DDH (Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip) Flashcards
What is developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH)?
Disorder of abnormal development resulting in dysplasia and possible subluxation or dislocation of the hip secondary to capsular laxity and mechanical factors
Is a spectrum of disease:
Dysplasia- a shallow or underdeveloped acetabulum
Teratologic hip- dislocated in utero and irreducible on neonatal exam presents with a pseudoacetabulum
Late (adolescent) dysplasia- mechanically stable and reduced but dysplastic
What are the risk factors for DDH?
1) first born
2) female (6:1 over males)
3) breech
4) family history
5) oligohydramnios
Female left hip is MC location
Where is the acetabular deficiency typically in DDH?
Anterior or anterolateral
Is cerebral palsy it is posterosuperior
What are the 3 physical diagnostic tests of DDH?
Barlow- a dislocatable hip will dislocate with adduction and posterior force
Ortolani- a reducible hip will reduce with abduction and traction
Galeazzi- knees bent, dislocated leg appears shorter
Barlow and Ortolani a rarely positive after 3 months of age because of soft-tissue contractures about the hip
What is the most sensitive sign of DDH in a child >3 months?
Limitation of hip abduction
Children who are of walking age may have Trendelenburg gait
What are some radiographic lines a/w a hip dislocation in DDH?
1) Hilgenreiner’s line- horizontal line through right and left triradiate cartilage; femoral head ossification should be inferior to this line
2) Perkin’s line- line perpendicular line to Hilgenreiner’s through a point at lateral margin of acetabulum; femoral head ossification should be medial to this line
3) Shenton’s line- arc along inferior border of femoral neck and superior margin of obturator foramen
arc line should be continuous
Development of what after a hip reduction of DDH after reduction is thought to be good prognostic sign for hip function?
Acetabular teardrop
What are radiographic signs in dysplasia of DDH?
1) Acetabular index- line drawn from point on the lateral triradiate cartilage to point on lateral margin of acetabulum and Hilgenreiners line; should be less than 25° in patients older than 6 months
2) Center Edge Angle (CEA)- angle formed by a vertical line from the center of the femoral head and a line from the center of the femoral head to the lateral edge of the acetabulum; less than 20° is considered abnormal
(reliable only in patients over the age of 5 years)
What imaging modality is used to follow reduction with use of a Pavlik harness for DDH?
US not used for screening exam unless at 4-6 wks have positive exam or risk factors
What is the study of choice to view reduction following closed reduction and spica casting of DDH?
What age groups are various treatment modalities initiated for the treatment of DDH?
1) 18 months- open reduction and spica casting (or if closed reduction fails)
4) > 2yrs- open reduction and pelvic osteotomy (more common in kids >4yo)
What is the goal position in Pavlik harness application in DDH?
90-100° hip flexion, 50° abduction
worn for 23 hours/day for at least 6 weeks or until hip is stable; wean out of harness over 6-8 weeks after hip has stabilized until normal anatomy develops
Follow initially every week with US; if not reduced by 3 weeks then closed v open reduction and spica cast
What are some technical points of hip spica casting for DDH?
1) 100° hip flexion
2) 45° hip abduction (may require adductor tenotomy)
3) use arthrogram to confirm reduction intra-op
4) CT post-op to confirm reduction
5) casted for 3 months; change at 6 wks
What are the pelvic osteotomies for DDH?
All used to increase anterior or anterolateral coverage of femoral head
Salter- Single cut above acetabulum through the ilium to sciatic notch (Tr open, younger kids)
Triple (Steele)- Salter with additional cuts through rami (Tr open, older kids)
Pemberton- starts below AIIS and ends at Tr (Tr open, moderate to severe DDH, most versatile)
PAO (Ganz)- multiple osteotomies in the pubis, ilium, and ischium near the acetabulum (Tr closed; posterior column intact)
What are the salvage pelvic osteotomies for DDH?
Shelf- Add bone to lateral acetabulum (relies on fibrocartialge metaplasia)
Chiari- cut above acetabulum to sciatic notch and shift ileum lateral beyond edge of acetabulum (relies on fibrocartilge metaplasia)
What are complications seen in the treatment of DDH?
Osteonecrosis- increased rates with forceful abduction, failed closed tx, repeat surgery
Transient femoral nerve palsy- seen with excessive flexion with Pavlik bracing
The acetabular teardrop is composed of what structures?
Quadrilateral surface and cotyloid fossa
When does the ossific nucleus of the proximal femur become visible on radiographs?
At 6 months of age
What are impediments to reduction of the DDH?
1) constriction of the joint capsule of hip: most important type of obstruction in older children;
2) contraction of the psoas tendon over acetabular inlet;
3) hypertrophy of the transverse acetabular ligament;
4) pulvinar
5) ligamentum teres;
6) inverted neolimbus
7) Labrum
Using the posterior lower extremity straps of a Pavlik harness to produce abduction is a/w?
AVN; posterio straps are used to prevent adduction; anterior straps are used for hip flexion