DE 192 : Exam 1 (The tooth, The oral cavity, Dentition) Flashcards
Humans are
A) Polyphyodont and heterodont
B) Diphyodont and Heterodont
C) Monodont and monophyodont
D) Heterodont and polyphyodont
Diphyodont and Heterodont
Congenitally missing teeth is referred to as
Anodontia can be
A) Total or partial
B) Supernumerary and hypodontia
C) Hyperdontia or hypodontia
D) Partial only
Total or partial
Partial Anodontia is also called
Secondary or permanent dentition has ___ teeth
32 teeth
Primary or deciduous dentition has ____ teeth
20 teeth
One set of teeth/dentition throughout life is called
Mixed dentition happens during ages
6-12 years
Some deciduous teeth and some secondary teeth are called
Mixed dentition
Most common teeth missing with partial anodontia
3rd molars, 2nd premolars, maxillary lateral incisors
Supernumerary teeth refers to
Most common supernumerary tooth
What is Dentition?
Refers to the arrangement of teeth
Maxillary and Mandibular arches corresponds to ____ bones and ____ bones
Maxillae bones and Mandible bones
Maxillary teeth are in the mandible. T/F
There are _____ teeth in the permanent dentition and ____ teeth in the primary
32 permanent ; 20 primary
Permanent dentition has ___ incisors
Primary dentition has ____ molars
What is the order used to identify a tooth?
Use these words: arch, dentition, quadrant, tooth name
Dentition –> Arch –> Quadrant –> Tooth Name
What are the names of the teeth located in the front of the mouths are called
Incisors and canines
Each quadrant in a permanent dentition has ___ teeth
Primary dentition has ___ premolars per arch
Succedaneous teeth includes:
Permanent incisors, canines, premolars
Nonsuccedaneous teeth includes:
Permanent molars
The universal numbering system permanent dentition begins with which tooth?
Maxillary right third molar
The universal numbering system primary dentition begins with which tooth?
Maxillary right second molar
What are the baby teeth numbered on the universal numbering system?
A - T
In the Universal Numbering System, the maxillary permanent premolars are?
4, #5, #12, #13
Using the universal numbering system, tooth #18 is the
Mandibular left 2nd molar
Universal numbering system: Permanent maxillary right 2nd molar
According to the palmer notation, tooth
| E
corresponds to…
Lower left second deciduous molar
What is the palmer notation for this tooth?
E |
Maxillary right 2nd molar
In palmer notation, what is all of the 3’s called?
In the palmer notation system, #8 represents…
Third molars
The third molars have what designation under the Universal Numbering System?
1, #16, #17, #32
In the Universal numbering system, what tooth does “P” represent?
Primary mandibular right central incisor
The tooth numbering system most used in the US is the
The four letters that indicate the primary first molars in the Universal Numbering system is
B, I, L, and S
In the universal system, tooth #3 is
Maxillary 1st Molar
A primary dentition arch has ___ teeth
What is the Vermillion Border?
Lip outline ; line between vermilion zone and skin
What is the transitional zone of red tissue between skin and mucosa of lip, body of the lip
Vermillion zone
Junction between the skin of the face (dry) & the mucosa of the oral cavity
Indentation/depression on the skin of the upper lip, at midline, from lip to nose
Corners of the mouth where upper and lower lip meet
Labial Commissures
Lip/groove below lower lip and above chin
Labiomental groove
Grooves/sulcus (laugh lines) from ala of the nose to edge of lip
Nasiolabial groove
Small projections in the midline of the upper lip
Tubercle of lip
Space between lips or cheeks and teeth or alveolar ridge if edentulous
Area surrounded by teeth or alveolar ridges to palatine tonsils
Oral cavity proper
What is the buccal mucosa?
