DCT Flashcards
Augustines view on Human Nature
- He was one of the most important theologians of all time, developing core Christian beliefs from the fall of man to original sin.
- Work includes ‘Confessions’ and ‘City of Theology’
- A Belief in two souls, one light and one dark, warning over the person, and throughout the universe we must return to God by choosing God.
- Achieved y living an axestic life
- manicheism could explain maths and philosophy
- he turned to neo-platonism
- to contemplate God the mind and the body had to work in unison, however the soul cannot control the body so this couldnt happen.
- only after death can the soul be reunited with God.
- Evil was a lack of Goodness.
Augustines teaching on the Pre-Lapsarian Will
- Genesis 1-3
- Humans in the world were created perfectly with free will. In the image of God (Imagio Dei).
- Body, soul and reason all work in harmony, direct the m with pure living with God.
- The Human, all 3 parts, are directed by the will.
Augustines Teaching on Human Will
-Human will is the driving force behind all of their actions
-He claims that there is a kind of love that causes us to act in a kind of way. He claims that it is split into two parts.
CUPITIDAS: A kind of self love ideally driving one to personal perfection.
CARITAS: Generous love which allows one to look after their community and play a positive part in their creation.
Augustines Teaching on Friendship
- For Augustine, friendship is the highest expression of human existence
- In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were in a perfect, loving friendship with eachother and with God.
- even though they had sex, it wasnt lustful as the will of love was in harmony with the needs of the body.
- They were in perfect unobscured unison with God.
Augustines teaching on the Post Lapsarian Will
- God created a level of variation within everything.
- This applied to the angels he created aswell as some were created with more pride and less reverence.
Augustines teaching on the Post Lapsarian Will
- Due to Humans free will, we can also be proud.
- Satan envied the humans perfect state so encouraged Adam and Eves pride.
- This lead them to eat from the tree of wisdom, a sign that they wanted to be like God.
Augustines teaching on the Post Lapsarian Will
- the idea of pride, having entered the human will, caused the fall of the man.
- the act of human rebellion is down to human free will.
- In this way,pride (disobedience) is the first and greatest of all vices and obedience is the first and greatest of all virtues.
- This meant that the will, not the body is fallen. The body remains in the same state, however the will cant control it.
The Divided Will
- After disobeying God, it weakened the will.
- Cupitidas often overrides caritas and humans become more self centered.
- This means that the will is at a constant war with itself, it is because that we do things which we know is wrong.
- The human body was created with the desire for those things that fulfill and sustain the basic functions of a human to eat, sleep and reproduce.
- Augustine calls the desire for these things, the ‘libido’ which is roughly equvalent to sex drive.
- Concupiscene is the reason humans sin and it distracts us from loving God.
Free Will
- he used to think that Humans can reach a virtous state by their own merits
- he saw concupiscence and sin as a punishment for disobedience which can never be overcome
- he thought that humans were fettered by sin and would not escape it.
- The inability to escape sin meant that Augustine adopted a strict belief on pre-destination and limited election.
- he thought that only the elect would be saved by God,none by their own actions.
- Jesus Christ saving us all?
Jesus as the Son of God
- Although Jesus never specifically said that he was the Son of God, he alludes to it frequently, throughout his conversations and speeches with those he encountered.
- frequently refered to as God throughout scripture
- Jesus referenced God as his father
- At his baptism, a voice declares ‘this is my Son’
Jesus being directly associated with God
- John calls Jesus the word and “the word of God”
- Thomas refers to Jesus as “My lord my God”
- John says that “Gods spirit will come again through Jesus”.
- Matthew records Jesus as having a God like power.
- Throughout the Church, Jesus was worshipped, something done to a God.