Day 7 - Rectruitment Flashcards
The Recruitment process
- Identify job openings
- Identify job requirements
- Determine recruitment methods
- Obtain applications
Recruitment as Marketing
- Generating applicants
- Maintaining applicant status
- Influencing job choice
Strategic Importance of Recruitment
Recruitment decisions have profound implications for strategic success
Competitive advantage from human capital
Benefits of diversity management
Focusing on employee development
Investing resources into recruitment
Generating Applicants
Deciding whom to target
- Geography (locally? Or need to expand the search?)
- Applicant type (need a certain skill set, but also need to find someone who will fit into the culture with values, etc)
Choice of Recruitment Source
Which recruitment source generally produces the highest quality applicants?
-Employee Referrals and Rehires
Employee Referrals- tend to be hard working, and have realistic ideas
Neg: decrease the diversity of the workplace
-usually see that it isn’t greener on the other side
Unsolicited applications
-good source as well.
Internal Recruiting
- Employee is familiar with organization
- Employee is “know” thereby increasing ability to predict success
- improves employee morale and motivation
Internal Recruiting
- Internal competition can reduce cooperation
- No “new blood” so can precent creative solutions
- Poor morale (possible turnover) of employees not promoted
External Recruitment
- Able to acquire skills and knowledge that may not be available within
- newer ideas and novel ways of solving problems may emerge
- more diverse workplace
External Recruitment
- Newcomers may not fit in
- Newcomers take longer to learn about the organization
- usually more expensive
- lowered morale and motivation of current employees
Generating applicants
The Decision to Apply
Social Identity Theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1985): “self-concepts are shaped in part by the organizations to which we belong” (Barber, 1998, p. 33)
(Social Identity Theory: How does membership with the company affect their perception of their self? Does it match their value system? Match b/t persons identity and companies identity)
Correspondence between self and organizational image
Recruitment Methods
Walk-ins and Write-ins
Employee Referrals
The Internet
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC)
Private Employment Agencies
Professional Search Firms
Educational Institutions (co op programs and job fairs)
Professional & Labour Organizations
Armed Forces (retired soldiers that are highly trained)
Temporary-Help Agencies
Departing Employees (sometimes you can hire them back, do exit interviews with them after they left)
Open House and Job Fairs
Non-Tradtional Recruitment Methods
Applicant Tracking Systems (software to match people to jobs)
Contingent Contract/Leased Workers
Partnerships with Social Agencies
Direct Mail Solicitations (mailing people letters)
Recruitment Abroad
Choosing Rectruitment Sources
How does a recruiter choose which methods to use?
How many recruits are needed?
What is the skill level required?
What sources are available?
What has worked in the past?
How much is the budget?
Are there labour agreements that specify recruitment options?