DDx Flashcards
Behavioral problems in childhood
ADHD ODD Conduct disorder Manic episode Adjustment disorder Hyperthyroidism Substance use Age-appropriate behavior
Work-up - behavioral problems in childhood
Physical exam
Mental status exam
Urine toxicology
TSH, free T4
Child with short stature
Constitutional short stature
Genetic disorders
Medical problems - chronic renal insufficiency, hypothyroidism, GH deficiency
Work-up - child with short stature
CBC w/diff, BMP (lytes, BUN/Cr) TSH, free T4 GH stimulation test, IGF-1 levels XR - hand U/S - renal, cardiac
Child with red eye
Viral conjunctivitis Bacterial conjunctivitis Allergic conjunctivitis Keratitis Uveitis Orbital cellulitis Preseptal cellulitis
Work-up - child with red eye
Ophthalmoscopic eye exam Discharge cultures Slit lamp exam CT - orbit CBC, BMP (electrolytes)
Child with GI symptoms - 1 month infant, vomiting (non-bloody, non-bilious)
Pyloric stenosis Partial/complete duodenal atresia GERD Gastroenteritis Hepatitis UTI
Child with GI symptoms - 3 y/o with constipation
Hirschsprung disease Low-fiber diet Anal stenosis Hypothyroidism Lead poisoning Celiac disease
Child with GI symptoms - 8 mo with sudden-onset colicky abdominal pain, vomiting, bloody diarrhea
Intussusception Appendicitis Meckel diverticulum Volvulus Gastroenteritis Enterocolitis Blunt abdominal trauma
Child with GI symptoms - 7 y/o with generalized abdominal pain, missing many school days
Somatoform disorder Malingering IBS Lactose intolerance Child abuse
Child with GI symptoms - 2 mo with episodes of crying, subside after passing flatus
Colic Formula allergy GERD Lactose intolerance Strangulated hernia Testicular torsion Gastroenteritis
Work-up - child with GI symptoms
Rectal exam, stool for occult blood
Labs: CBC, BMP, LFTs, alkaline phosphatase, UA, UCx, TSH, free T4, serum lead level, anti-tissue transglutaminase, anti-endomysial and total IgA antibodies, amylase, lipase, stool ova/parasites, CDiff toxin
Imaging: U/S (abdomen, testicular), barium swallow, esophageal pH probe, endoscopy, barium enema, contrast enema, rectal biopsy, anorectal manometry, CT - abdomen
Child with fever - 20-day-old infant
Neonatal sepsis
Child with fever - 3 y/o pulling on ear
Acute otitis media
Child with fever - 12 mo with rash
Measles (or other viral exanthem) Rubella Roseola Fifth disease Varicella Scarlet fever Meningitis
Child with fever - 4 y/o with diarrhea, vomiting
Gastroenteritis (viral, bacterial, parasitic) Food poisoning UTI URI Intusussception Volvulus
Work-up - child with fever
Labs: CBC, BMP, blood culture, LP (CSF analysis), UA, UCx, viral antibodies/titers, throat swab for culture, stool exam and culture
Imaging: CXR, abdominal XR
Low back pain
Lumbar muscle strain Disk herniation Lumbar spinal stenosis Tumor in the vertebral canal Vertebral compression fracture PVD Malingering Knee or leg fracture Osteoarthritis Osteomyelitis Epidural abscess Ankylosing spondylitis
Work-up - Low back pain
Imaging: XR, CT, MRI (lumbar spine)
ABI, Doppler U/S - lower extremity, angiography
Joint/limb pain - wrist pain, numbness/burning in hand
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Median nerve compression in the forearm or arm
Radiculopathy of nerve roots C6 and C7 in the cervical spine
De Quervain tenosynovitis
Work-up - joint/limb pain (wrist pain, numbness/burning in hand)
Nerve conduction studies
U/S - wrist
MRI - spine
Joint/limb pain +/- systemic symptoms
Psoriatic arthritis
Septic arthritis Reactive arthritis Lyme arthritis Disseminated gonorrhea Parvovirus B19 infection
Work-up - joint/limb pain +/- systemic symptoms
Labs: CBC, ESR, CRP, cervical/blood culture, uric acid
Antibodies: ANA, anti-dsDNA (SLE), anti-Sm (SLE), C3, C4, antiphospholipid antibodies, RF, anti-CCP (RA), parvovirus B19, Lyme titers (IgG, IgM)
Arthrocentesis and synovial fluid analysis (cell count, Gram stain, culture, crystals)
Imaging: XR - hands, knees, pelvis/SI joints
Joint/limb pain - hip pain, fall/trauma
Hip fracture
Hip dislocation (+/- traumatic)
Pelvic fracture
Work-up - hip pain
XR - hip/pelvis CT or MRI - hip CBC, serum Ca or vitamin D DEXA PT/PTT UDS, BAL U/S - abdomen (FAST exam)
Joint/limb pain - knee pain
OA Gout Pseudogout Meniscal or ligament damage Septic arthritis Lyme arthritis Trauma Reactive arthritis
Joint/limb pain - foot pain
Stress fracture Plantar fasciitis Sprain or strain Heel fracture Splinter/foreign body
Work-up - joint/limb pain - foot pain
XR - foot
Bone scan - foot
MRI - foot
Joint/limb pain - calf (red, tender, swollen)
DVT Baker cyst rupture Myositis Cellulitis Superficial venous thrombosis
Work-up - joint/limb pain - calf (red, tender, swollen)
Doppler U/S - leg
CBC, CPK, D-Dimer
Joint/limb pain - shoulder pain
Shoulder dislocation
Humerus fracture
Rotator cuff injury
Work-up - joint/limb pain - shoulder pain
XR - shoulder, arm
MRI - shoulder
Atrophic vaginitis Endometriosis Cervicitis Vaginismus Vulvodynia PID Depression
Work-up - dyspareunia
Pelvic exam
Wet mount, KOH prep, cervical cultures
Vaginal discharge
Bacterial vaginosis
Vaginitis - candida, trichomonal
Cervicitis (chlamydia, gonorrhea)
Work-up - vaginal discharge
Pelvic exam
Wet mount, KOH prep, “whiff test”
pH of vaginal fluid
Cervical cultures/NAAT
Vaginal bleeding
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding Coagulation disorder (eg, von Willibrand disease, hemophilia) Hypothyroidism
Spontaneous abortion
Ectopic pregnancy
Molar pregnancy
Cervicitis PID Ruptured ovarian cyst Ovarian torsion Trauma
Atrophic endometrium Endometrial hyperplasia Endometrial polyps Atrophic vaginitis Endometrial cancer Cervical cancer
Work-up - Vaginal bleeding
Pelvic exam Pap smear U/S - pelvis, abdomen Endometrial biopsy, curettage Colposcopy/biopsy HPV testing Hydro-ultrasonography?
CBC, PT/PTT, ESR, LH/FSH, TSH, Prl urine hCG, cervical culture, quantitative serum hCG
Pregnancy Anovulatory cycle Hyperprolactinemia/prolactinoma Hypothyroidism PCOS Ovarian or adrenal malignancy Premature ovarian failure Pituitary tumor Menopause Pituitary infarction (Sheehan syndrome) Asherman syndrome Anorexia nervosa Hyperthyroidism Anxiety-induced PTSD Depression
Work-up - amenorrhea
Urine hCG, CBC, Prl, TSH, free T4, LH/FSH, estradiol, testosterone, DHEAS, ACTH, urine cortisol, progesterone challenge test
Pelvic exam, U/S transvaginal and transabdominal, hysteroscopy
Pap smear
MRI - brain