Oral mucosa lining the inside of cheeks
Small elevation opposite to max 1st molars; contains an opening for parotid salivary gland which empties through Stenson’s duct
Parotid Papilla
Small yellowish spots, harmless, misplaced sebaceous gland
Fordyce granules
White lines/ridge of raised tissue at level of occlusion extending horizontally
Linea alba
The band of tissue connecting center of lip to mucosa at midline in both arches
Labial frenum
The band of tissue connection cheeks to mucosa at premolar are in both arches
Buccal frenum
Base of vestibule where mucosa of cheeks and lips turn toward gingiva
Mucobuccal fold & Mucolabial fold
Movable mucosa lying against alveolar bone
Alveolar mucosa
Where alveolar mucosa becomes tightly attached to bone and gingiva begins
Mucogingival junction
A very thick mucosa called masticatory mucosa
Transverse elevation, ridges, wrinkles running side to side behind max anteriors
Palatine Rugae
What is labial mucosa?
Lines the inside of lips
Single bulge or pad of tissues behind max. central incisors
Incisive papillae
Midline ridge of tissue running ateriorposteriorly
Midpalatine raphe
Junction of 2 bony plates forming hard palate
Median palatine suture
Small fleshy projection/ hanging fold of tissue at midline on posterior end of soft palate
Two folds of tissue, anterior and posterior, formed by muscles
Anterior and posterior faucial pillars
Lies on the sides of throat between tonsillar pillars - first line of defense
Palatine tonsils
Fleshy area behind last mandibular molar where mandibular alveolar ridge ends
Retromolar pad
Anterior midline fold of tissue attaching center of ventral surface of tongue to the floor of mouth
Lingual frenum
Bony growth in midline of palate/very common
Palatal Torus
Bony extension/area behind last maxillary molar
Maxillary tuberosity
Two small depressions are located on each side of posterior nasal spine
Palatine fovea
Fold of tissue extend posteriorly on right and left lingual frenum from caruncles
Sublingual folds
2 small elevations on either side of lingual frenum. Opening for 2 major salivary glands
Sublingual caruncle
Bony growths protruding on tongue side of mandible
Mandibular torus
Hard calcified tissue that covers the anatomic crown portion of the tooth
Hardest tissue in the human body
Hard calcified tissue making up the bulk of the tooth, light yellow, very pprous
Enamel forming cells
Dentin forming cells
Tissues of the tooth:
Enamel, Dentin, Cementum, and Pulp
What are the 2 main parts of each tooth?
Crown and Root
The cervical line of a tooth is
The area where dentin meets enamel is
The area where dentin meets the cementum is
Inorganic composition of tissue (Hydroxyapatine main component) makes up
96% of enamel, 70% of dentin, 50% cementum
Imaginary line the divides the body into right and left halves
Middle line / Midsagital plane or line
The anterior teeth includes
Central incisors, Lateral incisors, canines
Clinical crown is?
The visible part of the tooth from gingival crest to occlusal surface
Anatomic crown is?
The entire crown from occlusal surface to CEJ
Split of root of the tooth in 2 segments
Split of the root of the tooth into 3 segments
Anatomical root is?
Part of the tooth from the apex to CEJ
Area of the root between the furcation and the CEJ?
Root trunk
Apex is ?
Terminal end of the root
Alveolar process is?
Process of the maxillae and mandible, holds the roots in the jaw
Periodontal ligament
Attaches the tooth to the alveolar process
Extension of the pulp in a coronal direction
Pulp horn
Pulp chamber
Space occupied by the coronal pulp
Functions of dentin
Protect and insulate the pulp, ability to repari
Types of dentin
Primary, Secondary, Tertiary
Reparative dentin
Dentin formed in response to local trauma
Highly mineralized dentin, elderly, tubules empty of fluid and calcified
Sclerotic dentin
Accellular cementum
Does not have cellular components
Cellular cementum Vs Acellular cementum
Cellular: Apical 1/3
Acellular: The other 2./3
Cells the line the periphery of the pulp
Mechanism of anchorage of the tooth to bone that protects and supports the teeth
Ability to add to itself throughout life is a characteristic of
Upper teeth are in the