DCT Essay Plans Flashcards
“How convincing is augustines teaching about the fall and original sin”
St augustine was one of the most important theologians of all time, developing core christian beliefs from fall of man to original sin
accurate account human nature, inclination to sin, how natural sin is how we cant escape, no matter how hard we try
-contary to evolution DAWKINS “codemns children before they are born, inherit sin of ancestor”
-may not compatible with evolution, metaphorical still truths
overiding sex drive, pyschology and science
-1700 years of sexual opresssion and mysogyny
-limiting sex in marriage, found in all cultures, not on his own for disdain for uncontrolled sexual freedom
-REINHOLD NEIBHUR, impossible to talk about sin, failure to talk sin led to collosal mistakes, war poverty, more pain and suffering
-Pinker- humanitarian principle, best interest to look after one another
-reduction in hate cri,es , tyrannical leaders, sin uneccesary guilt.
-The idea of double deaths links closely with the understanding of the emotinal and physical weakness of human condition
-killing jesus wouls restore humanity is just ridicouous DAWKINS
-the idea of one generation leading to damnation of another is not a loving god
“How convincing is augustines teaching about the fall and original sin”
provides an accurate account of human nature and inclination to sin, how natural is how we cant escape no matter how hard we try
- contrary to evolution DAWKINS condemning children before birth, inherit sin
- the idea of a double death fits itself with the understanding of the emotional aswell as the physical weakness
kiling jesus to restore faith in humanity ridicoulous
-idea of our generation leading to eterna damnation does not fit with loving God.
- not compatible with evo, metaphorically, important truths about human nature
-metaphorical, not one where someone chose to disobey goD, where did pride come from
-makes the idea of pre and post LS problematic, underpins AUG thinking.
demonstrates how human weakness is something we are born with, cannot escape, no matter how hard we try
-illogical to kill jesus for humanity