How do Gov policies impact on girls achievement?
BOALER suggests that government policies and programmes such as GIST and WISE have removed some barriers to girls achievement and have made education more meritocratic.
The introduction to league tables have made girls more desirable for education because they are more likely to fit the ideal pupil.
JACKSON suggests that this idea acts as a self fulfilling prophecy and creates a smarter status in girls as high achievers.
How do gov policies impact on boys achievement?
The DFCSF (2007) identifies that the main reason for boys underachievement is lower literacy levels. This then lead to the introduction of a number of programs to help improve literacy levels..
Eg. Playing for success which aims to rise literacy, numeracy and ICT levels.
Male role models celebrating reading
National literacy program which introduced a daily literacy hour in primary school
How do role models impact on girls achievement?
Increased female role models has increased girls aspirations and they are working harder to achieve more. Textbook and educational resources challenge stereotypes.
WEINER 1970s and 80s women were mainly portrayed as housewives within the media and now women are portrayed in a variety of roles.
How do role models impact on boys achievement?
There are few male role models this can lead to learning being viewed as a female endeavour therefore not worth investing time in. Increased female role models may lead to a crisis in masculinity this can lead to low self esteem and motivation. Negatively affect grades.
How have changes in the curriculum impacted girls achievement?
MITOS argues that the introduction of coursework has positively impacted girls achievement. Girls are more concise and conscientious.
GORARD points out that achievement gap was steady but with introduction of coursework meant that girls have excelled
How have changes in curriculum impacted boys achievement?
Feminisation of education where schools nurture more feminine traits mean that boys are bored and disengaged.
SEWELL in order to close the gap coursework must be replaced with exams so that competition can be reintroduced
How has labelling impacted on girls achievement?
FRENCH AND FRENCH say that teachers interact with girls in a more positive way than boys due to the idea of the ideal pupil. Leads to higher educational achievement and self fulfilling prophecy
How has labelling impacted boys achievement?
FRENCH AND FRENCH say that boys dominate in the classroom which can cause negative interactions due to calling out etc.
Self fulfilling prophecy- boys think they are more capable than they are which leads to less effort and then less EA.