcards
An agent that causes disease
Any molecule that may trigger an immune response
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) markers
A group of proteins present on the surface of all self-cells that enables the immune system to distinguish it from non-self material.
Major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC Class II) markers
Expressed on antigen presenting cells, which interact with T helper cells in the process of antigen-presentation, initiating an adaptative immune response.
A non-pathogenic antigen that triggers an allergic reaction.
Allergic reaction
An overreaction of the immune system to a nonpathogenic antigen.
Types of cellular pathogens
Bacteria, fungi, worms, protozoa
Single-celled eukaryotes that can be free-living or parasitic.
Types of non-cellular pathogens
Viruses, prions
Non-cellular agent composed of a protective protein coat and nucleic acid.
Abnormally folded proteins that have the ability to induce normal proteins nearby to become misfolded.
Innate immune system
A component of the immune system that is composed of generalised and non-specific defences and/or responses to pathogens.
First line of defence
A component of the innate immune system characterised by the presence of physical, chemical, and microbiological barriers to keep pathogens out of the host organism.
Second line of defence
A component of the innate immune system characterised by the nonspecific response to injury and/or pathogens by a variety of cells and molecules.
Physical barrier
A component of the first line of defence that features solid or fluid obstacles that block pathogen entry such as skin or mucus.
Chemical barrier
A component of the first line of defence that features the use of enzymes, toxins, and acids to protect against pathogen invasion.
A waxy protective film covering the surface of a plant leaf.
An abnormal outgrowth of tissue in plants designed to limit the spread of an invading pathogen.
Small hairs on the surface of plants used to deter pathogens and/or insects
A small pore on the leaf’s surface that opens and closes to regulate gas exchange.
Microbiological barrier
A component of the first line of defence in which the presence of normal flora limits the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
Naturally occurring, nonpathogenic bacteria present in an organism.
Thin, hair-like projection that protrudes from eukaryotic cells.
A group of leukocytes responsible for the endocytosis and destruction of pathogens, foreign material, and cell debris.