Day1 Flashcards
What is the first thing that a team should do to estimate user stories for a project?
Define story points measure
In Lean environment:
Management should guide the team as it seeks to improve itself and reduce errors in the system
In scrum, each sprint should produce:
An increment of potentially shippable product functionality
To alleviate some of the tension between team members, PM should:
Hold daily standup meetings
Continuous integration ensures that a product is
Technologically ready to deploy at any time
A tool allows the PO to focus on providing greatest value and ROI to the organization
Product Backlog
Purpose of daily standup meeting
Raise the visibility of each person’s work and to ensure the work is integrated
Layer of product planning structure defines details at the capability or feature level
Most powerful capability of scrum:
Self organized and empowered
Customer responsibility in XP
Write stories and acceptance tests for each one
Following most likely to assist when a customer has difficulty prioritizing stories
Split stories into smaller
When manager interacts with team members, he should
Ask them to do things by phrasing the statement as request rather than demand
Product should be very fast, during demo PO is not satisfied
Reason is user story was not descriptive of the value
Example of visual aid used in lean agile software development
Business value delivered chart
SM noticed friction between two team members in daily scrum meeting. Next step is:
Schedule a meeting with them
According to fundamentals of Lean, errors result from:
Flaws in development and production systems
One benefit of incremental delivery
Value is delivered more quickly, as software can be released after every iteration
Extreme character personas used for
Help identify user stories that otherwise would be missed
In XP, analysis, design, coding and testing are done
Every day
User stories are temporary artifacts, they are considered relevant until the
Team completes them
The technique in which planning is done at 3 distinct horizons( release, iteration and current day) is known as
Progressive elaboration
A common reason that story may not be estimable is that the
Team lack domain knowledge
High level representation of features or themes delivered in each release
Product roadmap
Agile five levels of planning:
- Product vision
- Product roadmap
- Release Plan
- Iteration Plan
- Daily commitment
Key elements of user story
Conversation, written description and success criteria
Remember the three Cs (conversation, cards and confirmation)
Risk burndown chart
Illustrates risk profile and new and changing risks
In vision meeting, vision is defined and presented by the:
In the lean process, the focus is on:
Optimizing completed work across the process stream
Common communication bridge between team and PO
Product backlog
Primary outputs of release planning session
Risks, action items, dependencies and release backlog
At strategic level, most appropriate way for team to estimate a project is
Using abstract measurement to estimate product backlog items
Last responsible moment
Failing to make decision eliminates important alternative
Who is responsible for making sure that each user story is associated with at least one user role or persona
Risk exposure is the
Amount of money the risk will cost if it occurs
Most appropriate model for a geographically distributed project team is team distributed across:
Relatively few locations with each location team comprised of complete development group developing decoupled subsystems
The three processes used to begin an agile project
Visioning, product roadmap planning and product backlog definition
In agile, project values r most effectively implemented when they r determined by
Scrum master
Provides leadership, guidance and coaching
Principle of agile and lean method of simplicity
Maximizing the amount of work not done
Who is responsible for definition of done?